Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Some Plague QoL

Member Posts: 13,671
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

There are some QoL changes I feel like would be pretty nice for increasing the enjoyment on playing Plague as she is one of the lowest played killers. Yes some of these would be considered more of a buff than just QoL but I think she honestly needs it.

-Apply regression as if kicked when vomiting on a gen

Plague has the issue of being very behind in time because of survivors not needing to heal in a meta where even killers that do make survivors want to heal are behind in time. This leads to Plague getting "gen rushed" even harder. I think this could help her a little on her time issue so she doesn't have to vomit and kick every single gen. If too much we may make it so it doesn't work with gen regression perks, IE it wouldn't apply Pop but simply basic regression would begin.

-Turn down the Corrupt Purge volume

This thing is so extremely loud it muffles a lot of survivor noises and is honestly just simply annoying because of its volume.

-Make it so Corrupt Purge doesn't need to be picked up

This goes back to her time issues. You are very rarely able to pick of a Corrupt Purge because of its placement mid chase and the time you waste walking over to grab it and then find a survivor to begin chase can be at least 10 seconds and even that's being quite generous. Seeing as you're not on a survivor during that time, it's 10sec x 4 survivors = 40 seconds. So picking up just one fountain can roughly be giving the survivors half an entire gen in progress. That's a lot.

When a survivor cleanses it would then give Corrupt Purge to Plague automatically. This fountain would now be corrupted and unable to be used until all fountains were used and they reset. This makes Plague more time efficient and makes it more likely the survivors will have to run to a further fountain if they want the cleanse.

-Infection cannot be cleansed while Plague is corrupted

This prevents a scenario of all survivors cleansing at the same time and Plague only getting 1 Corrupt Purge out of it. It also makes them have to spread out their cleanses between each other and reduces some of their control of Plagues power as they won't always be able to cleanse immediately when they want to.

-For each survivor fully infected/broken Plague gains 2 meters reduced TR

This is to add a tiny bit more danger while fully infected/broken without giving it "anti-fun" mechanics such as slower regression etc.

-Vomit working better around ping related issues

It's well known that since dedicated servers Plague has had quite a few "issues" related to her vomit interactions with bad ping. Things like the survivors coughing as if they were hit with the vomit but not getting infected. I don't know how they would want to go about adjusting this to play better with ping problems but it's something that annoys a lot of people off wanting to play her.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 13,037

    So I like some of these, except the Infection cannot be cleansed

    but I do recommend changing the spelling error in the ping related issues as you spelled "now" instead of "not"

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2020

    If we didn't add the prevention of cleansing during corrupt then they would all just cleanse at the same time crippling her entirely. How would we solve that issue if not adding this stipulation? To me it makes being infected slightly more dangerous as you could put off cleansing too long and then someone else uses it up, preventing you. It may make you want to cleanse earlier to be safe.

    "but I do recommend changing the spelling error in the ping related issues as you spelled "now" instead of "not""

    Appreciated, I missed that.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Also: Shorten her height?

    @TheClownIsKing had a conversation on this, i believe? (Sorry again for tagging you if you weren't the one saying that.)

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2020

    I'd personally rather them make her good enough in other areas to work around her hindrance of tall height than changing it.

    Kind of like instead of making every single killer 115% move speed I'd rather them make the slower 110% killers good enough to warrant their slow speed. Diversity in the killers is nice in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 366

    I dont play plague very much, but I feel its kind of weird that a pallet stun gets rid of her purge. If plague mains could chime in, would this be a good buff to her?

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I get that they want a visual representation that shes in Corrupt mode but I wish they'd tone down the intensity of the red flame thing. She looks like a radio tower on most open maps.

    Also I like Plague but have they fixed her vomit just straight up not connecting? I thought it was just me but I played against one 2 weeks or so ago and very clearly saw the vomit phase through me in several different chases.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    I agree with these. It mostly boils down to a philosophical issue with how the devs view survivor time vs killer time. It seems that they view them as more or less equal.

    It's so much more costly for Plague to go out of her way to pick up a fountain than it is for a survivor to go out of their way to solo heal at a fountain. It actually costs the survivors nothing many times, because at least two survivors would be occupied healing against another killer. But against Plague, it's one survivor healing on a fountain in less time than a normal heal.

    Plague has a glaring issue with game speed. The nature of her power takes away the natural stalling of heals, and fountains only occupy one survivor for less time than a normal heal. On top of that, Corrupt Purge is usually not powerful enough to make up the difference. She's a killer that gives every survivor a medkit if she uses her power, and she's not guaranteed a viable reward.

    I hate to say it, but she's just really poorly designed.

  • Member Posts: 366

    Side note, I was playing customs and was using her blight cosmetic (just bought it at the time). I puked on a survivor, they made the coughing sound, but they weren’t sick. The survivor also confirmed they made the sound as was puked on. This was during the blight event 2020

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2020

    You summarized quite a few of my thoughts about Plague as well.

    "It mostly boils down to a philosophical issue with how the devs view survivor time vs killer time."

    ^^ This especially. They don't seem to realize that every 1 second spent as killer is 3-4 seconds given to survivors. Killers time spent needs to be significantly faster or the survivors time spent needs to be significantly slower to compensate. They treat it like a 1:1 and it's simply not. This problem applies to a lot of killers as well, not just Plague. This is why I feel they treat the game as a 1 vs 1 instead of a 1v4, which is where the balance problems come from.

    I also think people vastly over value how good Corrupt Purge is. Especially when you consider the time spent to infect each survivor that gave you that Corrupt Purge in the first place. When you add that time in, even a super fast down with Corrupt Purge wasn't actually "fast" after all. It also usually isn't fast against a good survivor anyway. I can loop a Corrupt Purge for quite a while.

    Hypothetically if Plague was just Corrupt Purge all game and there was no Vile Purge at all would she be OP? Not saying we should do this, just to make a point though about the power level of Corrupt Purge. She might be high A tier in this hypothetical scenario but she still wouldn't be better than a few other killers even with that.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I'm actually okay with this counter play existing. It makes her power stronger between loops rather than at loops similar to Blight.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I pointed that issue out in my last change. "-Vomit working better around ping related issues"

    This has been happening since dedicated servers came in a long time ago and still exists.

  • Member Posts: 42

    I have an addition to your list: Ranked Pips!

    Doing research on the Plague for some videos, I played exactly 25 matches with her and only gained a pip twice, and never two pips. Even when scoring over 30,000 points, I'd often just get the safety pip. One match where I got three of them, the last took Hatch, and I got Gold on hooks, I still lost a pip. Something has to be done to balance out her scoring in regards to ranked. You lose so many points for them cleansing all their ailments so easily, fewer hits (IE, they get broken from Vile Purge so you only get a few hits in for your chases), and the shortened match time from lack of healing means they do gens sooo fast you never get above silver in generator defense.

    Fix plz? (I made a thread in suggestions btw!)

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2020

    The issues causing this actually effects a few other killers for similar reasons as well. They need pipping tweaks on those killers taking into consideration how their downs work. Plague is probably the most effected by this though.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    The two ideas I like here are that, yes, some adjustments to the velocity of her power needs to be adjusted now that ping to dedicated servers has handicapped her immensely.

    I also like the idea of reduced TR. I was thinking instead though if there were a stage 2 sickness where the survivor is also now permanently afflicted with Oblivious until cleansed.

    @Boss i’m actually ok with her height, thus her visibility. It’s necessary for the sake of balance when she does carry CP. Her visibility is only an issue when survivors refuse to cleanse, and has nothing to help at loops, and the occasional bug that gets her stuck in doorways, staircases, or anything else hanging low enough.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    The core concept is fantastic. The execution is disappointing.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Plague always has bugs. She’s more buggy than nurse, and is the buggiest killer in the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Some great suggestions here. They'd have to reduce the duration of Corrupt Purge if they made it automatic imo. Plague would easily be A-tier with these changes.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I like that idea with Oblivious as well but I leaned on the more conservative change just because I figured people would think it was too much for lower rank players. Against good survivors though the Oblivious would be totally fine probably.

  • Member Posts: 2,069
    edited November 2020

    A couple alternative small buffs that I believe would help plague gain more map pressure and viability in the mid-high ranks:

    1. Give survivors the Hindered status whenever they vomit for the duration of the vomiting (roughly 1.5-2 seconds). This is a small and periodic de-buff to survivors that makes the Plague more of a threat in a chase but not so much that she becomes OP or too oppressive.
    2. Also while a survivor vomits, give them a 6m AoE that infects everything within its radius. This allows the sickness to spread throughout the maps less predictably and reduces the workload on the Plague herself. Currently survivors spread the sickness to each other by rescuing an infected survivor, working on a gen with a fully infected survivor or healing a downed infected survivor, all of which require direct interactions, otherwise the Plague has to infect them and objects herself every time. Adding this will make the sickness spread feel more like an actual Plague, apply more pressure to the map for her, make the add-on's that increase infection time on objects more noticeable, increase the chances of the sickness spreading to other survivors, and help her gain the contagious (25bp) scoring events more often.

    I believe this is pretty much all she really needs in order to save time and make her more of a threat without breaking her. I've always thought the biggest problems she has are how much of the work she has to do herself in order to get survivors infected in the first place, and encouraging survivors to use the fountains so that she can gain corrupt purge. Instead of spending the majority of her time infecting and re-infecting survivors, theoretically with these changes, all she would have to do is infect 1 or 2 survivors, and let them spread it to the rest of their team. On top of that, with survivors experiencing small slowdowns during a chase against a 115% movement speed killer, who can one shot them at this point, they'd become much more inclined to cleanse at fountains asap instead of waiting until there's only 1 gen left or the gates are powered. Overall these would allow her to apply better pressure, and save her time so she can focus more on tracking and downing survivors, which is really all she needs in order to become a better and more viable killer IMO.

    Is this suggestion too much or too little? What do you guys think?

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I like both changes. I worry it isn't enough though.

    You think the auto acquiring Corrupt is too much?

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    A good idea for her corrupt purge would be that the plague should be able to channel it from any corrupted fontain on the map similiar to freddy when he's teleporting to gens.

    She shouldn't be able to cancel it however

  • Member Posts: 843

    Not only that but her BP gain could use some work. Plague might just have the worst BP gain in the game (I think)

  • Member Posts: 2,069
    edited November 2020

    Auto corruption would only encourage survivors to avoid cleansing as much as possible, which would bring back the old way of combating her when plague first came out (i.e. never cleanse). My current method of gaining corrupt purge is to simply chase survivors until they lead me to a corrupt fountain, pick it up, finish the chase, and then spend the next 50 seconds punishing the team for cleansing. While survivors primary strategy is to cleanse at fountains as far from the Plague and gens as possible, they also go out of their own way to do it, which wastes their time, and honestly they can't keep it up forever. Why go to the fountains they chose far away, when they will soon be bringing them close to you?

    I've honestly never had much trouble with picking up corrupt purge, it's just not my primary focus as much as keeping them sick and in a 1 shot state is, but even that has it's issues, and while auto corrupt would mean that survivors would be less inclined to cleanse and stay broken, it would also mean that the survivors will either never cleanse or choose to all cleanse at the same time so that you only get 60-70 seconds of corruption, vs having 4 fountains ready each providing 60 seconds of it at your leisure. Either way, it puts them in more control of her power than they currently have, and I'm not much of a fan of that concept (this example is best shown in game by using her Iridescent Seal add-on and having 2-3 gens pop at roughly the same time: 2-3 activations of auto corrupt, but only about 50 seconds of usage for it). At least now, you can pick when you want to start doing ranged damage, even if you sometimes have to go out of your way to do it.

    It's not that I think it's too much in the way of making her broken, Instead I feel that it would do the opposite, because unless the auto corruption stacks its seconds every time a survivor cleanses, 4 survivors cleansing simultaneously will only give Plague one corrupt activations worth of time, and if it did stack the time, no one would ever cleanse. You can see where I'm going with this right? When plague first came out, everyone complained that her corrupt purge power is too much in the survivors control, and with the auto corrupt idea, that would be 100% true.

    I do however agree that the volume of the "prayer whispers" she hears when she gets corrupt purge needs to be turned down. It currently smothers out all survivor noises aside from screaming. Hell you can accidentally walk by a gen being worked on and not even hear the sounds they make while working on it. I don't get why the devs insist on applying certain sounds to killers base kits that hinder our ability to hunt survivors via the noises they make, all while still giving us a hint in the loading screen telling us to "listen for survivor noises". well devs, which is it? Am I supposed to be able to hunt with sound or not?

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited November 2020

    The reason why plague is not picked is not because she is not good. its because her piping system is extremely messed up right now and its ironic because when they made emblem system more strict to try better reflect skill in the game, Plague was the killer released and she is the worst piping killer in the game probably purely because if the survivor cleanses, the killer get punished for the survivor healing up from fountains in 3rd emblem even though this is only way for plague to get corrupted puke and if you don't cleanse, than your chaser emblem will be practically be silver because becoming broken from sickness does not account as "hits" in chases so you get a lot of instant downs that award little in emblem system. Plagues probably only killer in the game where you can 4 man 5 gen and depip/black pip.

    It has been pretty crazy that its been 1 year and half and they still haven't address the problem of Mori's and instant downs robbing killer of their emblem. Plague being worst offender as her instant downs are under the survivor's control.

    from looking at her power, Dev probably think Plague is overpowered as hell considering her power is lose/lose for the survivor just like they weakened thano for the "lose/lose" situation so you suggesting changes to buff plague won't happen in a million years.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    While I totally agree about her pipping problem I do think the main reason she isn't picked as much is more so about her strength and survivors having control of her power, not the pipping issue. The pipping issue does contribute some I'm sure though.

    I'd overall say Plague is pretty weak. It all comes down to how good the survivors are at looping. Good loopers make her really bad as when it comes down to it she's just an extremely loopable m1 killer. She's probably much more punishing to low ranks that don't know how to loop yet.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2020

    Even if we assumed a hypothetical situation where vile purge didn't exist and she had corrupt purge all the time, where would you place Plague? I ask this because I think corrupt purge strength is pretty over exaggerated. In this hypothetical world I still think Plague would be only high A tier with a couple other killers still being better. My point being even if we added all these things (which is much, much less than the hypothetical situation I mentioned) she still wouldn't be top tier so I don't see an issue.

    Yes the survivors have to go out of their way to cleanse but that's pretty meaningless when you think about how much time you spent infecting them in the first place and the time you give them in picking it up. IE every 1 second you spend is +3 or 4 seconds for them, so you walking over to pick it up is way, way worse than the time they spent cleansing it there.

    I think you missed one of my other changes which involved preventing survivors from cleansing if another survivor already cleansed and you currently have Corrupt. "-Infection cannot be cleansed while Plague is corrupted" This means your scenario of them all cleansing at once couldn't happen.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    In corrupt purge, she's 115% huntress and ranged killers are usually reserved to 110%. she's definitely best ranger killer on paper but like Oni is to Billy, she is not always in her power. Without her power, If everyone is broken, She's permanent infinity EV3 Myers and Myer is quite weak as being 1 hit is worthless vs good looping. The only time 1 hits matter is when your saving people from hooks and you do not want hook trades and plague gives you control over on when you can be 1 hit or not 1 hit. In the end, It is same problem as many other killers like Oni before his power, Legion, Myers etc. M1 killers will never win vs good survivor players because they make few/no mistakes at all in loops that are safe which is vast majority of them hence why the better killers always those that can spam their power and render looping ineffective. Plague is not able to spam her power without survivor control and therefore is subject to be beaten by good looping.

    I mean for reference, Plague used to move at 120% in PBE in corrupt puke mode and she could hold her puke at 115% and they thought it was too oppressive. Its still hard to believe that Pop goes weasel and Thana were "overperforming perks" but you know, rank 20 balancing as they say.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2020

    I think you make her Corrupt Purge sound way stronger than it is. She is still very loopable even with corrupt given the slow wind up, down down on herself, and the slow arc of the attack. She also has to waste time infecting and then picking up the corrupt which ends up wasting way more time than the extra time you saved downing them faster with the corrupt. I wouldn't call her a permanent EW3 Myers when they don't cleanse either, she's much worse. Myers has a longer lunge and faster vault in EW3 as well as a him having a smaller TR. Not to mention Plague is also extremely tall and a full 32m TR, making her one of the most loopable killers in the game in that state without her power as well as plenty of heads up that she is coming.

    I agree with your sentiment about M1 killers.

    Plague in PTB never moved at 120%, what she had was the 115% while holding corrupt as you mentioned.

    I agree about Pop and Thana.

  • Member Posts: 2,069
    edited November 2020

    Plague has the most devastating ranged damage attack in the game. Hypothetically, if all she had was corrupt purge, then she mop the floor with survivors in all maps except for a few of the indoor ones like Treatment Theater. As she currently stands, good survivors cleanse very sparingly, as opposed to those who cleanse as often as possible and get punished for it. I know this because I actually mained her up until Blight came out, and I still do very well in red ranks when I play her with my build: DL, Thana, Surge, Surveillance/Pop/BBQ, (I call it the "Rock and Hard Place"). Her power with corrupt Purge is uncontested IMO as it's basically "machine gun hatchets" with a 13m range that can hit multiple survivors better than bubba's chainsaw, can be used more often, and good survivors know it and fear giving it to her. This is why My build punishes them for refusing to cleanse more than it does for when they cleanse, which by design, encourages them to cleanse and give me that power over them. Like I said before, I don't have to go out of my way to get corrupt purge when, sooner or later, a survivor will lead me to a corrupt fountain during a chase, and I'll unleash hell on them for it. If they gain 4 seconds for each time I gain corrupt purge, they are gonna lose 20 seconds per survivor I down with it.

    I admit I did miss that because I started responding after reading up to the auto corrupt idea, and while that would stop the scenario wherein they can all cleanse simultaneously, the auto corrupt still gives them no incentive to cleanse at all when they can just deal with being broken all game and gen rush. While My build counters that and encourages them to cleanse, it still falls victim to survivors being efficient with gens in the early game as the main slowdown I gain with my build doesn't occur until all survivors are infected/broken, and I have acquired at least 4 stacks of DL. If I can't get them all broken and 4 stacks of DL by the time there are 3 gens left, It's a real pain in the ass to make up for it. My build and strategies aside however, I still feel that giving them the power to control when corrupt purge activates for Plague vs. being able to choose when you activate it yourself, would be more of a hinderance for her than a blessing.

    I'm neutral on your suggestion to lower her TR 2m per fully infected survivor because M&A was my go-to perk with her for a long time since it allowed her to get close enough to start infecting survivors, but with that suggestion it would require her to infect all 4 to gain the benefit of M&A. Still, If paired with M&A it could be quite devastating, as she would have a 16m TR with all infected, and we all know how much survivors hate it when Deathslinger brings in M&A, and he doesn't move as fast as she does. Likewise the regression suggestion is a nice touch that would encourage Plague players to infect every gen they come across as often as possible and use the add-ons that increase infection time on objects, but I promise you'll get nothing but complaints from the survivors over it, and even if it were implemented, their go-to method to defeat it will still be to gen rush while infected instead of cleansing.

    As for your last suggestion... I honestly think that is already in the works. The devs are trying to get the tik rates and timings for perks like Dead Hard optimized for the dedicated servers, and I'm certain they're also working on correcting killers projectile timings and tik rates as well, so you may not have needed to suggest that.

    IMHO, Plague is a very strong killer once you learn how to use her effectively. Is she S tier? No, but I personally put her at a high B - low A because her 2 part power makes chases last half as long as they would be with most other killers, Gives her excellent tracking, and makes her a nightmare to face at range. Does she need improvements? Absolutely, but not if they are going to give survivors more control over her power than they already have.

  • Member Posts: 2

    The plague needs that the survivors cannot see the fountains to cleanse and that when they use them all do not reset at same time it should be reset one at a time and not all together

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited November 2020

    are you playing plague without add-on? the add-on you should always use on plague is rubbing oil. its like huntress Flower Babushka. It will drastically improve your vile purge and corrupt purge by lowering the wind-up of it thus making it a lot harder to loop. Slow arcing is something that threw me off at the start but it ends up working out in your favor if you can master the arc, it ends up working in your favor on a lot of the loops, you can hit people even behind objects with right angle. she has some setup time but its really easy to perform within normal game loop unlike the majority of setup killers that have to go out of their way to use their power(Trapper, Demo, Hag etc.). I do not play much of plague purely because of her emblems. Otz made a video about her recently. She is definitely one of the more.... strategically complex killers. I am not really sure why you think a killer that counters all form of healing and could even counter old instant heals + has opportunity to move at 115% with a ranged attack is weak but that is beyond my comprehension.

    She did move at 120%, It was definitely in one of those patch logs. I found it fascinating purely because no killer really moves at 120% with M1 capabilities. I found it to be quite unique at the time. Hope that shows up some new killer release in the future.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2020

    Killers shouldn't be balanced around certain addons so I am basing this around no addons.

    "I am not really sure why you think a killer that counters all form of healing and could even counter old instant heals + has opportunity to move at 115% with a ranged attack is weak but that is beyond my comprehension."

    Because I actually play her regularly at rank 1 and understand how weak she is. Countering heals is irrelevant because now they waste no time healing and gen rush you even harder. You want the survivors to waste time healing. The only real benefit Plague has here is them wasting perks slots in turn because of this. You also aren't taking into account the amount of time you waste infecting, picking up and then finding someone in realizing the cost associated with Corrupt Purge, not to mention missing its high level of counterability in the first place, IE slow charge, slow down on release and arc speed. She is highly loopable with corrupt. You are over valuing how good her Corrupt is and under-realizing the cost for her to get the corrupt in the first place.

    "She did move at 120%, It was definitely in one of those patch logs. I found it fascinating purely because no killer really moves at 120% with M1 capabilities. I found it to be quite unique at the time. Hope that shows up some new killer release in the future."

    You can look through the patch logs, she did not have 120% move speed. I even went back through them just to verify. The very fast speed she had was when she kept her 115% while holding a charged corrupt.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2020

    I think you vastly over value how strong her corrupt is. Even with corrupt she can be looped for quite a while. She will down you slightly faster than without yeah, but when you count in the extra time spent infecting and picking up the fountain you're at more of a negative than a positive a lot of the time. You are misunderstanding the time ratio I gave you. They are not gaining 4 seconds each time you get corrupt purge, they are gaining 4 seconds for each second you spend. So 5 seconds to pick up corrupt purge (this is extremely generous and assuming you're near walking right past it at the moment which is quite rare) is 20 seconds given to the survivors. I think the survivors gain a lot more time from this interaction than you're realizing.

    You mention them now not having incentive to cleanse at all but that is entirely the point of my other change where we decrease her TR per survivor fully infected. This is to make it more dangerous if they indeed don't cleanse now. You also say it's bad to give survivors more control over her power but now you are getting instant corrupt without the time cost of picking it up making it actually time cost positive. There's also very few moments where you would not want to get that corrupt instead of your vile. The only time you are honestly being given your corrupt when you really don't want it is the assumption of a hyper organized SWF 4 man. Given this, it would be a net positive.

    I think considering Plague low A tier is extremely generous. I can't think of a single high hour/high rank player that would put her there or even close. The general consensus is mid B at best. A killer that when it comes down to it against good survivors is an extremely loopable m1 killer is never even remotely close to A tier or in a general sense "strong". I just feel like you're giving Plague way too much credit. I'm assuming good survivors, not the survivors you will run into on average.

  • Member Posts: 2,069
    edited November 2020

    With all due respect concerning your last statement about my tier assessment of Plague, I told you I mained her, what I didn't tell you was for how long, which in my case was over a year as she became my go-to girl to get the job done once I got good with her. Regardless, you can't main any killer for even a month in the red ranks without running into coordinated SWF groups and top brass survivor teams, so when I put her at a low A tier, understand I was including the above average survivors, of whom, even with her bugs/kit as it currently stands, I have still been able to dominate regularly.

    I'm not "vastly over valuing" the strength of corrupt purge and if anything I feel you're underestimating it, because while it can be looped and avoided with the right obstacles, just like with huntress and deathslinger, once you get good at aiming and timing your shots with it, there's very little survivors can do to consistently avoid it. On top of that it's a rapid fire ranged attack, and by that I'm talking about how quickly you can chain the attack with separate charges of her power, and not just one charge of it, which makes it the easiest/fastest ranged attack in the game. Downing broken/exposed survivors with M1 attacks shortens chases to half the time it would take to injure and down a healthy survivor, but when it comes to Corrupt purge, It can take even less time to down a survivor from the healthy state and from positions they thought they were safe at. With it, I've downed survivors over obstacles, through holes in walls, through each-other, and in positions that would otherwise be impossible for the average M1 killer to take advantage of or mindgame, and once you realize that Plague has this power over them, you end up chuckling to yourself every time the survivors willingly give it to you.

    Now, I get what you're saying regarding time management when it comes to gaining corrupt purge, and while its an idea going in the right direction, it still puts the survivors in too much control over when Corrupt activates. Knowing what I just told you about corrupt purges power, you're going to need much stronger incentive for survivors to cleanse than simply lowering her TR as good survivors will literally put up with anything to avoid giving her that ability. Recently/Ever Since she received the update that starts her with 1 corrupt fountain by default, and due to how few people actually play her, the average survivor teams seem to have forgotten the "Don't Cleanse" strategy against her, which has made playing her at my level even more dangerous for them. Still, I do end up running into teams of good survivors that refuse to cleanse until the gates are powered, no matter how much my build punishes them for it. Giving plague Instant corruption when they cleanse at a fountain allows them to pick and choose when to do it, and if the good survivors aren't cleansing against her now, what makes you think they ever would when granted that much control?

    @OniWantsYourMacaroni already suggested a damn decent idea for how she can activate corrupt purge:

    "A good idea for her corrupt purge would be that the plague should be able to channel it from any corrupted fontain on the map similiar to freddy when he's teleporting to gens.

    She shouldn't be able to cancel it however"

    This keeps the activation of corrupt purge in her control, and saves her time on traveling to fountains to do it, which in my book sounds like a win/win buff for her. Would survivors still refuse to cleanse if it were implemented? Yes, but at least they would no longer have direct control over it, and bringing in the Apple Add-ons would give her up to 3 activations she can perform at her leisure from the start of the game. Compared to auto corrupt activation at every cleanse, which can only be performed once every minute of the game with your other suggestion that restricts survivors from cleansing while she has corrupt activated, @OniWantsYourMacaroni 's suggestion gives her more freedom to pick and choose which fountains she gains corrupt from and when she activates it. Any suggestion that keeps her most powerful tool out of the hands of survivors is the direction our collective suggested buffs needs to go in. Take my own suggestions for example, while they are small, they save her time on infecting survivors herself, make her more of a threat to deal with in an M1 chase which encourages survivors to cleanse, and don't do anything to put her power in the survivors control. While I understand where you are coming from and the intentions of your suggested buffs to her, I still don't comprehend how giving survivors that kind of power over her power would end up being any better than how she operates now, since no matter how much time would be saved were it implemented, you're assuming that good survivors would ever activate it for you in the first place.

    I don't mean to be combative or straight up shoot your ideas down, I just want to point out the flaw that the idea would have if implemented, and hope to help you iron the kinks out of it. The devs have stated before that when it came to their choices for balancing Plague they had to walk a very fine line regarding how her power works to keep it from becoming too oppressive to the survivors vs. too weak for the killer. They ended up making it more weak than strong, but where they left it strong it's actually bordering on the "over-powered" end of the scale. Plague does need buffs, both to how her power functions, and how her points are gained (she really should gain her "Contagious" scoring event for every thing survivors infect), but like them we have to walk that same fine line when making our suggestions. To others, the auto corrupt idea would make her broken, but to me, it would result in making her underpowered without a harsher incentive for survivors to cleanse. IMO, Plague has always put survivors between a rock and a hard place: Don't cleanse = spend the game in a 1 shot down state that also makes you easier for her to track, Cleanse = Give her the best ranged attack in the game, and good survivors have adapted to this situation by taking advantage over when and where they choose to cleanse. Finding the right balance in our suggestions and predicting how survivors would realistically react to them if they were put into the game is not easy, but we have to consider it from all angles if the devs are ever going to take us seriously.

    Post edited by TWiXT on

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