Why the "looping mindset" that survivor players have is detrimental and is slowly killing this game.



  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It's impossible to hide near generators due to how bright and bare the maps have become. Looping is the only thing you can possibly do. If you don't like it, play an anti-loop killer for even easier wins.

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    I very much disagree! The problem with what you suggested is that you're further encouraging people to play Blendette. What if I want to play Felix? He's super tall, white, and has blond hair. He's not good at hiding. And now you're telling me I'm going to be at even more of a disadvantage? I don't like hearing that.

    As someone who also plays Killer now and then, nothing is more boring that stealthy survivors. Maybe it's intense for them as I draw near without seeing them, but on my side it's only boredom and frustration. It's very one-sided, unlike looping. Stealth is boring.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    I would prefer to chase a survivor round a pallet than try to find 4 p3 urban evading blendettes.

  • Skullcorps
    Skullcorps Member Posts: 1

    I've been playing DBD since it dropped and have had to deal with constant debuffs for survivors, from the broken parts to the medkits syringes/styptic to borrowed time ect..ect..

    The killers have been at a RISE from hex ruin to all the perks they have that reveal our auras and instant downs with a long list since 2016.

    You're complaining about loops, the thing that literally makes the game a thriller/chase/hunting game. You have all the TOOLS put out on a platter for you that can literally destroy survivors before first Gen even gets touched.

    We all work/grind out the game to get our top ranks, not to mention having to deal with killers that just camp/proxy/tunnel/slug. That's the game. You're complaining about something that makes the game equal and fun for both sides!

    I have friends (and myself) that live to hunt the survivors and literally enjoy when they prove themselves by not being able to get hit. We praise them for their skills because we are on both sides of the coins knowing how its not that freaking easy my dude!

    You're worried about keeping constant W's when it looks like you really just hate taking a proper L from someone undoubtedly better than you at loops/chases.

    In conclusion. Stop crying and GIT GUD BOI.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752
    1. Looping is what seperates the good and bad players, holding W, hiding in a corners and holding m1 on a gen is not skillful in the slightest
    2. calling killers by their lore names is kinda weird other than mikey billy and bubba
  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    As a rank 1 killer, I will take 4 sweaty p3 gods all running meta perks with flashlights who troll me all game and make it exciting over 4 blendettes hiding in corners of the map doing 3 seconds of a gen till spine chill goes off then urban evasion away with selfcare and iron will.

    Boring af.

    Granted i normally dont have any problems getting 4ks vs either type of survivors but i dread the matches where everybody is hiding.

    Please let someone know how to loop so i can actually have fun instead of playing hide and seek all game, generally speaking when survivors are hiding all game its because they cant loop and their chases end in 10 seconds.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Unmindgameable loops, and survivors that don't make mistakes or fall for mindgamedls is why I main Spirit, and like going against these so called problematic killers!

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I play a lot of m1 killers and I do fine at rank 1. Well, I did. Now I mostly just play Blight and Slinger because too many survivors would rather just hold W than actually have a proper chase, with mindgames and risk-taking and a good bit of juggling.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    Yeah my games don't go that way at all. Why are you chasing the first person you find for so long? If you can't get someone quickly you should be pressuring the people working on gens.

    I play all killers at rank 1 and rarely feel the need to use spirit or nurse. FYI you don't need to double pip to maintain your rank, just a black pip, so not sure why you are saying that you have to "double pip to retain your rank 1." That is just not true.

    I crush people as pig on the reg.

    I throw sweet hatchets at people who are clueless.

    I don't usually play hag because it's too easy and everyone hates her.

    To be honest you sound inexperienced. The issues you are upset about go away when you get better at handling the different tile sets. "Any killer that doesn't excel (at looping) isn't viable." Just not true at all. Looping is but one strategy and it has many counters. Go play the killers you want, I say, and figure out how to shut those loops down. It is absolutely possible and you don't need spirit or nurse.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    I like that the OP refers to the Killers by their first names and not their DBD alias. That is all.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I think it's really fun as a survivor. As a killer it gets tiring and as you said it's def not as fun if you're not a few certain killers... Though they get labeled as OP because they break the standard way to play and survive as a survivor. They add an extra layer onto the standard know how to loop which isn't always fun to deal with. Not sure how they will if ever fix it, but maybe one day they'll try

  • extonjonas
    extonjonas Member Posts: 41

    I think looping the killer and avoiding them is a the fun part of the game. Stealth can definitely be fun but we are talking about playing against real people and not AI. If they spot you it is not really that you got outsmarted so much as you only can hide so many places and a killer cam check all of them faster than you can effectively switch hiding spots. Looping a killer technically take skill and mastery of the game even if it is unfair a lot of the time. Guessing which hiding spot the killer will check does not take skill

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    idk calling The Hillbilly boy or Max Thompson Jr. , seems a lot more weird to me than calling The Nightmare Freddy, or The Huntress Anna

  • bobigamesbg
    bobigamesbg Member Posts: 2

    I disagree as well. First as White_Owl said, chases ARE the core of the game. Stealth is an option that I frequently use, BUT I refuse to stay hidden the whole game, just so a killer could catch me easily and camp me on a hook. Never imaniged that a red rank killer could have tunneling and camping in his backpack every game, but there they are. My first game in red ranks was against a camping rank 1 Oni. Killers now have the privilege of the so called "Aim assist" which in my opinion is helping a lot of killers land a hit that they shouldn't be able to. Same goes for the dedicated servers, where a killer can actually M1 you after you vaulted a pallet and are staying of the other side of the pallet, just because on is "laggy" end you're still vaulting the pallet. As someone already said, it is not the long looping thats the problem, the problem is that some killers want an easy kill instead of trying to "mindgame" the survivor. And I do know that a "big brain" killer won't let you loop for a long time even if there are 100 pallets on the map. If the looping aspect gets removed from the game, it will become boring for both sides. And I can assure you that since I had a game as a killer where I couldn't find the last 2 survivors for around 20 minutes, just because they were hiding and trying to find my Hex:Ruin. Like I knew that this is the reason, but after the first 10 minutes of searching I gave up and went to watch videos on YouTube while waitng for them to do anything.. That's just not how the game should work...

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    When I first started this game I used stealth most of the time. The beginning wasn't fun for me as it often started with me being found early on and unable to lose the killer - this was 90% of my games and was very frustrating.

    I made myself learn how to loop and the game became a much more enjoyable experience. If a killer is directly chasing me, how am I supposed to have a chance at losing them if I don't loop? There aren't many options for survivors, so they have to loop. If you can't catch a survivor, go for someone else.

    Some killers find stealth boring, some find looping boring - there's no winning here.

  • Cum_King
    Cum_King Member Posts: 21

    looping is a core part of the game

    also, the 3rd circle of hell is reserved for weirdos that insist on calling killers by their first name

  • quoclong
    quoclong Member Posts: 24

    I really do no understand the purpose of this post? So survivors are not meant to loop but instead just W and eventually get hit and go down? Why don't BHVR just make BOTS that go straight in a line then and u have fun playing vs computer. Sadly, looping is only way survivors get to stall a killer (i mean stall because in most cases unless killer is really bad he will eventually down him. 1v1 killer usually always wins).

  • MichSciFiYT
    MichSciFiYT Member Posts: 4

    I'm not being funny. All respect to you, but you just sound like a salty killer!

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Did you just say looping is meta and no killer is good at countering it?

    Doctor counters it, Deathslinger counters it, Trapper counters it, Nurse counters it, Billy counters it, Clown counters it, Demo counters it, Charlotte and Victor counters it, Huntress counters it...Oh wait every killer has something in their kit that deals with looping

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Its a casual/competitive game. Players on both sides want to win. Why should survivors go easy so you can have fun and they can't?

    There's a lot of killer players who do very well with Pig. Hag is also extremely good, but people are scared to play her because of a slight learning curve.

    You absolutely can play Hag and win. Be more confident.

    Heck, insta teleport Hag LITERALLY counters pallet loops.

    It sounds like you've had a bad match or two and are coming here to vent. I've done it too. It happens, rarely. But even years later I can get tilted by this game.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Lists the two most hated killers due to their lack of counterplay. And the killer considered the most dull to play as by the majority of the community.

    Say it guysl. You just want free wins. You don't want to be challened.

    Friday the 13th had a single player mode if thats what you want.

  • FreezingFire
    FreezingFire Member Posts: 18

    Pftt. I just wont let the survivors loop at all with the doctor

  • chefdave12118
    chefdave12118 Member Posts: 193

    I don't like when people call the killers by their birth name. Makes me think too much. I like Nurse and Spirit.

  • elpoh
    elpoh Member Posts: 222
    edited November 2020

    i don't like play as female killers, i feel they are boring...

    nurse, ignore everything

    spirit invisible AND faster, i still think she should move at 115% base speed, and keep it while phasing, but can activate it while moving... so the mindgame will be only "where is she" instead of "where is she" and she is now faster...

    huntress...hold M2 until you are next to him... if he moves... he get hit... if he don't move... you walk until be next to him....

    so... im actually playing only Clown, Demogorgon and Blight, because i have fun using they powers... and i still get 4K - 3K 90% of my games, so even if i depip in a random match, i can easy get the pip again in the next one...

  • Kape
    Kape Member Posts: 2

    I'm still trying to figure out who Lisa, Linda and Beverly are lmao

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    honestly, looping is one of the only ways to play. There aren't many stealth perks and every perk outside of the meta is gimmicky or situational. It comes down to a lack of variety in gameplay styles that leads everyone towards the only truly successful way to play; franticly running in a circle

  • Boodge
    Boodge Member Posts: 19

    A) looping has been in this game since the very beginning. The game is not slowly dying. It has only grown and grown. People have been saying it is killing the game for 4 years now. It hasn't, it has done the opposite.

    B) Your first chase really lasts 3 minutes? I can pretty consistently hook my first survivor within 2 minutes in red rank as almost any killer. I get that a few bad games can happen, but your description seemed rather overdramatic, highlighting the rare crushing defeat.

    C) I had a really tough time figuring out which killers you were talking about right away. Using their "real name" like Rin/Sally/Caleb is awkward and weird, just call them by their titles aka Nurse/Spirit/etc. It just makes the meaning clearer, and is honestly a little less cringe

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited November 2020

    Why does this feel like a bait post?

    Honestly, anything I would have said has already been said.

    It really is a case of me finding it impossible to believe that someone who mains killer with 2.8k hours in the game struggles this much. I have over 1k less than that and I do just fine in red rank without ever opting to play Spirit, Nurse or Slinger. (Because they're so boring tbh)

  • hag_with_a_mori
    hag_with_a_mori Member Posts: 2

    No offense but if your dumb enough to chase 1 survivor while the other 3 do gens then you shudnt b playing killer to begin with. You should never be in a single chase for more than 45-50 seconds if you cant down them or mis position them in that amount of time guard the gens just because you enter chase dont mean you gotta down them chases are what make this game fun i play leatherface at rank one with no add-ons and still adleast 3 k every game i wud 4k if it wernt fore the hatch and the exits being available to the last survivor

    xOMNISCIENTx Member Posts: 64

    The ones who play the stealth aspect are probably the same ones that t-bag, run self care, and look for hatch ignoring other survivors. The survivors that DO are the ones who run the killer and do gens. Ive seen the type of survivor you talk about, theyre called claudettes.

  • PointlessPips
    PointlessPips Member Posts: 22

    Bro..monto has said this. Puppers and ohtofu has said this idk about how many times...fair isnt double pipping n a 4k on the killer side. Its a VIDEO GAME both sides need a chance to "win" 2 kills is EVEN whoch if you played good that at the least an even pip whoch youd still keep ur rank 1. Idk y u think rank even matters if you have 2.8k hours. I have 3k hours n rank is the most pointless ######### ever. Not to mention it is sooooo easy to hit rank 1. As killer and survivor. Unless u r using a bottom killer with no add ons or trash perks. Not to mention u really think those are the only 2 killers who can counter loops??? I highly highly doubt u have anywhere near even 500 hours this sounds like a huge noob posts. Which most of these are. I never comment but this was so stupid to read. Looping is bad at where it is now

    But not for the reasoms u stated. They blocked a lot pf exits for thos reason on these new map updates. If u played pld dbd forever loops were an actual thing. There are barely any endless loops left. My idea. Take the very few long loops off the maps make sum more pallets unsafe. All done. This is literally a cat chase mouse game n ur asking for little to know chase. Look at the names of the perks? The way the games designed? If u hate chasing so much play a different game. Yall just want a completely diff game at this point. Also u probably just suck. You can have 30k hours n still just be trash at a video game. Ive met ppl whos played the same game since they were kids and r still bad

    Because they refuse to just get better and keep on finding fault in the game. N i cant stress this enough. To win in any game unless its candy land you need sum sort of skill. You need to EARN IT work for it. Which oof survivor needs a lil tweaking on tht part but as killer yall r fine. Its more of survivor being too easy than killer being too hard. Also u have to accept survivors will adapt. So many things have been taken away on the surv side to make ######### harder n every update they just fckn deal with it. Just play the damn game

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    As a survivor main, I've seen a LOT of others use them poorly- dropping them for no reason or with little thought. I actually support the idea of reducing them in specific maps. Personally, I rarely use pallets unless the killer is actually going to be hit OR there is a valid reason for distraction.

  • BugsGalore
    BugsGalore Member Posts: 57

    Your first chase should absolutely not take 3 minutes. If you can't mindgame them for a hit why are you committing to them for so long? The pressure gained from that down is absolutely not going to make up for all that wasted time.

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    I agree, but I'm sure you've triggered every survivor main on this forum.

  • Madahala_
    Madahala_ Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2020

    I agree. Loops shouldn't last more than 20 secs in a normal game. I am a main survivor, but I also play killer and have lots of fun, the only bad part on pc is the queue lasting 5+ minutes and svv lasting less than 2. I always run, jump windows, and cover lots of area in the maps during chases. Smart looping sometimes happens, as a strategy, not a main tecnique. It's toxic, makes the game too easy and unfun. And genrushers can suck my dick. Stealth is boring but better than looping and stealhers have my respect, it's always fun to have some hide and seek as both sides :)

  • Madahala_
    Madahala_ Member Posts: 10

    And I also add that looping is easy as hell and takes less than 30min per day spread through the week to master. Learn how to run and not abuse the game's flaws, like running into a wall and having no friction allowing you to get easy chases with your smaller hitbox. Git gud 👍

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    Sorry I can't respond to all of you this is a bit overwhelming! I appreciate the feedback and it's nice to see most people stayed civil!

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488
  • No, I completely disagree about how a game goes. I have never experienced being looped for 3 minutes by 1 survivor or the gen rush you talk about.

    I will agree that looping is a bit of a cheesy way for survivors to buy time in a chase, but any good killer has to be aware of his surroundings when starting a chase, generally I won't chase a survivor for more than 30 seconds, as that is enough time to down them, but the time is variable and open to play. Most loops can be mind gamed, and is the killers role to trick survivors into a vulnerable position for a hit.

    It's agreeable that looping looks like a Benny Hill chase, when I play survivor it always amuses me to watch a chase.

    What do you think the solution is? Less loopable points on a map? Faster blood lust? Less pallets and windows/vaults? More walls or even less walls? When you start adjusting these things, you then start to hinder the survival chances of lower skilled or more accurately, the majority of the survivors. Just because some survivors are insanely map knowledgeable, doesn't mean that there should be game wide changes to address this. The idea is, the killer should know maps, loops, mind games and dead zones just as well as survivors.

    I do prefer the stealth option as survivor, as you say, it's a bit of a rush when you're hiding and the killer walks straight past you. However, I will loop and chain tiles together if I have to, but for me that's the killers fault for continuing the chase and wasting their own time. But I know players that just love being chased, why shoudld their fun be inhibited just because some killers don't have strategies to counter looping?

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    This game thrived thanks to looping mechanic. Remove looping and that's what will actually kill the game. Noone likes stealth other than people with less than 100 hrs. And with all the anti stealth perks and killers it won't work unless the killer is listening to some kind of brutal death metal riff while sipping his fav beer.

    They should make looping fairer for both sides. No infinites nor god pallets and neither deazones or hawkins pallets.

  • dmitch23
    dmitch23 Member Posts: 15

    The problem with eliminating looping is that it seriously affects the meta of the game. If you're going to eliminate looping then you can also get rid of whispers, BBQ and Chili, strider, and any other perk that gives away a survivors location. Steath doesn't work if you have perks that show you where they are.

    Better yet, let's eliminate perks all together. Then it's pure skill against skill. But don't ######### about people hiding in lockers and being difficult to find.

    Much like several other people here I've played against pure stealth survivors ones who hide and stop doing gens when I'm dominating a match. It sucks.

    The other problem with no looping is from a survivor's stand point. Once you're found, you have no chance of escape. The killers are faster and I can't do anything to get away. To eliminate looping you would have to remove every structure in the game including all pallets. After all any of those things can be looped. You would have to increase the fog so that you can't see someone that's further away then your terror radius.

    All of this sounds awful. Practice your looping. You're gonna lose a lot. But you will eventually get better. If you don't learn from your mistakes then you're a worse player than we all think.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    I haven't seen a post in quite sometime that I have disagreed with so much in a long time.

    First off, I was told that completing the objective too quickly was the problem.

    Secondly, I much rather enjoy playing against agressive/solid looping survivors than against 4 spine chillers that creep away anytime their spine chill cat lights up.

    I will actually hard camp survivors when that happens because it's really the only boring thing that happens as killer.

    More stealth? Big no from me, dawg.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    How would YOU change this core gameplay mechanic that is the reason why thousands of people play this game daily, and make it as fun and entertaining as is?

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    I literally can't loop as survivor worth💩.

    I am a killer main at devotion 6. I bet I have less than 30hrs as survivor but I consistently survive using urban evasion and spine chill to duck out before the killer gets line of sight.

  • SpaceRaceRG3YT
    SpaceRaceRG3YT Member Posts: 2

    Honestly I'm one of those survivors that run killers around and I respect that. I wish players would focus on the stealth aspect because I don't want dbd to become a sweaty game like fortnite. I play dbd because it's cool and relaxing. It's a game that I can come to and it is relaxing to not have sweaty kids running around bullying killers.