Add a search bar / filter


The more Chapters are being released and the more Perks are being added to the raster, the harder it gets to find a specific perk you are looking for.

Especially now, that they all have the same rarity it got even more complicated, so it would be great to have a search bar where you can type in the name and it will automatically only provide you with perks which names contain those letters / words.

and if you can find the time, why not add specific cathegories to perks that display their effects.

you could then add a filter option where players can select one or more cathegories and will be shown only the perks that posess those.

for example, BBQ could be "tracking" and "bonus points", Ruin could be "totem" and "gen defense", Discordance could be "gen defense" and "tracking" and Enduring could be "chase".

i think both of these would be great QoL changes for the game and could really help people who dont know exactly where each individual perk is.

(same could be done for Offerings / Add Ons, but since we dont have that many of them i feel like Perks should be prioritized for now)
