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Legion and Blight Serum

First the one I was able to reproduce: If you right click at the perfect time (or possibly spam it) it is possible to go into Feral Frenzy before you receive the blight dash, allowing you to nyoom while in frenzy at will.
Second I encounter a bug and I'm not sure how, it gave me permanent feral frenzy and I'll explain the situation below.
Chasing someone with deep wound, they go into a locker and I hit them when they come out, they came right back up and started mending after I hit them, confused I tried hitting them another like 10 times with the exact same thing happening, I would either down them and have them pop back up, interrupt the mending, or they would disapear for me all together. I had already assumed they were a hacker. I was also unable to vault and when I tried to go into Feral Frenzy nothing would happen, I also realized that I was doing the Frenzy animation despite having default walk speed. After the game I realized that I was stuck in Frenzy but my client must have thought I wasnt in frenzy. Perhaps the blight serum broke the frenzy in some way. Regardless it fixed itself after I pulled him out of a locker, I unfortunately have no video of this because I don't know what they shadowplay or game bar binds are.