Hexy tournament, pyramid head and spirit.
But tournament play shouldnt carry over and also this is about how people use the tournament style to say that the no interaction parts of these killers are ok. That is all im trying to get at and if I didnt make that obvious enough i have no clue how else to put it.
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Again, it does for nearly every other game that has a tournament scene.
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None of which are remotely like Dead by Daylight.
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I never said they were. Street Fighter ain't remotely like Hearthstone.
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Yes, but they are both symmetrical games to an extent. You cannot apply any of the same balancing strategies around an asymmetrical game. It does not work.
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I didn't say that you had to?
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That is so true and i was thinking about it and people also say oh well survivors had limits to items but dont talk about the add on limits for killers
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Then why did you bring up tournaments from other games like it has any relevance here?
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I assume you are familiar with L4D, L4D is also asymmetrical even tho the game is 4v4 infected vs survivors, the survivors usually outclass the infected by alot. However both games (1 and 2) had a good healthy competitive scene. In my opinion those games can be compared to dbd and people were able to balance games out for competitive matches and tournaments.
Why can tournament play be applied to public random matches?
Depending on the ruleset they can be applied to public matches especially in the case of botb even tho there were some rules favored one side over the other and even with the restrictions or limiting of perks and addons. However the goal is in the end the same, survivors want to escape and survive and killers obviously want to kill the survivors and prevent them from escaping.
So what is survivor about? It is about playing good as a team versus a single entity that is stronger than each survivor on their own. So premade tournament squads achieve what I want to see from teammates in soloq, the best possible teamwork limited only by their own abilities and how good each individual does against the killer.
Compared to soloq, the comparison lacks but we all know that people can also q up as 4 man swf. The game itself changes when that happens because you are at an info advantage compared to soloq unless people bring info perks which tell them basicly what premade does via communication. Because the info perks can be skipped completely due to communication, you have the possibility to trade those perkslots for for meta perks.
The diffrence between soloQ and 4Man SWF is too big right now to achieve a good balance for an asymmetrical game in one game mode. In my opinion the solution is not to continue to balance solo and swf and treat them as the same because they are not. In addition to that one could also split the Qs but that results in long waiting times for swfs and also more workload for the devs since some perks (as they are right now are useless in a game mode where you go only against swfs).
The choice becomes clear, give solo q the same info as 4man swf, that includes voice chat (which one can turn off if you are getting annoyed by someone or you really are into the lone wolf and also we do not need to act as if the average game nowadays can not afford a headset or doesnt already own one) other games have this too and it is a none issue even tho you will always have people who try to troll others via chat but that is not the majority of the community. Also regional matchmaking is already a thing and people on the internet in general use english. So the language barrier should not be a big obstacle and even for that there are easy workarounds that help to communicate even tho we speak diffrent languages as other games like dota 2 have shown. Add a totem counter for overall overview and balance around what we end up with. Rework perks accordingly.
That is what I would want from the game, right now it is sad that only 2 killers are actually really viable against survivors who play very good as a team and do what they are supposed to do in the first place, given ofc that you have somewhat the same skilllevel on both sides but you can not balance a game for diffrences in skill. Also I do not say, yeah nerf survivors into the ground but to treat solo q and 4man swf as the same results in too many frustrations as we have them right now.
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Because the comparison still holds? That isn't me saying that DBD is just like your typical 1v1 game, and DBD not being 1v1/symmetrical doesn't have anything to do with that comparison.
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I use pyramid head most of the time I have perks I use I think is similar to himself in the silent hill games give a clue it what every texting bout