Many offerings are outdated

It's 2020 and we still have many offerings that just feel like a waste of bloodpoints in the huge grind that the game offers.
Luck offerings like vigo's jar of salty lips cost 6k bloodpoints for a useless 3% luck increase and i see one of those offerings used maybe 1/100 games.
The shrouds are wrong for each side. Shroud of binding should be a killer's offering while shroud of separation should be a survivor's offering.
Oak offerings are rarer than ultra rares and i can't even tell if they make a difference or not and they cost 6k aswell.
Mist is capped and on low settings its barely noticeable.
In my humble opinion all the bonus bloodpoints offerings should be reworked (except bps, cake, puddings and envelopes).
Brown ones should give 100% for a single category, yellow ones 150% and green ones 200%. Or make it so that green ones give 100% for 2 categories instead of one.
Moris need a standalone thread but the whole community agrees on the fact that cypress should be made a base mechanic with bonus bloodpoints.
In conclusion, since you are doing a good job in changing core mechanics of the game (powers, perks etc) and visual stuff, it would be nice to freshen up all the offering considering that you wouldn't need a lot of effort to do so.
I agree. As well as flashlight addons for example.
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100% agree on the BP-Offerings, made an idea long ago about that one. They should double the values, so you would actually get some benefit out of them.
Regarding the other Offerings:
Mist is pretty pointless, because low settings exist. And even on Ultra, I dont have that much problem with Mist Offerings, I dont know if they were stronger in the past, but I dont think they are worth taking. Let alone that the Offerings which increase Mist make no sense in Killer Bloodwebs, except for maybe Ghostface or other Stealth Killers.
Regarding Oaks, those are 100% pointless. Hooks are so close to each other, the Killer has to massively mess up his Hooks to actually run out of Hooks in an area. It should not be hard to hook someone, but currently the Hooks are so close... Maybe they should just remove those Offerings and adjust the Hooks, because it seems like they plan it with the worst case scenario, which would be 4 Oaks by the Survivors.
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Also the fact that there are so few secret offerings that you essentially always know what the secret is. IE defeating the entire point of being a it's been this way for 4 years I mean jeez common. Either we need more secret offerings or just hide them from the screen entirely. It currently just looks like poor design.
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asdly devs are looking only on statistics seems like and rm their side I think theres nothing wrong with them... but yes you re absolutely right.. almost all offering are pointless due to insane grind so almost all players are using only bps offerings and not gonna lie why the hell would I use something different ? Except sweaty swf which wants to make killer game a hell and is using some nasty combo like 4 x oak etc... but you know at least survivors have fun right ? :)
sad thing is that these kind of posts are totally on daily basis for years and devs is ignoring them and they did what ? they added another useless offerings for hatches. No idea which guy thought that offering which can cancel map offering is great idea when you have no idea what offerings survivors will use.. But you know what do I know :)
so will be frankly theres nothing they will do about it sadly but you are totally right :) oh but btw dont forget to buy new ######### 15 bucks skin its on sale :)
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Some flashlight addons are redundant, but chad flashlights (purple fl+ odd buld+ intense halogen) are a little bit over the top considering that they can blind you for almost 5 secs if my math is correct.
Flashlight just like moris need a thread alone, but i am quite scared they would end up gutting them as they did with billy.
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I saw a clever idea to make the cut and scratched coin offerings (less chests) secret, but still spawn the chests anyway, but the chests are empty when searched.
Now when there's a secret offering you can search chests to see if it's possibly a mori, and the offering still benefits killer as survivors still waste time searching the chests.
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Accuracy addons on FLs are useless and one hinders you if i remember correctly. Anyway, it's off topic ur right.
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Luck offerings like vigo's jar of salty lips cost 6k bloodpoints for a useless 3% luck increase and i see one of those offerings used maybe 1/100 games.
Agreed, the devs have also said that they don’t like how Luck works either but I think they consider it lower priority than other items.
The shrouds are wrong for each side. Shroud of binding should be a killer's offering while shroud of separation should be a survivor's offering.
Agreed again. When I see a face down survivor offering all it tells me is it’s probably a swf that wants to be together in the beginning but who aren’t savvy enough to know they should be split up doing solo gens.
Oak offerings are rarer than ultra rares and i can't even tell if they make a difference or not and they cost 6k
I actually have used Oak offerings as killer and I can tell the difference in saved carrying time. And on the flip side when I see multiple survivors use offerings to spread hooks out I do occasionally miss a hook opportunity because of it. So while they’re not the best offerings they aren’t totally ineffective.
Mist is capped and on low settings its barely noticeable.
Yeah, I still don’t get the point of these, I don’t think they’ve ever made a difference in my games, even when all the survivors bring them. And when I’ve used them, again, no difference. Waste of a web slot,I never voluntarily buy these.
In my humble opinion all the bonus bloodpoints offerings should be reworked (except bps, cake, puddings and envelopes).
Why do you want them reworked exactly? It’s not like Bloodpoints are that hard to get. The only oddball bloodpoint offering is the pudding is a Yellow that doubles your own bloodpoints and it’s way better than all the other yellow bloodpoint offerings and most of the green bloodpoint offerings, they may want to tweak that one’s rarity or effect.
Moris need a standalone thread but the whole community agrees on the fact that cypress should be made a base mechanic with bonus bloodpoints
Yeah the Yellow Mori is worthless and the Red Mori is overpowered. Green is fine. Just buff the Yellow one and nerf the Red one. I like
Yellow Mori - Lets you kill any survivor you’ve hooked twice
Green Mori - Lets you kill one survivor you’ve hooked once
Red Mori - Both of the above: lets you kill one survivor you’ve hooked once and any survivor you’ve hooked twice.
(And before someone chimes in about keys, I think keys should only allow the key holder to escape, not multiple survivors with one key. So a survivor uses a key, they escape and the hatch closes back behind them. )
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I actually love that idea.
Hides the secrets essentially and makes the cut coin actually decent on killer as it could make them waste more time as well as having counter play.
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In my opinion bloodpoints are hard to get, i have 4k hrs and i p3d my last survivor just 2 weeks ago, still have to p3 7killers. Those bloodpoints offerings are just underwhelming and some of them steal bloodwebs spots. The survival and sacrifice category are the hardest to max and usually you will spend 5k bloodpoints to get the same amount back.
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Pretty much. One of the problems with the anti-chest offerings is by removing the chests, there's less "Distractions" that keep survivors off of gens. Every second is a second survivors could be on generators, but survivors are not always on generators every second since they could be looking for chests, totems, maybe they want a glimpse of the killer to see who it is, etc.
By reducing the number of chests, survivors that would have been searching chests are likely on generators instead which works against you. With the change the same number of chests would spawn, just when searched some would be completely empty so survivors are still "occupied". Since it's secret survivors wouldn't know if it's a mori or a chest offering until they open a few chests to rule it out.
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"Pretty much. One of the problems with the anti-chest offerings is by removing the chests, there's less "Distractions" that keep survivors off of gens. Every second is a second survivors could be on generators, but survivors are not always on generators every second since they could be looking for chests, totems, maybe they want a glimpse of the killer to see who it is, etc."
Yeah that's why the current cut coin is actually a negative and hinders the killer. You want the survivors wasting that time. It's also why I'd make the argument that the Broken status effect can actually be a negative since you want the survivors to waste time healing.