Mori should not exist during an event.

I think it's a total dick move when killers use a Mori during an event. It's bad enough that devs nerf every single survivor perk and buff the Hell out of every killer and their perk. I'm about to say screw it and delete the damn app. I play killer as well and had been irritated with survivors at times but this game and it's community is sucking the life out of this game!!!!
The last time a survivor perk got nerf i think it was in 2019 so saying the dev are buffing the killer is not really specially with this patch killer perk got nerf really hard.
If you want to beat a mory dont get down so fast and use your ressource you got 16 pallet on a map if its not enough for you team to complete the gen then its not the killer fault
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Keys shouldn't exist during an event either
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And which survivor perks got nerfed?
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so, at this point we all remove keys, boxes, and medkits, for each event? and what have they nerfed for the surv ????
you complain so much but at least you want to point out the things that have been nerfed?
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