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PC - total PC Crash after startup-video on button press

NFeind Member Posts: 1
edited October 2020 in Bug Reporting

Step 1 : Boot the game

Step 2 : either skip the startup-video or don't. It doesn't matter

Step 3 : During the loading screen (Fig. 1) if I do not press any button nothing happens as usual. But once I press ANY button the text changes to "connecting to server" and then nearly instantly crashes. Not just a crash to desktop, but the PC crashes entirely and boots up again. Windows doesn't show any error it restarts as normal.

(Fig. 1) (Not from me, but that's the screen I crash on)

Version: Steam 4.3.1 (content BuildID: 5717510)

Frequency of the issue:

It happens every single time I start the game. It started ~2-3 weeks ago, but I don't remember if it was caused by any update.

Things I have tried already

1) Verified game files

2) Reinstalled the entire game

3) Reinstalled BattleEye

So far the only thing that ever worked was:

waiting on that loading screen (Fig. 1), watching my drive usage using task manager until the rate drops from around 170 MB/s to 0 MB/s this usually takes ~3-6 minutes. This has worked a few times so far but it is not reliable so it could just be luck and is caused by any other issue. Once I reached the main screen of the game the game works as intended and I have no problem playing it. But to get to that point proves difficult

Log data from the last crash:

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