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Idle crow sounds playing from normal crows

cyniChris Member Posts: 207

Platform: PC (though I assume it's the same across platforms)

Description: Since 4.3.0's release, I've been hearing the idle crow chirp coming from normal crows around the map. As killer, this is distracting, as you'd hear that sound and assume someone is AFK (or recently AFK) nearby. I've also run past normal crows as a survivor and heard them make the same sound, despite no other survivors being nearby.

Steps to reproduce: It seems random. I've had it occur on virtually every map I've played.

How often does this occur: I've noticed it at least once or twice per match.

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  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    I know that back in 2016 and 2017 you had the "idle" crows as normal crows. I actually forgot when they changed that. Maybe they are bringing it back? However it is definetely distracting, since tracking by sound has been nerfed hard over the years.