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Deathslinger Bug

HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231
edited October 2020 in Bug Reporting

Today i found a new bug with the Deathslinger.

I have not reprouced it myself but the steps should look as follows.

Shoot a survivor with deathslinger and while the survivor is in struggeling phase, a second survivor needs to drop a pallet on him. By doing so the chain needs to break so the survivor get's free.

The next time the survivor get's slugged, picket up and goes into struggeling, you might hear a loud pink noise that you normally get when the survivor get's free from a chain. The survivor will be stuck and hang in the air.

I think what happens here is that "end struggle phase" is not properly ended by getting free with a pallet drop and instead triggers on a shoulder struggle phase causing this bug.

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