Urban Evasion The Best Killer perk in the game.

ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Urban literally promotes TERIIBLE game play. Allows people to just hide and do nothing all game and yes this happens at rank 1. I have just played 4 games where all 3 Randoms and yes these were different Randoms just URBANED around all game. its terrible and annoying when you are trying to play a game and you die with 3 gens left because you are the only person to have done gens and run the killer for 10 minutes. Now im not knocking anyone who uses it and uses it well. But this perk literally is annoying to me as survivor.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    edited November 2020

    Well you say this but there's a reason a full 4 man swf never runs UE lol

    The problem with UE is that it's typically run by players who don't use their time efficiently.

    At high ranks seeing a Urban Evasion and Self Care player is amazing as killer. Basically a 100% guaranteed win unless they are actually good players trolling the killer into thinking they're bad.

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    I'm probably one of those killers, I've lost so many survivors during chases to find out they used UE in the end game and I say, good plan. It lost me, got them an escape and the hatch most of the time.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    Many perks can be annoying, depending on how they're used. Bond, empathy and kindred are used by some people to sandbag. Some people use WGLF to farm you. Others equip SB and simply walk the whole game, even if the killer is miles away.

    But these same perks can also de used well. Sometimes you need to save someone on the hook from a killer proxy camping and there's no one to heal you: self care can save you and your teammate. Or even when you unhooked someone, if the person self cares while you work on the gen for 32 seconds, you have more gen progress than if you heal your teammate and then both work on the gen for 16 seconds. Sometimes you don't have that time to do so, but sometimes you do.

    It's not really about the perk, but how people manage their use. I personally run bond + kindred quite often, and nothing annoys me more than watching a teammate scared in the corner for the whole match at purple ranks. But I can't blame their perks.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Aka the game's scratch marks and/or sounds failed you like they usually do.

  • MagnetBeard
    MagnetBeard Member Posts: 36

    Honestly. It's not on par with self care with no buffs as best killer perk in the game, but depending on how people use it, it can be close.

    A lot of players understand the concept that hook states is a resource, but only tend to think of them as a resource for themselves rather than for their whole team. It's quite important that you don't let yourself get caught and killed, but it's just as important to think about how you may be one by one feeding you teammates to the wolves if you hook pull them then disappear into a bush if you have any interest in winning as a team.

    That said, when not used to be a bushmaster for a whole trial, it's an amazing perk. Ultimately the issues that exist with UE aren't UE itself but as I said, poor play with it in relation to the fact that the game has inbuilt rewards for being a crappy player. (For example, I have no problem with hatch in it's current incarnation but there's no way to logically deny that it's function doesn't very frequently reward people for being terrible teammates.)

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    This has nothing to do with the perk and everything to do with your team.

    A player using UE doesn’t make them stink. A player using NOED doesn’t make them stink. It’s all about HOW they’re using it. Hiding is tactical, but being a potato all game is not. Try to remember, manydifferent players with many different playstyles.

    You can’t control what they do, only what YOU do. Team up SWF or deal with the soloQ annoyances. And don’t sweat it, most SWF teams are not as good as people make them out to be.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    The game is about surviving and escaping in majority of horrors you play stealth... running out I. The open with your ds and umbreakable will get you killed LOl some urban OMG around actually makes more sence, my friend uses urban it’s his go to perk and it’s crazy how he losers killers so quickly with that LoL and he dude gens, not everyone wants to run around with orange lines following them while they look for a gen

  • troy99
    troy99 Member Posts: 45
    edited November 2020

    UE is really strong against Hag. Sometimes it's a really good juke material if combined with Iron Will.

    You know what's an annoying survivor perk? Self Heal. I'm at red ranks and usually team up with purple survivors and a rank 1 killer. They have tendency to heal after hit by Sloppy Butcher. It takes them ages to heal and come save me, as I've already hit struggle state on my first hook, which forces me to play less altruistic for the rest of the game.

    I've seen pretty fast unhooks with UE against Hag's basement traps and most of time it's fun. It'd be better if Fixated also buffed the crouch walk.

  • dungforever5
    dungforever5 Member Posts: 4

    I almost always run Urban Evasion with Sprint Burst. It's a great combo and I'm constantly able to escape the killer. Are you sure you're not just mad at players who didn't use it better? There's literally nothing wrong with the perk. This whole game changes based on how you play. It's not the perk, it's the player.

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    I dont think its the perk thats the problem, its the players. Urban Evasion has a lot of potential and it can save a lot of time, allowing you to hide from the killer much easier. Urban Evasion against a hag is god tier. I personally don't use it but I don't judge survivors who do use it until I see them using it wrong. if they arent doing gens, then UE isnt the problem, its them. UE makes it easier for them to be useless, but it makes it easier for other players to be useful. Every team loves a good gen jockey, and UE is one of the best gen jockey perks. I understand your frustration but its not the perk, its the player.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    It annoys me when I see people scooting around the map because they think UE is quicker. Just because the survivors legs move quicker, doesn't mean you're actually moving quicker. I'm not looking forward to the tome challenge where I have to use UE 😂

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    The two must have perks for me are UE and spine chill. UE has gotten me around so many corners just enough the killer couldn't see me. One guy went around a rock 3 times with me while I was using UE. It was great! I use UE because it's just faster.

    Also I'm not playing the game on speedrun, I'm playing the game to stay alive. So uh, if it helps me stay alive I'm gonna use it.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    I have 4k hours in the game. Just started using UE recently for luls and it's legit really strong. Ive dipped out of so many chases mid chase. Made some amazing BT saves against camping killers. If you use a perk effectively it is good. I play killer at rank 1 and it's definitely not a 100% win like you claim. Even self care can be amazing when used at the right time. And of course a 4 man isn't going to use it, duh. They don't need it because they are all running the same meta perks.

    There is no problem with urban evasion. Do you know how many times I've seen survivors dead hard or sprint burst into a wall??? It's not the perk it's the person using it. Urban is no different.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I can't imagine you dipping out of chases using Urban Evasion unless your running Iron Will with it. In this scenario I'd give the credit to Iron Will and not Urban.

    Don't get how you can make amazing BT saves against a camping killer unless it's Hag. It's faster to run in a save them if their camping so I'm near certain you mean Hag.

    Your right when you say it's the person running the perk but typically better players will use perks that are better at high ranks. They don't run all the same meta perks it's just that there's no reason to run urban over other, better stealth perks.

    If it's doing you a great job then that's actually great. Maybe you will be one of the few players running Urban that will actually make it look good.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited November 2020

    On DbD mobile we are blessed to see our fellow survivors' perks beforehand. No Mither and Urban Evasions are instant dodges if possible - even if it's too late and I have to force close (the trial automatically starts a five second countdown with a full lobby of survivors and a killer). Left Behind is a red flag also for obvious reasons.

  • ephellon
    ephellon Member Posts: 19

    "While doing gens"

    Yeah--have you seen randoms lately? They will literally hide all game and not do a single thing except check chests, steal keys, and fully open the gates. Then proceed to t-bag because they "escaped"

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    Yes. This is how I see Urban Evasion and Self Care. Both aren't very great perks but neither are really bad. The issue is the way they are being used. Most people who use Urban Evasion literally abuse it in a bad way and crouch LITERALLY EVERYWHERE. Or they crouch to the corner when they hear the terror radius. With self care, I see survivors use it any time they are injured. If there is a survivor around you should not self care. If there is a person on the hook and the others are doing gens, don't self care, go for the save then you and the person you saved can heal each other. With urban evasion, don't crouch everywhere. Run to gens and if the killer sees you don't crouch to the corner, you're asking to go down in 5 seconds. Urban evasion and self care are not bad perks at all but you have to actually know how to use them for them to be good. I barely use either but this is just my opinion.

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    Also I would like to point out that most people on this thread are saying, "it isn't the perk, it's the people using them." IMO, most bad players run urban evasion. Just saying.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    I used to be a huge fan of Urban when it first got buffed. No, I wasnt an urbaning Claud, I despise those. But the perk is good for juking killers mid chase or maneuvering quickly to a camped hook without getting seen. Overall, when I dropped the perk I was simply better at stealthing and didnt need it anymore. With so many anti stealth perks anyways it really isnt that useful. And unfortunately, the perk is usually used extremely poorly by the worst survivor players. I'd say the same for SC but that perk can only be used in a poor manner.

  • iZombie
    iZombie Member Posts: 231

    It’s actually both Urban Evasion and Iron Will that help during chases. I’ve had countless moments where I’ve been getting chased at a jungle gym and I’ve been able to start running in one direction and then quickly crawl in the opposite and lose the killer. It wouldn’t have been possible without UE as I would have been crawling too slow.

    I recently had a match against a Rank 1 Billy who kept trying to chainsaw me at close range, I made him hit a wall and then crawled away behind a rock. He had no idea where I went and kept circling around trying to find me but because I had now gained quite a lot of distance and left no scratch marks, he just gave up and left. Most killers won’t expect UE and they’ll assume you jumped into a locker which just buys you more time to get away from the area whilst they check every locker in sight.

    The perk isn’t for everyone, but I know for a fact it’s helped me out in plenty of chases and I’ve made plays that wouldn’t have been successful without it.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Well if it has then fair enough 👍

    Btw I'm quite pleased I called out the Iron Will lol

  • Lumpytoad
    Lumpytoad Member Posts: 16

    You have to match the pace of teammates, so if they are immersed you need to adopt their playstyle to survive and do well.

    ...And also match the pace of killer. UE users just need to pick up the pace when someone gets hooked, and not crawl to you when someone else is clearly being chased on the other side of map 😂

  • Walmart
    Walmart Member Posts: 19

    It can be a good perk if you use it right. I remember in one chase on coal tower where I pallet slammed the killer, fast vaulted through a window, made scratch marks towards the opposite side, then urban evaded as the killer got the near the window and up the stairs. They ended up losing me. I was playing Nea and just sat upstairs waiting until they left, that saved me a hook state.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    But it's so satisfying downing a survivor who's using iron will and urban evasion by finding them when they think they won't be found (survivor main so I try to look where I'd go if I were them and I'm usually right)