Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

Will cross-progression allow us to merge accounts?


Title basically says it all. I've started playing on PC so I'm wondering if it would just be a waste to actually get some things that I don't already have on my ps4 account like certain skins or characters when cross progression comes into play and I link the two.


  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I believe that on a DbD Q&A stream, they stated that cross progression will take the best of both accounts and merge them into one. For example, if you have a killer P3 on PC but not on Ps4 it will take that P3 killer and replace the one without P3.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,538

    Cosmetics and other purchases like characters and perks will be merged.

    you don’t get compensated if you have purchased the same thing on 2 platforms though.