Survivors needs adjustments to their Bloodweb

IronWill Member Posts: 244
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Ok so I get survs loose the item addons they bring in even if they escape cause killers lose them as well after the game BUT killers don't have items in their bloodwebs, only offerings. Meanwhile Survivors have usless trash like green maps and keys or brown toolboxes in addition to brown and tons of useless addons.

So at the moment I have the issue of a lack of Medikits and especially in addons for those. I need to spend a TON of BPs to get even a single (brown) medikit - don't even get me started on the addons.

I know you can farm stuff with Ace Perk/Plunderer's BUT then you need to survive the trial to keep it (I am mostly solo, just sometimes duo) and also it depends on RNG and if mates will open chests before me.

There needs to be some change in the bloodwebs like either removing ALL brown items/offerings completly or just a total change where for example you can just chose what yellow/green item/offering you want to get if one pops up in the bloodweb (toolbox, medikit, map, key). That wouldnt work on purple/pink items ofc.


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Maps are on the list of being reworked, same with keys (I mention keys as the green key is just insult to injury) so at the moment it really doesn't cause killers also have a list of really bad add-ons, look at Pyramid Head, Pig, and Demogorgon for examples