The New Killer Can Hold The Game Hostage

Charlotte can block a exit gate while victor can block the second.This is dum
Can't you just yeet Victor and open the gate he's blocking? Charlotte doesn't have any movement speed abilities so it's not like she can rush over there after Victor gets yeeted. Even if she keeps using him and the EGC is not active, you'll still make progress on the door and other Survivors can body block him.
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Cant kick him if hes being controlled
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There's two exit gates. So you can just go to the other one.
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No, it can present a lose-lose situation. Charlotte begins control of Victor while sitting in front of one exit gate switch, and Victor monitors the other.
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She can't prevent people from leaving the exit gate unless both Charolette and Victor are body blocking the same exit gate. There's enough time of her switching between Charolette and Victor that survivors can just run pass them.
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Unless I misunderstand, Charlotte's idle state bodyblocks (collision). She therefore completely prevents one switch from being accessible, whether in control of Victor or not. Am I incorrect?
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To everyone who doesn't get it:
OP is talking about blocking each exit switch while controlling Victor. This makes it so that neither door can be opened as long as you do not attack.
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I’m on PS4 (no PTB here), so I don’t know much about the mechanics of The Twins, but can’t you kick the little one? That might move him.
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I know you can block the bathroom with Charlotte on the game release Victor
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This is game breaking
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Calm down. There are ways to counter this.
- Open the gate. Victor will be forced to attack the player who is opening the gate. If he misses, he can be crushed, and if he successfully lands the pounce, it's a gg as long as the survivor doesn't remove him.
- i've heard that some people control Charlotte and use Victor as radar. This is ABSOLUTELY counterable. Just crush Victor, and if it's too late to do that, see above.
- Try to squeeze past Charlotte/Victor. This won't work 100% of the time, but it definitely is a possible solution.
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I don't think it's taking it hostage I think it's a new challenge to ensure that you pick the right gate to try and open. This killer will have a much easier time using this strategy in order to ensure they don't lose the last survivor though.
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Victor can't be crushed on an exit gate switch?
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I might be wrong, but I thought he was crushable after missing a pounce or sitting still. Perhaps the sitting still part is only when control is released though. I've only watched videos and haven't played PTB myself.
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You can't unbind Victor while you're near the gate, nor can you switch between them if you're near the gate. This killer cannot block one exit gate, much less both.
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yes, he's crushable while idle.
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Sure, but does this include while he is being controlled? Or only after releasing control?
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Yet no-one mentions this when the Trapper places traps on each one, or Freddy's dream-snares...or Hag's traps...or Plague's puke...should i stop?
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Yes, because there's a complete difference - the latch can still be accessed in all the situations you mentioned.
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I don't know if he can be crushed while being controlled and standing still, however if he misses a pounce there is a brief cooldown period where he can be crushed.
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This is a good post to put in 4.4.0 PTB feedback section.
Because yes, if you keep controlling victor and make it AFK, on the other gate, charlotte can block the the switch too.
In my opinion, victor should be crushable after not moving for 2 seconds.
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you can leave Charlotte at one gate and be Victor at the second.
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You can’t unbind Victor or switch control to Victor while standing near a hook which prevents you from using Charlotte or Victor to block a hook rescue. Someone above commented you also can’t unbind or swap while next to an exit switch which likewise prevents them from blocking both doors from being opened.