My suggested changes for The Deathslinger

I've seen a bunch of threads about him, and I think It's only right to put in my opinions about this killer. I don't play him, but I understand his power pretty well and I think it's not hard to come up with a Problem: (He's boring to play against, has no counterplay, has counterplay that is taxing to survivors , such as dropping a pallet early) and some Possible solutions:
(Due to feedback most of these have been changed/scrapped. There was more than 1 before, I promise. )
- Survivors can attempt an escape from the chain. They'll receive a deep wound, but will mend faster than normal. Instead of leaving it up to the numbers, The survivor will get a series of skill checks. As they draw closer to the Deathslinger, these skill checks will become easier and easier. A failed skill check will have no effect, but a successful one will give more progress towards breaking the chain. Progress is only gained on great skill checks. A failed skill check will set the chain breaking progress back by 15 percent. As the skill checks get easier, less progress is gained toward the chain breaking per great skill check.
I think this one could prove too strong of a nerf, but if we assume that the reward is low, then I can see it being more fair. It may not be a survivor's idea of fun, but at least it's engaging.
Something like that change would wreak havoc on his kit, so I'm adding something to compensate.
Cancelling the reel in by attacking will injure the survivor with a deep wound. It doesn't matter if the attack hits the survivor or not. This will make the deathslinger better at starting chases, but it doesn't hurt his ability to finish them. Doing this to an injured survivor would be a waste of time, so the rather harsh nerf kind of balances out? Maybe? Either that or i'm editing this for the fifth time today.
I play both sides pretty evenly, and I play as and against Deathslinger a lot of the time. I think these changes would make going up against a DS more fun but if these changes were to go through DS would become completely useless. The only thing he has going for him right now is his completely broken chase potential and when you take that away from him he becomes a really awful huntress. If your going to nerf the chase potential of DS then you have to improve his map pressure like giving him a 2nd ability or something like that.
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I thought about that. I wanted to keep his chase potential while making him less of a pain in the butt. Note that quickscoping successfully will make the reeling in quicker.
Any suggestions for the map pressure part?
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No... His lore is his weakness.
He is a bounty hunter so hiding is the bets rhing against him taking away his instant ADS kills him unless you give him insane map pressure food survivors will win most of the time. Deathslinger has no map pressure but oppressive chase. He is currently is fine where he is right now.
Another weakness is genrushing so...
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I'm Not really sure what can be added to make his map pressure better to be honest. Ive seen some suggestions where he could have a secondary ability that can be used to slow down/stop gens for a temporary time when he hits them.
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I may or may not agree
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He also has literally no interaction in a 1v1 scenario. Pyramid head was changed for the exact same reason and he wasn't anywhere near as bad as Deathslinger.
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Deathslinger is in a really odd position where he's not that good, but still feels oppressive when you play against him. I'm going to need to adjust these so he's not boring to face, but he's still just as good because you're right, Caleb can't take a nerf.
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So give him some buffs to compensate? Just because he's slow and his attacks can't go through walls doesn't make going against him any less frustrating.
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Only thing it needs is an easier to understand way of breaking the chain. Not an 'easier way' and easier to understand one.
Everything else... shows you don't play him. Sorry. Let me elaborate:
- Already happens. Missed shots have a 1.5 sec cooldown + the reload speed. Latter can be reduced with addons, but that's it. If you take away that, you'll have to do increase ability cooldown on ALL killers without the chance of reducing them through addons.
- His music is as loud as other TRs
- See the bit about chain-breaking above.
- 4 seconds. Please, please, please, get Deathslinger and play him and actively wait 4 seconds after ADS without firing. Sure, there's a lot of aholes that abuse ads, but usually one lowers the weapon again the get into a better position. When ADS you are slowed down, meaning survivors will have a humongous timeframe to get away. You are very much proposing to take away his ability in practice. And yet you are encouraging something people hate even more about him: the insta-shots. ADS takes 0.15 seconds already, so this would give a bonus on them.
- There IS an auditory warning already, and it's pretty grating. it's line-shaped in front of him, and the line is broader than his hitbox.
Please do play him before suggesting changes. Because in genuine practice this would make him 'unfun' for both sides: He'd be unable to really use his ability outside of short distances, effectively forcing players to play him as an m1 killer (which already happens enough due to indoor maps)
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Let me make some "minor edits"
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As far as people complaining about his map pressure, what if he could shoot solid objects in the environment to drag himself at a quick rate across the map kinda like the blight serum but farther because I think his weapon reaches 16m or so.
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I get why a lot of people deem the shots 'undodgeable' but tbh, the issue is a bit on the maps. Deathslinger's own map provides plently of cover to strife behind so insta-shooting gets pretty hard. other maps very much bar him from instashots due to narrow etc they are (hawkins e.g.)
Many times insta-shoots DO happen at loops, because you can easily predict where the looping survivors will go. But that's on the survivors trying to loop Caleb instead of ducking into a gym.
EDIT: also, one other change Deathslinger DOES need: Bar him from using M&A. There's a couple of killers that should be outright bared from using certain perks/perks in combo with specific add-ons. M&A for Caleb, Noed for Bubba etc. but that'd be a thread of its own
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that would make long range snipes (the thing that takes the most skill and is the easiest to escape from already) literally unwinnable for the Killer i fear.
i dont think that Slinger could "survive" a nerf to his chase ability i fear.
thats the only thing he can do, thats the only reason why he is a mid tier killer.
its the only reason why he is not a clown 2.0.
if you want his chase ability nerfed, you need to majorly buff him in other aspects to make up for it.
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He shoots you or he misses. If he misses. Run.
That's how simple is power is. Let's nerf all the ADS in every game.