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Frame rate drops ALOT more + crashes

Smichaels82 Member Posts: 56


Since today's patch, I've found that for a few seconds after loading into a trial, the frame rate drops are very heavy. This usually goes away after 10 or so seconds but can creep up during certain moments of the trial.

I've also had the game crash on me while in the loading screen a lot more than usual. Thank God it is not applying a DC Penalty! The loading bar is loading all the way through but then it crashes and brings me to the end-game result screen. This has happened but seems to be happening more often.

I play on PS4.

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  • AltRecon
    AltRecon Member Posts: 2

    Just played my first game and the same thing happened to me in terms of frame rate drops throughout the trial

  • Smichaels82
    Smichaels82 Member Posts: 56

    At first I thought it was the new updated maps that were loading in wonky because the first few trials I went into after the update were the new reworks. But I've noticed it happens on every map. Also, I was playing DbD before the update, this morning, and continued playing after. These drops were not so prevalent before installing the update. This is the reason for my post. I know this game has it's moments but these moments seem to be happening more. Maps looks great tho!!