(Dead Horse) Killer wait times

I know this has been discussed for a year.
So, I am a noob. Rank 19 killer. I have seen posts from 2019 complaing about the amount of time it takes to even get in a lobby. What happened? I average about 18 minutes of wait time to play as killer. Is it because people see me using a certain killer and quit before I notice? Is there ANYTHING I can do (Xbox One) to help offset these insane wait times?
If anyone wants to play against a crappy killer just add PulmonaryRex. Hopefully we can play one match before the world ends due to Covid.
its because most people aren't that low of rank and it takes a while before the system starts queueing you against people higher rank
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it'll get much better once you reach ranks with more players in them.
currently at Rank 1, Killer queue time is less than a minute for me.
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At night my wait times are almost non existent on killer. During the day they take much longer, so I play survivor during the day. Suggest just playing both sides.