question for dev

angryliven Member Posts: 39
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

dear dev, i wonder what were you thinking when you went to nerf billy? has become scarcer than trapper, uncontrollable. I go back to playing after 1 year and I find myself billy, he's nothing but a clown, and I'm not talking about legion, dear devs, instead of playing for surv in your streaming, play some killer games. I don't even understand your nerfs, you are doing everything for the surv and you turn your back on the killers. thank you!

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 763

    I am not a dev, but as a person who "plays some killer games" almost daily I feel like I can comment here.

    Funny thing is - Billy hasn't even changed that much, aside from the new overheat mechanic, which doesn't even hurt anyone but facecampers. Skillful Billies are still curving and hitting like crazy without any problems. And this "I go back to playing after 1 year" part gives you zero credibility, as you are basically stating "I haven't played for a year" i.e. "I am not that good at the game, because I haven't played for a while".

    Git gud, brother.

    P.S. Trapper and addonless Wraith are MUCH worse than Billy. So are Clown, Pig, Legion, Mikey and many others.

    P.P.S. Devs do play killers on their streams. Guess you are not even watching something you are commenting on.

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    lmao devs 100% favour killers over survivors. The last positive change to survivor was an ancient bug affecting their movement after being unhooked and that was a while ago too. Since then, its just been a buff to bubba, a change to billy which IMO, makes him not weaker or stronger, just a different killer, they are changing pyramid head, they add blight and felix, blight with the amazing perk Hex: Undying which is probs one of the most common perks now with ruin, while felix gets visionary...

    I see your frustration, losing the Billy you once loved, but trust me... Billy is not a bad killer now.

    Plus his music is ######### amazing

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    You can't call a bug fix "positive change" it doesn't count as one cuz it's fixing the game not buffing. Devs nerfed many survivor things from toolboxes to literally every survivor item if the killer runs franklins. Plus they deleted some pallets on the new macmillan reworked maps.

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    Lmao I hardly know what a positive change is with this game anymore, they are so rare xD

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    Dev's chief concern is to make games shorter so they eat up less bandwidth and more players can play and queue times are short. The easiest way to do this is make the game Killer heavy. It bothers me a bit, but I get it. I want to play the game and surviving isn't as important to me as it was early on when I was trying to get more bloodpoints. Now I accept the game is heavy killer sided and it means more people are willing to play killer. If it was fair would anyone prefer killer? Some but not as many who play killer now.

    I do wish there was an offline version where survivors and killers were evenly matched. Sometimes I would like to play a game where stealth was more viable.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 763

    I'll guess you just don't know how much survivor-sided game was back in a day. Completely unironically broken kind of -sided. So it's only fair to start bringing more centralized balance by giving more positives to killers. Plus, it's not like they are actually favouring killers, not true in the slightest. if we are talking about buffs/nerfs and perk changes - survivors have it very easy, while some killers (or rather killer-players) might really struggle. I feel like you are kinda forgetting that it's 4 people vs 1 person, not 4 people vs 1 mega-brain-super-smart AI.

    I also like how for Blight you mention the only good perk he has, while remaining silent about two other perks of his, which are completely useless. And for Felix you ignore Desperate Measures, which is actually a very nice and useful perk, but for some reason bring up Visionary.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I was playing Billy whole weekend. Didn't played him for ages. I never facecamp but I get to overheat quite often. Because I use chainsaw for attack and for covering distance. 4-5 unlucky tries in a row and you got to overheat. 2 big travels and you got to overheat. Now I need to watch heat bar and when it close to overheat i have to walk without chainsaw for a while. Or I have an option to overheat to get slightly faster cooldown. I don't see big difference between usual cooldown and cooldown after overheat. I wish cooldown after overheat was much faster to make getting to overheat more strategic.

    I know I need more practice. But not only facecampers get overheat.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 763

    Well, Billy isn't meant to roam around the map with the chainsaw whole match. It needs to be used when it's actually needed - for covering distance at the sanic-speed and for downing survivors, when you are sure that you can down them. Not just mindless chainsawing 24/7.

    Although I don't play Billy very often, I have been playing several games with him few days ago for dailies (and I am sure I'll play him even more once the new Tome is out). I haven't experienced any problems with overheat and had nothing but Brutal Killer and Ruthless Killer. For the record, I am playing on 1-3 red ranks. I would recommend simply not relying that much on your chainsaw. If you have a power it doesn't mean you have to use it non-stop. Quite the opposite, you have to use it carefully and in a smart way. Don't be afraid to use M1 and move normally from time to time. Ignoring M1 and mindlessly using M2 was always downfall of Billies and Bubbas. Both before and after changes were made.

    Overheat isn't meant to be used in a strategic way. It is meant to prevent abuse of chainsaw usage. You don't have to use overheat as a strategy, you have to build your strategy around it, so that you get max profit from your chainsaw without overheating it once. Maybe it's just a matter of getting used to it. But as for me and many-many others, overheat timer is pretty ok as it is now. It used to be horrendous during the PTB, yes, but since then they changed it for the better.

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    Dragons grip is actually an underrated perk. The amount of times I've used it and left a gen and a unban evasion claudette appears seconds later to fix the gen and giving me a free down is amazing. I would honestly chose it over ruin now. And yes, I know the game was very survivor sided back in the day, but that is exactly that. Back in the day. It isnt anymore. Yes its a 4v1 but the killer, if smart at all, has an advantage. The meta killer perks are very powerful at controlling multiple aspects of the game, like pop, you are encouraged to get fast hooks for a handsom reward of a crazy 25% generator damage. Most of the survivor meta perks really only work well for the individual. Perks like We will make it and borrowed time are good for being altruistic, but they take up a perk slot that will be needed to last long against a good killer who knows how to use their power. The bottom line is that the game is more balanced than it was "back in the day" but its moved from survivor sided to killer sided. Now, killers have the ability to absolutely ruin someones game with very little punishment by tunnelling, camping and all those other scummy playstyles. Killers have perks like noed which can just steal a win that they didnt deserve. Survivors don't have a perk that can win them the game without any skill (with the exception of DS and Unbreakable combined together. Theres no skill in that.) Maybe if survivors had a perk that could break all hooks on the map in the endgame until the killer finds a totem or something it would be fair, but thats just absurd, just like noed. Anything that survivors have that can ruin the game for killers gets taken away (brand new parts, infinites, insta heals, the list goes on and all these things absolutely needed a nerf) but killers still have moris. Killers still have noed. Killers can face camp and still win the game if the survivors try to save their friends. I don't think its possible to argue that killers have it worse than survivors do.