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Why after rank 10 or so I can never win as killer?

So I started playing The Shape, and it was pretty fun, so I started maining him. Now this was fine until I got to rank 10. The matches were really hard, but I got through. Once I got to rank 9 though, it was basically impossible. Can someone tell me why this is?


  • Chance4Doom
    Chance4Doom Member Posts: 19

    You're being matched with red ranks, purple ranks who are only purple because they don't play enough, and people who throw to play against easier killers. The ranking system is broken and you're being hurt from it. It's too easy to rank up with Killer, and it's painful for many people starting off. I hate to say it, but you might wanna throw some games and let rank reset take you down more. Try Moonwalk Myers or bell spam Wraith. I hate that throwing is the only answer for you, but you need a gradual progression, not to be thrown into Vietnam to lose. I only made it through in my early days because I watched a ton of streams and knew everything.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Trust me, you will get there. You are at a tipping point. I hit the same wall. For the longest time I just couldn't get below that point. Myers has a tough learning curve and when dealing with the SWF it gets worse. You just focus on basics, tightening up those chases, mind games, and learning to slug. You play Spooky Myers when you have the right maps. You will get there. I never get to play against anyone but Red Rank Survivors anymore, with the odd Purple sneaking in. You are starting to hit that barrier now. Basics, basics, basics. Myers has a more narrow margin of error and thus you simply cannot waste any movement.

  • BugsGalore
    BugsGalore Member Posts: 57

    As soon as you hit that wall the game spices up. You have to put a lot more work into killer, as you're finally encountering the current meta.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I faced several walls when I started playing. I started on potato computer running dbd 15-20 fps and it was a really hard way. Once I slowly got to green ranks, devs updated ranking system and made earning emblems harder. That was so frustrating I wanted to cry. But then I got newer computer which could run dbd on ultra with 60 fps. Playing dbd become so much easier, I instantly got to purple ranks. But then I stuck between rank 5 and 4. I managed to get rank 1 with Spirit to get achievement and stopped caring about ranks. Now I play whoever I want and sometimes I get to rank 1 with killers I like to play. For me it was a hard way that took me little less than a year. And I always have been surprised how people manage to get rank 1 for less than 1 month from first launch. It makes me feel like I'm not competent for this game. But actually everyone learning in his own pace.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Good killers do not rank up at the same rate as survivors so the many green rank killers end up being matched with the many red rank survivors to fill the lobbies. Red rank survivors are regular players and are more likely to team up as SWF. Together these two create a hard skill wall that is difficult to break down.