Dying to Hook Struggle is the exact opposite of fun.

Title pretty much says it all. I get that the devs want to keep the game feeling tense and hook struggle is a way to do that, but the skillchecks on Pyramid Head's cages are another way to do that. The frustration and annoyance that comes along with button mashing (which includes dying while actively pressing the button at a consistent rate that's kept you alive up until then) is not worth whatever so-called "tension" it may create.

The type of tension the hook struggle state evokes in me is the same type of tension I feel when playing a game I've found out is bugged in a certain crucial section. Imagine that as a consequence of that bug, playing a difficult section of a video game becomes pure RNG as to whether or not you've triggered the bug after you've already done everything else perfectly. This is how dying in the second hook phase feels; if you have a very good run before being hooked, then get hooked, then get farmed and go down immediately, then die on second hook *while actively and consistently pressing the struggle button*, you just feel robbed, at least in my experience. I don't feel like I deserved to die, I don't feel like I misplayed, I just feel like it was randomly decided I was going to die there.

Please, if you're going to keep the mechanic, at least make it less punishing somehow!