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Have you ever gotten to play agaisnt any Dbd streamers or content creators?

The reason I'm asking is because I just played against Elix's Hag. He destroyed my team and I on Haddonfield.

So yea anybody else? Has anyone else ever gotten to play in a match with other steamers/content creators of the community? How was it? What was it like?


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  • Member Posts: 1,568

    I played against russian youtube streamer once, don't remember name. He had fog whisperer charm. He played Wraith and didn't managed to kill anyone.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Yeah I faced Ralph once..was going pretty well till my team got greedy and I got kobed

  • Member Posts: 882

    Played with both Yerv and aDeliciousAvocado. Both pretty cool people. I am even seen in one of Yerv's bugged by daylight videos (as the person who caused said bug), and on Avocado's stream I basically got tunneled and died first.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Played with and against several streamers. Mostly small streamers, though.

    The only "known" streamer I played with was Tru3. We were survivors and played against a Huntress. Result was a 4 man escape.

  • Member Posts: 536

    I've played against Otzdarva once, Jaee once, and Yerv about four times now, idk why I keep getting matched with him, I guess we just play at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 92

    One time me and my friend accidentally matched with a streamer as killer. We noticed the two Neon Neas bringing keys so I brought one for lolz. After us 3 escaped via opening hatch me and friend then find he was ttv. Infinite Myers too

  • Member Posts: 179

    I have had the honor of going down to Tofu's Billy's chainsaw. I got destroyed.

  • Member Posts: 395

    In terms of larger streamers, played vs Otzdarva's Pyramid Head and Scorpionz Pig, both were 3 man escapes.

  • Member Posts: 2,533
    edited November 2020

    The most famous streamers I’ve played with/against are No0b3, Monto, Puppers and AngryPug.

    I’m Rank 1 on both roles so I get a lot of streamers but I was lowkey starstruck when I got them randomly in my games

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    No famous streamers but if I kill a team with a ttv name in it, I check if they're streaming and comment to them compliments and/or constructive criticism.

  • Member Posts: 244

    Most people I face with "TTV" in their names have like 1 viewer at top.

  • Member Posts: 149

    I've played with AngryPug, I've played with No0b3 multiple times, and I've played against Hexy multiple times as well. I think that might be it tho

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Literally every single day. Not big content creators, just small streamers. But still, they are streaming and creating content, even if their audience is small.

    Although I'm on AU servers, so it's not exactly like there's many big name streamers to trip over down here.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    I played vs Otz, Nina and friends once. It was a great match, 7 hooks but only 1 Kill. Otz was quite fond of my Trapper, if I may say so, it made my day 💘

    And then there are the countless TTV people you get every other lobby, of which I know none :D

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I've played with Paulie, Gay Myers back when running 4 Pizzadwights was a thing, Tydetime vs his nurse. Probably a lot of others but the hard truth is I don't know a lot of content producers by their gamer tag.

    If you ever see a Dwight running around while watching someone's video with the gamer tag Sachiko Shinozaki, thazza me!

  • Member Posts: 1,122
    edited November 2020

    I played with Sattelizer twice and Elix9 once.

    First time was with Satt, I was playing Pig. His team were pretty toxic t bagging me and taunting (SWFs), but he was apart from them and played well and polite. I felt bad that he was the only one who died- and not even by skill, it was trap RNG.

    Second time was with Satt as a survivor, unfortunately we got a Freddy who facecamped him. I suicide saved him so he could get out :) least I could do for the first game we played, even though he didn't remember it lol

    The game against Elix9, they were toxic af. Didn't show in game but I watched the VOD, they were trash talking and calling me a dumb Claudette (even though I messed up their traps, body blocked/protected against survivors, and even DS'd them).

    Good times all around :D wish I was on the East Coast though, would love to play with/against Monto or Umbra.

    EDIT: Of course I've played with dozens of TTV streamers, and probably more from other streaming services, but those two are the only big name DBD players I knew.

  • Member Posts: 158

    I’ve been murdered twice in one week by OhTofu and played a game recently as survivor with PROBZZ. PROBZZ is a damn good survivor. Didn’t realize he was dead on hook and went back in for him and I ended up dying, was fun though.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    When MMR first started I was playing like my third match ever as Bubba and Yerv was in the survivor group. I failed so hard. Thankfully I don't think he was streaming at the time.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    I made Angrypug suicide on hook a few times.

  • Member Posts: 246

    I've fought a couple of whisperers before. One of them chastised me for tunneling, another tilted me off the planet with his slugging.

  • Member Posts: 8,872

    Ive gone against Paulie ester as Legion and unfortunately kinda ended up dominating... I felt bad about that one.

    Went against Zubat once when I was still kinda newish, so brought iri heads and a mori. The guy actually included it in one of his videos, lol.

    Went against EdgarAllenBro once as Clown and had a pretty close game that resulted in a 4k. The guy was actually pretty cool about it and gave me props for playing without addons. Ended up watching some of his stream afterwards and followed him, lol. Its a pretty entertaining stream.

  • Member Posts: 7

    My girlfriend and I got destroyed by Oh tofu and made it in his video a couple weeks back.

  • Member Posts: 21,222

    I haven't ever to my knowledge :(

  • Member Posts: 7,164
    edited November 2020

    Yes I faced TheEntitysLeftHand's Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    Oh dam, I forgot, I faced lefty before, too :D

    He got me, and I think only me, but I had my stupid archive done so I didn´t really care. His outfit made me suspicious (he wore the classic) and it was confirmed after the match.

  • Member Posts: 42

    A LOT of people stream this game, so to name them all would be impossible. My favorite game against a good streamer was against ThreatDesigns. He plays a fun Trapper and he let us all go after we all got hooked twice.

    A side note, I finally decided to add TTV to my name, BUT I took it down almost immediately. As a Killer its fine but as a survivor, it basically means an instant mori.

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    I've gone against Zubat, Ralph and I think Monto on pc.

    Ralph destroyed us with Huntress. Not even close.

    We were winning against Zubat when he was going for his adept Hag achievement and we threw the game pretty hard looking for Devour after the gens were all done. No one got on a gate as he was guarding the hooked person and patrolling doors so it went from a potential 1k to 4k and was pretty funny actually.

    I'm not sure on Monto but I like to think it was him. He released a video on Oni doing the melee build on the lab but a few days prior to that I had ran into an Oni with the same name, skin and build but we had used map offering. He beat us at like 2 gens left but I like to think it was him and we messed with him a little when he was trying to do a vid. <3

    On PS4 I've ran into Dastaaardly a couple times. We beat him pretty good as he was playing Nurse and he ended up DCing. It wasn't out of malice or anything he said, it seems like he just DC's to get into games quicker when he knows he's lost. This was back before the DC penalties had come back. Kind of weird but whatevs. The other times I don't quite recall as it was a while back.

    I've also run into a bunch of smaller streamers but those are always hit or miss with their attitude.

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Recently played against superaaronnova who was a 4 man and I was huntress and brought ormond for roadmaps since im just a noob huntress on console. And yeah I had to camp basement and they had great teamwork and were clicking flashlights for no reason. None of Then seemed too good when I started m1 though and I went into stream asking why they did that just to get insulted and the streamer trashed me as if I should have let myself be steamrolled. Then I apologized for being rude for calling them toxic trash and he was fairlt nice, still stings that I was subject to toxicity on a live stream from a popular group.

  • Member Posts: 488
    edited November 2020

    Monto, JaeRoar, Sattalizer, and puppers all at the same time. Back during DeathSlingers PTB

    Got proof as well

    Post edited by Hex_Stalk on
  • Member Posts: 2,533
    edited November 2020

    No0b. He ran a Billy that was trying to slug for the 4k for like 5 minutes and even picked me up from the floor in the process.

    The vod is long gone from twitch but I clipped this cool play from it.

  • Member Posts: 8,872

    Theres a difference though between someone who streams with a viewer count of like 2 and someone who actually does it regularly enough to have a decently high viewer count of afew hundred at least. The 2nd is what people are asking about.

    Its kinda like the difference between being on television because of professional grade acting...versus being on television because you pressed play on a family video to the beach.

  • Member Posts: 710

    I faced Otz, on stream, he was playing clown, and i was playing some memes with a friend

    We got destroyed

    But we had a blast like never

  • Member Posts: 42

    I understand what the thread is about, kind sir. My statements are what they are.

  • Member Posts: 14,892

    Played against a relatively well known German streamer once. He tried Burger King Myers though and literally only ran after me the entire match (lost me a few times but ignored others to find me again). Ended up with zero hooks and I recognized the name in end game score board.

    it was glorious to watch him rage, and how he hoped for his Hex: Haunted Grounds to pop so he would insta down me.

  • Member Posts: 208

    I've played with/against Pug, Monto/bbgurl, Edgar, heyZeus, Cope, Ralph, TallerToast, and WildWes. I think there were a few others but those are the ones I remember.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Had otz on my survivor team off-stream. Three of us were slugged and he ran over to pick me up but stepped in an obvious bear trap en route which was pretty funny

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Maybe? I don't really know; I'm relatively new and I don't know all the names of the Streamers alts in the game, nor those of the content creators. I did play against the "actual" Emma Watson once. I get to say I did what Voldemort couldn't, and killed Hermione Granger. :)

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    As survivor I’ve played against Otz three times. Scorpionz and Dowsey a couple of times. Another Fog Whisperer that I won’t name who was a complete ass, couldn’t catch me until the very end of the match so he left me to bleed out while everyone else was dead.

    I’ve only gone against smaller survivor streamers that I know of. It’s always fun watching things back from their perspective though. :D

  • Member Posts: 3,001
    edited November 2020

    So far I've only played against Yerv and Ralph.

    Against Yerv and his friends (they were really damn good) I was playing billy.

    Against Ralph I was playing against him demo(only I died).

  • Member Posts: 4,433

    Went against Paulie Esther with his friends when the Billy and Leather Face changes were on the PTB, and Tru3 when Demo came out, also against Tithi when I played the Pig, but I think that's it.

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited November 2020

    I used to play against the same people all the time about 3 years ago because the community was much smaller. I think I've played against every top DBD streamers from NA at one point, remember making some of the more toxic ones ragequit, didn't seem them much after that since I probably got MLGA'd by them for playing Nurse. Lol

    Communities a little too big these days, but I don't run into anyone but smaller streamers who are generally pretty nice

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    I've faced Scorpionz too many times at this point, and EntityLeftHand three times.

    I've been solo in all of the games except one versus Lefty and I've been tunneled off of the hook in every single game because guess who stopped using DS for a while. They made for incredibly fun games.

    So, so, so much fun.

    Though actually one time I faced Lefty's survivor on midwich. Slaughtered his team then tried to get to him before hatch opened, but he got out at the last second.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    As survivor I used to commonly play against scorpionz and occasionally played against Otz, LynxiTime, sammymjay, iosefka, dowsey etc.

    I've played against Tru3 a few times, but not recently. When choosing the Toronto region was a thing I also played with angrypug.

    Ever since cross play I've hardly played against any streamer and I don't see the regular PC players anymore either which makes me sad!

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Remember match where i outplayed and escaped tru3t4lent Nurse with my Take hit + sabo + take second hit + crawl away with tenacity play. He complained about swf and bugged sounds in the end

  • Member Posts: 366

    Played some swf with Peanits. We weren’t on comms, but still fun. Also played against some streamers with a couple thousand followers.

  • Member Posts: 3,348

    I can know for sure I've encountered Scorpionz (many times actually), Tru3 and Ardetha a few times. EntityLeftHand once. And way back I ran into a certain very banned player once too.

    Back when I played more with people all over the world I also encountered Fungoose once.

    Beyond that, who knows. Not like I'd know if they were playing with an unknown alias at the time.

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