The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Lame game

Came back for the event, kept getting placed with/against people who just rely on toxic gameplay to win. So yeah, the game is still dog doo.

I played a few matches, lost on both sides, so it's clear that this game hasn't improved since I lasted played and instead devolved into a toxic match for anything you play. Survivors, unless playing as a meta killer (because apparently meta matters instead of having fun), have an overwhelming advantage. The new killer, aka pinball, is garbage and who ever thought it was a good idea to make him should be fired.

All of the killer models are stupid broken, in fact how did you guys even break a simple animation into something that looks like a child trying to learn T-poses and syncing. The game isn't fun anymore especially to new people. The entire team should honestly quit making games. The updated graphics actually look worse than before.

I'm done with this game for good, no more forum posts and no more game. In the beginning, this game looked and seemed promising but now, it might as well be a flaming bag of dog doo placed on someone's porch.


  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    You must be exaggerating because not every game is toxic. Also, it sounds like you are just inexperienced since you have not been able to "win".

    The new killer is not bad btw, he takes quite a bit of mechanical skill and can pull off some pretty neat things.

    The models aren't even that bad.


  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    The graphics don't look significantly better in the slightest, yes, and the new rigs sure have some strange animation-hit-detection interactions.

    I can agree generally on some things (and disagree on others), but this post should have probably just been in general discussions because it doesn't really add anything feedback-related or suggestion-wise.