Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Too much of a grind

Member Posts: 97
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've been playing this game for a year now. I have a solid 3000 hours in game and I JUST NOW got every killer to level 50. The only prestiged characters I have are Myers and Oni, who are both P3 Level 50, and only Oni had all the perks unlocked. That took me a full year, and I'm not even done. I plan to eventually P3 Level 50 max perks all the killers, but I seriously cant fathom how long that's going to take me, if this took me YEAR. this game needs to be less grindy. The devs either need to let us sell useless addons for BP, give us double BP more often (unlikely) , or remove perk tiers (even more unlikely considering they shadow nerfed discordance to justify perk tiers.), or, and here's my favorite idea, let us keep perks with prestige.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 19

    I mean this game is highly unfriendly towards completionists in the first place. I don't even know if you're supposed to complete everything, because the game design makes it as difficult as you say.

    But yeah I don't get either why you have to strip your character naked each time you want a prestige-level. I'm fine with raising the bar for prestige (level 100, 150, 200 even) because you'll spend BPs either way. But why would I play a perkless character until I fed him enough BPs my other characters earned? It's not only resetting your character, it's blocking him for a limited amount of time, only to get him prestiged. It's the only reason I refuse to prestige on my favorite characters.

  • Member Posts: 5,504
    edited November 2020

    Your bloodpoint gain may be not optimal, I at 3500h am just finishing all perks on all killers P3 atm.

    I bought an Fitness Bike, an Xbox controller and extension cords. 200min a day, Lost 13kg aswell.

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    You are doing something wrong. I played 2200 hours and got five p3 max perks killers. And one p3 max perks survivor. All the rest survivors are p1, and half of p3 killers without all perks.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Meanwhile i've been playing for 3 years and only have 1000 hours.

    Saying i play way to much videogames. Yeah right Father!

  • Member Posts: 21

    That's an insane amount of time for 1 year, that means your were playing for over 4 months no breaks. Nice feat though!

  • Member Posts: 688

    The grind is very heavy, indeed. I have been playing for 3 years now and have all survivors at P3 (some have all perks). This year, I started focusing on the killers. Got 4 of them to P3, the rest are still not there. After I get every killer to P3, I plan to get all perks on survivors and killers, so it will take a very long time.

    On one hand, it takes too long, but it also gives me a reason to keep playing, seeing as I always have an objective, now it's to P3 all killers. If I had already gotten everyone to P3, all perks on everyone... there would be no point in playing so much. But this is my opinion. My friends, for example, don't care about P3 on everyone or completing the rifts, so they play much less than me.

  • Member Posts: 2,453

    This makes no sense. The grind is hard, but 3000h? Maybe it counted afk in lobby?

    I played two years to have all perks on all killers since deathslinger and i have all license killer + Hag and Billy P3.

    And when i started i got only one perk per bloodweb.

    I dont know how much i played but surely not more than 2000 hours. That would be 3hours a day and i do think thats too much, i play other games too

  • Member Posts: 97

    i play a lot of survivor too. I just strictly play Nea, so thats why my prestige count is so low with my hours so high.

  • Member Posts: 97

    i play survivor too, about half that time is in survivor

  • Member Posts: 2,453

    Im playing survivor too. But i have only one P3 all perks. How often do you play with BP-Offerings and BBQ when you play killer?

  • Member Posts: 957

    Truth be told without the grind there isn't much to the game. If everyone had all perks and items nobody would have any relevant incentive to play.

  • Member Posts: 97

    i always play with bbq and use offerings whenever i can. but like half of my total points, even ones i make on killer i use on Nea for items and stuff.

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