Buffing Low-Performance Killer Perks - My Ideas

MissRememberMe Member Posts: 37
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Deer Stalker - You see the aura's of dying survivors within 36/42/48m. Dying survivors can only recover to 80% without help

Dying Light - Increase each token to be 2/3/4%

Fire Up! - Increase each token to 3/4/5%

Gearhead - As long as gearhead is active, generators will be affected by Old Ruin skill checks

Knock Out - In addition to the current perk effects, dying survivors cannot crawl until they are 30/40/50% recovered.

Monstrous Shrine - As long as a survivor is hooked in the basement and for 60 seconds after they are unhooked, gain the following buffs: 2% movement speed, 10/20/30% successful attack recovery, 10/20/30% stun recovery and 20% vault speed.

Play with your Food - Each time your obsession escapes from a chase, gain a token up to 5. Each token decreases your obsessions altruistic speed by 8/9/10%.

Remember Me - Each time you hit your obsession gain a token up to 4 tokens. Each token increases the EGC timer speed by 7/8/9%


  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    The problem with Dying Light isn't numbers. It's that even it only works when you're doing well with it. Personally, I think it should just work like old Dying Light but only begins its effect on anyone that's not the obsession. Kind of like this :

    You become obsessed with one Survivor.

    Your Obsession gains a 33 % Action Speed bonus to unhooking and healing other Survivors.

    Each time you hook a Survivor that is not the Obsession and the Obsession is alive, every other Survivor gets a penalty of 19/22/25 % to Repair, Healing and Sabotage speed for 40/50/60 seconds.

    Dying Light can only be activated once every 50 seconds

    The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

    Compliments STBFL too. Now about Remember Me. The problem with your concept is that EGC is typically used to keep survivors from holding the game hostage. Your change is basically the equivalent of Rule Set #2, it scares survivors into doing objectives. Personally I'd make the obsession have a 15% penalty to opening the exit gates to avoid excessive endgame tunneling and it fits themathically since Wake Up gives 15% opening speed.

    Other than that, your changes are cool. I especially like Knock Out since now it's useful against SWF