Shroud of Separation should not be a "Secret" Offering

I say this because every single time I use this Offering, I get people who quit before the game begins and I would think that's because they think it's a Mori. I could be way off-base here and not see the reason why it is a "Secret" Offering but in my opinion, there should be "Secret" Offerings and "Hidden" Offerings.

Secret remains the way they are (show up in the Offering screen but don't reveal what it is). Hidden should show that no Offering was used so Survivors aren't immediately paranoid of a Mori match; which I think is commonly avoided, at least in my experiences.

What do you guys think?


  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Mori's are on the list to receive changes, so this issue should hopefully become less of a problem in the future. There are no other secret offerings besides Shrouds and Mori's, so it's not exactly like "Secret Offerings" would still be secret if half of them were changed to be "Hidden" (not that most people use the shrouds anyway).

    That said, all the Shroud Offerings need some revisiting of their own. Pretty much all of them negatively affect the role that can burn them (hence why they go virtually unused). Shroud of Separation is probably the worst of the bunch; you really don't want the survivors to spawn spread out where they can hop on multiple gens. It removes a lot of potential early-game pressure that killer could have and will usually make their trial more difficult.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559


    I love burning shrouds of separation and watching survivors dc for no reason. My queue times are fine; they're the ones having to go back to lobby purgatory.

    But when I'm survivor, I usually don't see that happen :/

    and if it does, that's an oof.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    Due to the fact that it's very bad for the killer, shroud of separation should not be a killer offering imo.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I was about to the same thing. "All survivors start next to the killer" would be a better secret offering. (Am I'm joking? I don't even know)

    Also, they either need more secret offerings as currently secret offering = Mori or remove the secret offering completely from the screen.