Avoid Player option

Ok so we all hate a greifer who just seems to enjoy themselves giving others a hard time. For some reason they get a kick out of it and mostly it's a player playing killer. Yes you have the report option but to be honest I think it's just there to keep everyone happy. I think the game needs an avoid this player option, even if it's only a 30day avoid, at least then whoever is doing the greifing will have a difficult time finding a game and think twice on greifing others. This should be an option for both sides not just a killer role. I suffer with mental health, and my gaming is all I have for an escape from my mind and I deserve just like anyone else to play the game make new friends and have fun. Greifers need to be given a harsh reality imo


  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    While I somewhat understand where this is coming from implementing something like this would not go over well. People will use something like this against playstyles they hate or people they consider "try harding". A 30 day timer i can see que times becoming terrible. Unfortunately for most online games the only thing you can do is get video documentation and report it