Acronyms & Terms used in DbD

After seeing some posts about the terms we commonly use in game, I thought I'd create a thread with a list of the most common ones - any that need to be added, please comment below and I will add them to the list.
BBQ Barbeque & Chilli, Teachable Leatherface perk
STBFL Save the Best for Last – Teachable Myers Perk
PWYF Play With Your Food – Teachable Myers Perk
DC Disconnecting from the game/Ragequit – Unsportsmanlike Behaviour
AFK Away From Keyboard, as a survivor in this scenario you will start to accumulate AFK Crows which circle your head and will notify the killer to your location
BL Either Balanced Landing (teachable Nea Perk)or Bloodlust - should be obvious from the context.
BS Brutal Strength :eyes: Teachable Trapper Perk
BNP Brand New Part
IW Iron Will – Teachable Jake Park Perk
IG Iron Grasp
KYF Kill Your Friends – it’s a gamemode
NOED Hex No One Escapes Death - general killer Perk
OoO Object of Obsession - Teachable Laurie Perk
SWF Survive With Friends, groups of 2-4 survivors playing together
BT Borrowed Time – William Overbeck Teachable Perk
DS Decisive Strike – Teachable Lauri Perk
PGTW/Pop Pop Goes the Weasel – Teachable Clown Perk
DH Dead Hard, Teachable David King Perk
Camping A situation where a killer remains near a hooked survivor
Tunneling The act of a killer chasing one survivor at the expense of other survivors, ignoring them even.
Kobe (4%) When a survivor frees themselves off a hook without another survivor unhooking them
WGLF - We're Gonna Live Forever – Teachable David King Perk.
MoM - Mettle of Man – Teachable Ash Williams Perk.
M&A - Monitor & Abuse – Teachable Doctor Perk.
BP - Blood Points, an in-game currency with which you can buy perks, items and addons in the Blood Web.
BM - Bad Manners; unnecessary toxic behavior, like t-bagging, clicking flashlight and hitting hooked survivors.
4K - Four killed survivors.
Genrushing - Focusing on the repairing generators as quickly as possible, at the expense of your teammates; gens before friends.
Patrolling - The act of killer walking around certain places of the map (usually generator placements) in order to find survivors.
Face-camping - A situation where a killer stands still directly in front of a hooked survivor.
Slugging - A situation where killer, instead of hooking, leaves survivor on the ground to bleed out.
Sabo - The act of sabotaging hooks with toolboxes or Saboteur, which is a Teachable Jake Park Perk.
Maining - Playing for a certain killer/survivor the most amount of time. As a killer - fully understanding selected killer's powers and potential.
Juking - Evading killer's hit.
Vommy Mommy - The Plague.
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TR - Terror radius, aka the killer's proximity heartbeat.
TOTH - Hex: Thrill Of The Hunt
EW - Evil Within, power of the Shape (Myers). Usually numbered to show tier (eg. EW3)
4e - 4 man escape.
RBT - Reverse Bear Trap, power of The Pig.
99 - A term used to describe when a survivor action is nearly completed.
360 - When a survivor spins their character model to avoid a hit.
Looping - Running the same tile to maximize time wasted by the killer in a chase. Usually involves running in a circle around an object with a pallet, sometimes a window.
Safe pallet - A pallet that favors survivors and has little mind game potential. Once dropped safe pallets should be broken or else the survivor can run from the killer forever if they play perfectly. Most killers will need bloodlust to have a chance to catch you at these pallets. Example, a standard 1 pallet tile on Coldwind/Macmillan/Autohaven maps.
Unsafe pallet - A pallet where a killer can easily get a hit with mind games or bloodlust before or after being dropped. Example, most pallets on Hawkins.
God pallet - A specific type of safe pallet that is so strong for survivors it is impossible to get a hit via mind games or bloodlust as killer. Only some killers can beat you at a God pallet (eg. Nurse, Hag). Every other killer MUST break a God pallet to actually catch you, and perfect play is not necessary. Example, shack pallet.
God window - A window that, once vaulted, forces the killer to take a long path around regardless of which direction you go.
Moonwalk - Walking backwards as killer to hide their red stain. Can also refer to a glitchy animation survivors do where they appear to be running backwards.
Immersed - A term used to describe survivors that hide a lot.
Baby Killer/Baby Survivor - A new or inexperienced player. May also refer to under-leveled perks.
Anti-X - A tactic that counters X. Example, Anti-Healing killer builds featuring perks/add-on that make healing difficult or a waste of time.
LT wall/TL wall - A tile common to all maps that feature 2 windows.
Cow Tree - A specific window & pallet tile that spawns on Coldwind (corn) maps featuring a tree, stone wall, and cows hanging from the tree.
Window Tech - A survivor trick where they will walk through the killer's character model as the killer vaults a window in such a way that the killer does not see them and goes in the wrong direction.
Locker tech - When you enter a lock to avoid a hit, usually an insta-down or blink. May also refer to using DS and Head On in combination to get a double stun on the killer.
CJ tech - A technique where a survivor is downed near a pallet, you drop the pallet to stun the killer, they immediately try to break it but you vault the pallet forcing them to pick up the survivor, then you flashlight save the survivor.
Totem Roulette - A killer build featuring all totems. Most common version is Haunted Ground, Thrill Of The Hunt, Devour Hope, and Retribution.
Forever Freddy - A Nightmare build usually featuring some combination of Swing Chains, Jump Rope, Sloppy Butcher, Thanatophobia, Ruin, Dying Light, and Pop Goes The Weasel.
Bodyblocker Hag - A Hag build using the add-ons Water Logged Shoe and Scarred Hand. Hag phantasms will physically block survivors, but Hag cannot teleport to traps. Hag also moves slightly faster than normal.
SM Myers - Scratched Mirror Myers. A Shape build using Scratched Mirror that allows the killer to see auras at will within 32m. The killer is locked to EW1 and thus is very slow and cannot gain bloodlust.
Impossible Skillcheck Doc - A Doctor build using Unnerving Presence, Huntress Lullaby, Overcharge, and Distressing with add-ons that further increase the size of the killer's TR with the goal to make skill checks significantly more difficult.
Omega Blink Nurse - A now patched out Nurse add-on combo featuring both range add-ons.
Scream For Myers - A Shape build using Fragrant Tuft of Hair and Infectious Fright. May also include Dead Rabbit and Distressing. The idea is for the killer to get infinite EW3 and then go around slugging every survivor quickly using Infectious.
Post edited by thesuicidefox on11 -
Yoink - Interrupt Ie grabbed out of locker/off gen/ through window.
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DS is also for Death Slinger btw.
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Dumb tech: Stun the killer with a pallet slide over to them sit inside them slide back over. Or you can keep running while your team mate pick the pallet back up with anymeans.
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Farming - doing something that isn't normal to get more points I.e working with the killer or unhooking a survivor infront of the killer.
Didn't word that as well as I hoped.
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3 Gen - Refers to a situation where the last 3 generators are situated fairly close together, which is advantageous for the killer. Occasionally you will see the more rare 4 gen variant.
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Blendette: A term used for Claudette players who are mostly hiding and using Urban Evasion to avoid being seen the most of the trial than completing the objectives.
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Beamer - Term sometimes used for a flashlight. i.e "Beamer saved him"
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What is NERF?
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Burger King Myers - A troll/challenge build for The Shape that consists in using the Vanity Mirror + Judith's Tombstone add ons to massively reduce your speed and turn you into a very slow killer with a short lunge. This is normally done as a challenge or as a troll build.
Adept/Adepting - A term used to refer to a survivor or killer that are using their 3 unique perks in order to get the adept achievement.
Bodyblocking - A strategy done by both killers and survivors that consists in using your character (body) to block your opponent's path. Survivors normally use it to prevent killers from hooking survivors and killers use it to block windows, pallets, exit gates and the hatch.
Sandbagging - Intentionally trying to get your teammates killed or reveal their location to the killer. This is normally done by doing loud noise actions near a teammate to get the killer's attention or by bodyblocking them or dropping a pallet on their faces during a chase.
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Boosted survivor/killer - when someone has a high rank but fails a lot/doesn't know how to do certain things/overall seems like an inexperienced player
Dead on hook/death hook - describes a survivor who has been hooked twice/has reached the struggle phase and got rescued, and will be sacrificed if they get caught and hooked again.
Teabagging - pressing the crouch button repeatedly as survivor (or as The Pig/Ghostface) to make it look like the character is dancing. Often done by toxic survivors after pallet stunning the killer or in the exit gate area. Considered BM.
OP - overpowered, i.e. a perk build that almost always ensures at least one kill or two
Clickie - either another term for flashlight, or for a survivor who tries to get the killer's attention by quickly shining their flashlight at the killer, creating both a visual and audible distraction
Tombstone Myers - A Shape using the two add-ons "Fragrant Tuft of Hair" and "Judith's Tombstone". Those make it so that the Shape can grab and kill survivors when he is in Evil Within Tier 3, which, once reached, lasts until the end of the match thanks to the tuft of hair. Usually paired with the perks "Play With Your Food", "Hex: Ruin", "Dying Light" and "Brutal Strength"
Impossible Skill Checks Doc - A Doctor using the add-ons "Calm - Carter's notes" and "Iridescent King" (or another Calm add-on) in combination with the perks "Hex: Huntress' Lullaby", "Unnerving Presence", "Overcharge" and "Distressing", as well as either the "Jigsaw Piece" or "Hawkins National Laboratory ID" offering. The whole point of this build is to have a terror radius that covers almost the whole map (so that Unnerving Presence can be used as efficiently as possible) and make skill checks extremely difficult.
Basement Bubba - A Leatherface using the perks "Insidious", "Monstrous Shrine", "Agitation" and either "Iron Grasp" or "Territorial Imperative". A Basement Bubba wants to hook survivors in the basement and camp them to ensure the kill, using Insidious to suppress his terror radius while standing in the corner of the basement. Any survivor that tries to save the hooked person will then be downed using the chainsaw and receive the same annoying treatment until they die.
DK Billy/Drift King Billy - A Hillbilly using the two boots add-ons, which make steering during a chainsaw sprint much easier. Perks used by DK Billy are "Trail of Torment", "Tinkerer", "Oppression" and "Surveillance".
Jungle Gym - an area in outdoor maps where several walls stand in close proximity to each other, creating a looping area with windows and/or pallets
Killer Shack - the little building that exists on every map (except for indoor maps like The Game, Léry's Memorial Institute, Hawkins National Laboratory and Midwich Elementary School). It always spawns with one normal door, one door with a pallet (which is always considered a "god pallet") and a window. The basement often spawns in the killer shack too, but not always.
Yamaoka Gym - A special kind of jungle gym that is exclusive to the "Yamaoka Estate" and "Mount Ormond" maps. It's most prominent feature are the diagonal walls.
Fun Bus - A loop unique to the "Autohaven Wreckers" maps. It's a bus, divided into two parts, one on the left and one on the right. It can spawn in different ways. One window is either connecting the two parts of the bus, or at the end of one part. A pallet either spawns in the middle of the other part or between the bus and a rock.
House of Pain - a term used to describe Michael Myers' house on the "Haddonfield" map. It is a two-story building with window locations that depend on the spawn. A similar house can be found on the "Springwood" maps. Usually, there is a generator as well.
Four-Lane - A type of jungle gym that consists of four parallel walls. between the first and second wall is a pallet and in the third wall there is a window.
Tractor - A construction unique to the "Coldwind Farm" maps. It is some kind of farming machinery with a ramp that leads to an elevated area with two vaults, surrounded by haystacks. very good to get a better view of the map's layout and players' locations as well as to loop if done correctly
The High Ground - Basically every elevated place: hills, tractors, balconies etc. Star Wars reference; the one who has the high ground usually has an opportunity over his opponent. Survivors, too, but especially long range killers like the Huntress can easily use the high ground to their advantage.
The Konami Code - If you own the "Silent Hill"-DLC, select Pyramid Head (The Executioner) as your killer and return to the main menu. There, you type the following to receive the "Vic Viper" charm: W W S S A D A D right mouse button, left mouse button, enter (PC); up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, O, X, options (PS4); up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, START (Xbox)
Buffing/nerfing - Used in game discussions to talk about changes. To buff means to make something stronger, to nerf means to make something weaker.
+"In the 4.5.0 Mid-Chapter patch, the Clown got buffed, now he has another type of bottle to make him stronger"
+"Mori's were really painful to go against, I'm glad they nerfed them so that survivors have to be dead on hook now to be moriable."
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we have all these abbreviations for perks but no one says Mna or ma. we just say Monitorandabuse as fast as humanly possible lol
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I say MnA - I'm way too lazy to say something fast like that, I jumble my words up :)
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I tried it when reading this and something like "Monnerbuse" came out.
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When something in a video game Is changed to the point that it’s almost completely ineffective, it’s considered nerfed. From my understanding, it comes from Nerf brand toys (guns etc that shoot foam darts and are totally harmless).
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It doeant have to be ineffective, it just means its not as good as before, even if the difference is barely noticeable.
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COH: Circle of Healing, referring to Boon: Circle of Healing, a Teachable Perk of Mikaela Reid.
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FTP - For the People
A teachable perk to that one person i dont remember
Edit: It's for Zarina
Post edited by Tr1nity on1 -
PH - Pyramid Head
Ceno - Pinhead (this one, I made, but people seem to like it)
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Daddy Myers - A word that people like to use when they wanna get spared
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What's meta?
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Also, what's mmr?
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Thank you. I know those were probably painfully obvious but they are mentioned so much and I wasn't even sure with context clues exactly what they stood for or meant.
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What does pip mean?
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A pip is something you can earn in the game that's dependant on the Emblem System, essentially, you can gain pips depending on your performance within the round/Emblem System. It helps you grade up in the current grading system (Your grade is determined by the amount of pips you earn during a ranking season). You can either gain, keep or lose pips (but you cannot lose a grade). Example:
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So are pips what the little almost triangle shapes are called? I'm sorry I'm dumb, I just really want to understand everything.
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Yes, pips are those triangles, after getting a certain amount of pips you rank up.
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When referring to DBD, what in the world are bones?
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Bones are the totems.
So "do da bones" for example, get the totems cleansed
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Bones are totems, because they are made of bones.
My theory is they are made of Jane mains who didnt realize the killer had iron maiden.
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I was looking what some acronyms means in DbD because i am a new player. Thank you so much with all this info. :D
(for example DH confused me at first because i played a DH in WoW.) aka Demon Hunter. lol.
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Totems, 5 spawn every match in different places
I thought the acronym was monitor?
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Flickbilly/ curvebilly
A hillbilly running onw or bothe of the engravings, increasing his soeed and allowing him to curve around pallets.
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There is also a Skillbilly, that doesn't use m1 even on injured survivors sticking to chainsaw. And Milly, who uses melee where he can't get a chainsaw
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Was surprised, that so far no one mentioned these
UB - unbreakable (Bill teachable)
AC auric cells
Iri - iridescent, red rarity item, add-on or offering
95 - reaching 95% of recovery rate while in dying state, where someone needs to heal you for last 5% to pick you up
Touch a gen - quickly start repairing a regressing gen for a very brief moment to stop it from regressing
Pop - pop goes the weasel (clown teachable)
Agi - agitation (trapper teachable)
Check for ruin - stop repairing a generator for about a second to see if it regresses in case killer has the perk hex: ruin
Vault build - resilience and spine chill combined in a build to make vaulting speed 15% faster, commonly paired with iron will and dead hard
W gamer - a survivor that instead of looping tiles just holds W key and makes constant distance
In case someone is very new - gg wp(s) good game well played, s - to say it to everyone
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We call touching a gen, gen tapping.
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That's right. Nerf darts can still take out an eye in certain situations.
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Now is the "Abuse" part the verb or the noun?
For example:
- Monitor and Ab-yooz
- Monitor and Ab-yoos
People want to know.
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“Vommy Mommy” 💀 might not have heard that before 😆
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when devs make a perk/killer/surv weaker therefore not as good as it was
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Dorito Head/Toblerone = Pyramid Head
Thanos = Nemesis
Neo = Wesker
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surv = shortened version of the word survivor
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Term: Base-Kit/basekit
Meaning: A character (Killer or Survivor) implemented with the (or some form of) effect that resembles the Funktion of an in-game perk.
1. Basekit borrowed time, when unhooking a survivor the unhooked survivor gains endurance and haste just like the perk itself provides, only with a smaller timer!
2. Borrowed Time wasn't always basekit!
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I want to add some here in the context of Ghostface stuff, but some apply elsewhere too.
- 99ing/99ing the Stalk: As either Stalker, the act of just stalking until you nearly finish, then completing it when closer to a Survivor to achieve Tier III Evil Within/A Mark.
- Feathering: Rapidly clicking your M2 Power button as some Killers as a technique to get something faster, for example doing this as Ghostface or Myers to move while stalking quicker (I also call this Ping-Stalking because you "ping" for Survs like a submarine radar with it to gain info), or "feathering" your chainsaw as Billy to rev it up.
- Leanstalking: As Ghostface, the act of using the lean mechanic to stalk faster.
- Bushtech: Hiding in a bush to avoid detection as Survivor, or hiding crouched in a bush to stalk from it as Ghostface while being less able to be Revealed.
- Marked Down: A Down achieved as Ghostface while the Survivor is Exposed due to being Marked.
- Ghost-Surfing/Sliding: Using the Lean Mechanic as Ghostface and camera controls to "slide" around objects while stalking; done to maximize stalking while hiding your body as Ghostface to prevent reveal.
- Stalk Angle: As either Stalker, the act of finding a good approach from which to stalk without being seen or Revealed, so as to set up 99s. Ideally done from a spot where you can see Survivors but they can't see you, such as the Projector booth in Greenville.
- Lore-Accurate/Film-Accurate Build: Running perks that evoke the theme of your Killer, or the media they originate from. For example someone running slowdown or perks that force other objectives that take a long time (which are considered "painful" for Survivors to face) on Pinhead could be said to be running a "Lore-Accurate Cenobite".
- EndFury: Combining Enduring (Hillbilly Teachable) and Spirit Fury (Spirit Teachable) to make pallets and zoning pallets very dangerous.
- Rancor Roulette: Combining Rancor (Spirit Teachable) and any perk that changes the Obsession to randomize which Survivor ends up being able to be Moried at the end of the round. Pretty fun build!
- All-Seeing Stalker: A build for Ghostface or Myers that runs heavy info perks, usually aura read, as a form of thematic flavor.
- Forever Exposed: A build that focuses on a lot of Exposed-causing perks to create tense one-hit-down situations for Survivors.
- Pinhex: A Cenobite setup that involves a hex based build. Usually it's Pentimento (Artist Teachable), Plaything (Cenobite Teachable), and other applicable hex perks as desired, and then you use the chains to interrupt cleansing as needed.
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PalPalet gym