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How do I get the killer to kill me?

I was wondering.. if I'm not supposed to d/c, is there a universal signal to give to the killer that I'd like them to kill me so I can leave the game? Like waving your arms up and down on the hook when a killer is camping?

Best Answer


  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Point at the hook? Though unless you have something really urgent to do, I'd say give the match a chance?

  • Zariva83
    Zariva83 Member Posts: 45

    I failed two checks to get the kille to me and waved. But he just looked and walked away... I mean, I had to shut down the game anyway, so it wasn't the two people who had already disconnected when they saw him face camping. I actually had to go. 😂

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Maybe just run to the killer and they will probably hook you?

    why do you even want to D/C or leave the game so soon? If it’s really some urgent irl thing you can just dc once and take the 5 min penalty. Or stay afk.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    What you are asking for is advice for engaging in unsportsmanlike behavior, which is bannable in itself and for everyone that advices you on it. Just sayin.

  • Zariva83
    Zariva83 Member Posts: 45

    Ya think? Somehow I find that hard to believe...since neither tunneling, face camping, nor slugging ever has any consequences, and dc gets you a penalty... why would wanting to leave the game in a way fair to the killer be bannable?

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    "Tunneling" and "facecamping" (which doesnt exist anymore, it´s just camping) are ultimately contributing to the Killers objective. Situationally they´re the right choice to make, thankfully many Killers play relatively generous. Slugging is a neccessary tool to create pressure against good Survivors, especially if you don´t play one of the select few op killers.

    So yeah, I´m pretty sure refusing to participate in the match and trying to force an easy way out is propably considered unsportsmanlike behavior in terms of rules.

    Morally, well, I completely understand wanting to get out of a DC or a hacker game.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Just pretend doing gens. When he get chase you, pretend you running away from him. Pretend you looping him until all gens done. Then pretend opening gates and escape. This is the best way to quickly end game you don't enjoy and don't piss off your teammates with unsportsmanlike behavior.