Ways to stop DS being abused, yet still stopping tunnelling


As much as I think DS is a great perk to stop tunnelling, it also has way too much power against killers that are not tunnelling. I have 2 ideas that would keep the perks ability to stop tunnelling (totally needed as tunnelling sucks) but doesn't give a survivor free reign for 60 seconds

The first idea is to reduce the time that the perk is active for BUT that timer is paused while being chased. This means that if the killer does chase a survivor right off the hook they are going to rightly eat a stun. However if the killer plays well and leaves them alone, then finds them again by chance, they are not punished for that.

The second idea is that there be deactivation conditions. These would be a different survivor being hooked, being fully healed, unhooking another survivor and interacting with a gen/door switch. If any of these are happening after you are unhooked then the killer clearly is not tunnelling you.


  • Dermott
    Dermott Member Posts: 50

    The second variation seems the best to me. It goes with my personal rule - if unhooked survivor does anything that pushes the game forward like unhooking, doing gens or totems then I assume he's ready to be on hook again.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    doesn't work, the killer can simply exploit the chase mechanic so the chase doesn't happen as they follow you. This is what old legion did and if the timer is reduced it will allow the killer to tunnel/kill faster and if the pause in chase stays it is a buff to a already strong perk.

    all your deactivation conditions provide too many situations where the killer can tunnel for playing well. while that's good on the killer for being able to produce that much pressure they shouldn't be rewarded for it by allowing them to apply even MORE pressure with another hook. Also i don't think DS should be deactivated for trying to open the gates or if a survivor with active DS goes for a save because there are a lot of situations where a survivor is forced to do that or the team loses and he shouldn't be punished for that.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    The deactivation conditions are imo the best..the paused timer can be abused and makes slugs invincible

  • IshinSolarc
    IshinSolarc Member Posts: 114

    while that's good on the killer for being able to produce that much pressure they shouldn't be rewarded for it by allowing them to apply even MORE pressure with another hook.

    I disagree. Do you believe that DS should be an anti-momentum perk? Because that is what you are saying. Survivors making 3 mistakes and still getting away with it is fair then? Players who play bad should be punished for playing bad, that's why DS is a problem right now, there's no downside from using it and it's reliable, but also makes good killers lose momentum even if the survivor made stupid plays.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    yes i do think it should be at least for previously hooked survivors as a killer can simply slug a unhooked survivor and hook another survivor before going back to the one they slugged, i do it ALL THE TIME.

    there is nothing stopping the killer from snowballing until they win it's not hard to do when nothing stops you from doing so. (hook a survivor, down a survivor shortly after and hook them after the other is saved, tunnel the unhooked survivor and hook them again.)

    that simply provides too much counter play in too many situations as DS would be too easy to deactivate, use your brain.

  • Kadajacs
    Kadajacs Member Posts: 43

    How I see it is that if a survivor is remaining slugged long enough for the killer to win a chase with another survivor and hook them, they should be fair game for another hooking. There are 2 very simple counters for a killer doing this. The first survivor can either use Unbreakable, or get picked up by other players.

    As it stands now DS punishes killers that are just doing well almost as much as those that are legit tunnelling. Survivors abuse this to do objectives right in front of the killer knowing that there is no consequence for doing so.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    then you should address what they are abusing which is using it to get free progress on gens, not to deactivate it in a way that makes snowballing unstoppable once you get it going.

    it's also not uncommon for you to get downed and then your savior quickly after, not all players are super coordinated swf's not even actual swf's they won't always be able to get you before the killer hooks your savior or whoever else then goes back for you.

    DS deactivates when you spend more than a total of 3 seconds repairing any generator, that would fix that WAY better than having it deactivate from someone else getting hooked which is something you have no control over.

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    I like your second idea a lot.