Bug with tome progression on BP challenges
So i have this bug where the tome challenges that require you to gain a certain amount of bloodpoints in a catagory only go up by a few hundred, even after maxing out said category in a game (See attached image for proof/clarification).
Have this bug with the killer objective asking for 200,000 points in the deviousness category and the survivor challenge for the objective catagory.
I have tried verifying the integrity of the game files and will try uninstalling and reinstalling tonight.
Is anyone else having this issue? Have you managed to fix it?
Any help would be appreciated and thanks for reading.
Best Answer
We have been getting some bug reports for this specific issue as well. Please search for this bug report and vote the bug reports with your issue up. Voting the issue up will help ensure that the bug is being seen and logged.
You can find the bug report section here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/bugs
And you can find how to report and how to vote here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/kb/articles/149-how-to-report-a-bug