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Reverse Vacuum pallets and other cross play connation problems


Just played a game where in a chase I stopped to drop a pallet between myself and the killer. I was more than 75% passed the pallet, looking behind me. When I dropped the pallet, I was pulled backwards, towards the killer and dropped the pallet in front of me instead.

This is not the only issue I've and others have had playing with console players. I, and others have consistently been seeing console killers hitting us from well around a corner, on the other side of a wall; or after swinging from a distance that is clearly out of range and then getting a delayed "hit" after the killer has recovered from their swing.

And don't get me started on Huntress's hatchets. the massive delay makes it so hatchets can still hit players long after they've jump through a window or rounded a corner.

And then there's the issues of going against console survivors: hits that should have landed that don't because the survivor teleports ahead, grabs that bug out because they "let go" well after you grabbed them, hits over pallets and windows that should have hit, but don't because more teleporting.

Seriously, fix these issues. If console players are unable to keep up with PC players because of the hardware then just scrap cross play all together. Yes, the only solution here is for the devs to step up and make console players "get on my level". If your hardware can't handle it you shouldn't be getting rewarded to compensate for poor purchasing decisions.

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