Why can’t we have a reconnect button

Why can’t we have a reconnect button if we did not want to dc
Because it can easily be abused by people who do DC on purpose.
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Because players would abuse it.
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Explain how it would be in any way fair for a killer to have a survivor brought back into the trial, who knows where, what health and hook states it will put them in, etc. It just doesn't work.
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The suriviors who dc start at the dieing state after the dcing killers that dc that come back probably have some gens done because of the dc which also they lose time on hooks and bp which screws them in the long run
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Easy way to not abuse it
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How long do you plan on reconnecting?
Even 2 minutes can change the game around.
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Takes about 4 but if people dc on not purpose it helps them still anti dc as well
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Survivors can use Unbreakable, easily bypassing your idea. And are they supposed to just hold M1 while the killer is gone? That sounds boring.