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PC - Blight prestige skins missing serum dripping effects

On PC when comparing the default and prestige skins you can see that the prestige version is missing the dripping Pustula serum effects.
Default head (with dripping Pustula serum effect from the mouth):
Prestige head (without dripping Pustula serum effect):
I just noticed that the prestige body shares the same problem,
where Pustula serum drips from the blisters on the blights shoulder in the default cosmetic but not in the Prestige version.
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This is still an issue after patch 4.4.0
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This is still an issue after patch 4.4.1
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This is still an issue after patch 4.5.0
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this Issue is still present in the 4.6.0 Player Test Build where The Blights animations have been adjusted to allow for the camera position to be higher up.
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this Issue is still present in the full release of patch 4.6.0 despite the adjustments to The Blights animations.