
What would everyone think of a supernatural chapter since where in the final season I think it's a good business move if so what killer would you want I was thinking lucifer would be a cool killer
I don't think Lucifer would make sense, I mean hell Pyramid Head is kind of a stretch in the lore, but there's no way that Lucifer(Who would probably be more powerful than the entity) would actually serve it.
But on the other hand, I think it would be pretty cool to have Sam and Dean as survivors, and well we already have Ash as a survivor so it wouldn't be breaking the mold 2 much to add more people that would probably be killing the killers and not running from them.
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PH isnt cannon none of the licensed killers are, with the likely exeption of ghost face
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Yea I think lucifer is a stretch I just didn't know who else could be the killer for a supernatural chapter
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Sam & Dean Winchester, wouldn't even need a killer tbh.
Though, if they did, I think their most fought against enemy is a demon. I know that we have the Oni, but a generic Christianity based demonic being isn't really represented much in the game right now.
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Oh my god I'm sorry but can you people not spam having these two in the game, I get it you want him in the game but its starting o get annoying
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Supernatural would be so cool with Sam and Dean as survivors. They wouldnt even need a killer, but even if, there would be so many possibilities.
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I've never seen anyone talk about this and I wanted to know people's opinions
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Obviously they would add Chuck as killer.
In all seriousness though, I am not sure they have had a big baddy noteworthy enough t I be killer that wouldnt be too powerful for the game. Hitler maybe? Lol.
Unless they go with death or one of the horsemen. They could have a terror radius effect like they did in the show.
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Did the devs ever confirm that? If so I find it quite strange they altered Silent Hill if its not even canon.
As for this, never seen supernatural but my sister likes it and it seems good, so why not? Does it necessarily need a full chapter though? I think a paragraph would be the best route to go.
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Yes I think if they do it it won't be a full chapter probably Dean and sam because I feel like the killer would be hard to choose from since there is a to choose from
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Oh its been going on for quite a while now, since what, around the time people wanted fnaf in the game if not longer, buts no worse then people spamming for Sidney Prescott
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supernaturals Lucifer is not that powerful. by a loooooooooong shot. He's strong, sure... but nowhere near the entity level of power.
he doesn't even rule over death, one of his 4 horseman.
and death doesn't do ######### against the entity.
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With a show like Supernatural, it'd probably be better if they grabbed the characters from the earlier seasons and pretended that none of the later ones happened. That, or go full Ash and make fun of how convoluted their lives became. Either one wouldn't feel like justice for the hardcore fans, though.
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Considering who Sam and Dean are, and what they've done/who they've taken down, I really don't want to see them running from and losing to the dbd killers. They've taken on things far worse.
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Im thinking maybe one of the leviathons as a killer? I believe they would fit well. Or maybe even the alpha werewolf or vamp
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Dude it has a large fanbase. Just ignore the supernatural threads if you find it that annoying
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I mean they could make older and younger looking cosmetucs? With different hairstyles
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Would love a supernatural chapter, if my name didnt give it away. Lucifer wouldnt work, he's way too powerful and arrogant for the entity to control.
Leviathan could work. That or the vanir scarecrow god from season 1. He's just a creeper knockoff, so it would make the jeepers creepers fans happy too.
Personally, I would go with vengeful spirit. Put mannequins around the map that you can possess. Ghost can move around super fast and invisible, but cant interact until it possesses a mannequin, then it can chase.
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I feel you man, but the dbd lore would make it make sense. The entity gives power to killers, to where even Sam and Dean can't compete. Plus, there is literally no game where you can play as them and this is our only shot. I feel you though
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Sam and Dean Winchester would be worth, I would buy.
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Yea I agree I mean ash is that type of survivor that would rather fight and he's in the game
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Exactly. They couldn't do Ash justice, I doubt they'd do Sam and Dean justice.
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You have to remember the entity OVERPOWERS the killers and gives the survivors Jack #########, so even with their skills they stand no chance. Don't get me wrong, outside the realm they would kick their ass
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It’s been mentioned every now & then but nothing like the annoying spam that came from FNAF. Tbh it’s been a while since I’ve seen a supernatural thread, and it’s nice to see people still discussing it.
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Probably there wouldn't be any killer, they usually bring the most iconic characters that even non-fans would recognize.
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I'm sorry, I just really have a bad experience from Supernatural fandom, If you have seen some of my posts I support Fnaf coming into DBD, in short Fnaf for me is what started my love for the horror genre and made me a long time fan of it, and to see the game that started it all come into another game I love would make me happy. I am sorry about the spamming of the fnaf posts ( although I wasn't one of the spammers, I still feel a bit responsible) But that was in the past, hopefully things change. I do think Supernatural would be cool it just wouldn't get me as excited as seeing Fnaf or Outlast. I hope you can understand man.
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I get you. Everyone has their preferences for what they’d like to see, and that’s fine. I just mean I encourage people to continue talking about it because it’s something they’re excited and passionate about, which is awesome! It’s fun to root for your favourite characters to make an appearance in DBD. And for me, since Sam & Dean haven’t been in ANY video games ever, it’d make me really happy to be able to play as them.
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I think its a big candidate for dbd as it fits really well on the game. I have watched the first 5 seasons (the original ending) and a few seasons more until i stop because of the annoying schedule changes of the tv show... it was at 1 am sometimes lol.
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If they added Sam and Dean I would never play any other survivor again. I really hope they do come to this game. They are the perfect fit.
So many ideas for cosmetics too! Take all of my money Devs.
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People talking about not knowing what killer to have, why not get a killer from the start of the show, Azazel? Azazel could have a unique fire-based power
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It would be interesting nonetheless to see them in the game
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If they did do a Supernatural DLC, I’m pretty sure they would just add Sam and Dean. However, if they were to add a killer, I think The Scarecrow could make a great addition to the game.