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Hemophobia: Bugged?

I have two achievements before I get the platinum trophy for DBD. One of these is Hemophobia- In a public match, escape the Asylum map without losing a single drop of blood.

I did exactly as specified, escaping Father Campbell's Chapel without taking any damage at all after sacrificing a friend to a facecamping Trapper in a public match.

Then I just, didn't get the achievement? Does it have to be the original map that came with Nurse? Or is it just bugged?


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,820

    I would assume you should do it on the original, since the Chapel wasn’t there when the achievement got introduced.

    but it could probably be bugged as well. I noticed many many achievements are bugged. I got the ‚Where did they go?‘ one for example in a match where I died. But not in one of the 3 matches before that where we managed to get all 4 out through hatch..

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    I misread the title and literally thought you were saying homophobia was bugged for a sec