Who thought this was a good idea?

Who thought making a killer that has a static blast the size of a ######### galaxy that can literally tell you where the survivors are.
take the stealth away from survivors, check.
then he chases you and you loop him at a pallet. He keeps shocking you as you are going around so that you can’t throw down the pallet or vault a window. He hits you and downs you.
Take away the only 2 things that survivors have that put a distance in between them and the killer, check.
so next time you throw the pallet down early because he’s about to shock you. You get shocked to tier 3 and now you can’t use your items, so that flashlight that you brought is now useless because you can’t blind him as he’s destroying the pallet. Same goes for a medkit.
take away the ability for survivors to use their items, check.
you end up getting away and the killer comes in the direction you went but he lost your trail and is just in the area, you scream because you’re a tier 3 and he goes to your location. He gets closer and you scream again.
remove every aspect of stealth in the game? Check.
you try to do a generator, you get a skill check and it’s backwards. Messing you up completely. Whatever though, sometimes they aren’t that hard. But Next time you get a backwards skillcheck on the side of your screen, with the skillcheck being right at the beginning of the circle. And you realize that it was nearly impossible to even register your brain to hit that skillcheck. #########??
mess up people on gens, check.
extend your terror radius with perks and addons by a ton and be able to shock people extremely far, check.
the doctor is OP as ######### and you guys can say get better or whatever but that will not change my mind and many other peoples minds on how much the doctor is OP and annoying as #########. He literally counters everything.
I also main Doc, so I know how to err on the side of caution when playing survivor.
Wherever possible, if I know he’s coming, or hear the TR, and KNOW it’s been some time since he last used Blast, you bet your ass I’m getting in a locker.
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In theory, yes. In theory, the Doctor is the strongest killer in the game.
In practice, not so much. Let's go over what you said and how much of it is exaggerated:
First, the stealth. Static Blast is on a 60 second cooldown by default, and if he's running both cooldown addons (which is very rare), it can go down to 48 (correct me if I'm wrong). This is a long time, so if he gets no one with it, he gets no tracking from his power for a full minute. Furthermore, you do not scream while inside lockers, so if you hear the terror radius and are pretty sure he's about to static blast, it has a 3 second cast time, so you have PLENTY of time to slowly enter a locker before he shocks you.
If he does in fact shock you with Static Blast, he only knows where you were at the time of the blast. You can use this to your advantage. If you are far away, run one way, then walk another. He will see the scratch marks and be confused (unless you're in the open, of course). You then have time to hide.
Next, looping. The Doctor was the first killer in the game designed to counter looping, so obviously he's gonna do it quite well. The key is to either predict the shock and avoid it, or you throw the pallet early. Also, the shock registration is in your favor if he's not running addons. Shock Therapy has a detonation time of (I believe) 1 second, up to 0.5 with addons. This gives you time to drop the pallet or vault the window since dedicated servers are not in The Doctor's favor. He has to time it perfectly to get it, in which case, he kind of deserves the hit.
As for disabling your ability to use your flashlight... they aren't that great of a tool anyway, so I don't see why you are complaining about it.
Screaming in Tier 3 has a set interval, but you don't scream while snapping out of it, and since snapping out of it can now be canceled without losing progress, you can literally just tap that ######### for a second at a time and not scream or get skill checks.
The random skillchecks on gens and healing is a set percentage, 33% for tier 1 and 66% for tier 2. You get a little shock noise notification along with the skillcheck to indicate it's gonna be in a random place. Also, against a doctor, you never want to focus on the middle of the screen when waiting for skill checks.
Also, skill checks really aren't that hard to hit ever unless you have a worse computer than me, and I run on a garbage ass laptop.
As for extending your terror radius, he's giving up addon slots for that, maybe even a perk slot. That's one less tool he has simply for more reach with Static Blast, which as mentioned above, has very easy counters. His addons help him in 1 area, so if he's putting his resources into Static Blast, that means he's gonna have base Shock Therapy, which makes looping easier, and vice versa.
Sure, on paper, he seems OP, and he can feel oppressive in game, but I assure you, The Doctor is barely a threat unless A.) You misplay, or B.) the killer playing The Doctor is an absolute god amongst men.
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Oh my gosh doctor is so op I had everyone shocked and I am hitting them. Oh nevermind this David is dodging my shocks. And they are still hitting through skill checks with my lullaby. And they all escaped. Doctor is not an OP killer annoying sure. But Op he isn't he's mid- tier. Don't like doctor that much bring Spine Chill or Calm Spirit.
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You act like we have all the time in the world to do these things. I’m a rank 1 survivor and almost every single lobby I get into there’s at least 2 bots in the lobby. We need to be working on generators as much as we can, so I can not just sit in his terror radius for a long time to get tier 3. Along with that, the players are bots and go down extremely fast so i can’t just wait time sitting in his terror radius and once the guy getting chased gets hooked he will most likely come to the nearest gen if I’m working on it. That or he will use his static blast and find me. And then I’ll be tier 3 and keep screaming giving out my location. This is all the same thing as get better, something that just can only be done 20% of the time instead of just nerfing a character who is OP.
He wouldn’t be as OP and annoying if he couldn’t shock you before you get to a pallet causing you not to be able to throw it down.
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Calm spirit also stops you from screaming...
Also don't loop in a single place against doctor, chain multiple different loops together. He slows down when charging a shock, allowing you to go between loops, shocking also resets bloodlust. Drop pallets early and take distance when needed.
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Ok so I'm checking The Doctor's power description and nowhere does it say, "Gives the survivors bad teammates"
Just because you're getting bad teammates doesn't mean The Doctor is op. This is a TEAM game when you're playing as survivor, and if all 3 of your teammates are bots, you will lose unless the killer is also a bot.
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youre right, I didn’t even think about calm spirit. Next time I see that it’s the doctor in the pre game lobby I’ll throw on calm spirit before it starts
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So we have to god tier to play this game? That’s the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard
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You're missing my point. One player can't carry an entire team.
You need to have a decent TEAM to win in this game.
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i know that but this game is meant for solo queue. Even with a decent team, avoiding a doctor who knows what they’re doing is impossible. Even if you happen to get away you just scream and the doctor knows where you are. You can think the doctor isn’t OP but trust me, his is. And this isn’t how you gain new players.
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If you don’t like not hitting David king with your shock wave just don’t miss simple. or just don’t use your shock wave. Simple. See how that sounds? Yes I will definitely be sure to bring calm spirit every game just for the chance of me getting the doctor. How about you just making the survivors not be able to get the lullaby skill checks? That solves your problem
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Just because it's meant for solo queue doesn't mean you're supposed to play as a single person.
As for your statement about the Doctor, he is definitely NOT overpowered. This guy explains it perfectly:
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Look I play against doctor a bunch and if I get shocked it's my fault for failing to recognize it in time. Even if I do get shocked. That's fine sure I might not make it to that window it's still better then a guarantee hit by say a huntress. Doctor isn't OP saying he's that mighty it sounds like you say he's on level with Nurse and Spirit and you act like there's no skill to doctor.
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He's good at everything but not amazing. It's why a 4 man will all easily escape against him but he will probably still get 4/5 hooks.
Definitely not OP.
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This guy acts like doctor is on level with Nurse and Spirit.
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You could just run Calm Spirit all the time. You'd never bother crows, never scream from a Doctor, clown or infectious fright or other screaming perks e.g: deathbound.
But since we're going to be rude, I could just tell you to learn how to play against loop denial killers. Because if you have a problem against Doctor, you probably also have a problem against Freddy, Clown and Pyramid Head for their loop denial abilities.
And stealth is ruined by info perks, like aura reading or whispers.
Doctor isn't OP. His most OP thing is that he's also a great camper, because shocks interrupt hook saves, but even that can be timed and avoided.
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Maybe learn how to loop the doctor and play against him better instead of complaining. Doctor is definitely not an op killer.
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how when he slows me down with his shock wave and doesn’t let me throw down the pallet? You’re a clown lmfao. I know how to loop and could probably do it 10x better than you. Doctor is definitely an op killer.
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REALLY?????????? YOU KNOW HOW TO LOOP 10X BETTER THEN ME BUD YOU MUST BE INSANE. Come 1v1 and let's see, my dbd friend code is Squill#9168 add me and come cowshed lets see who's better. You can play whatever killer you want even doctor. And then I'll play killer vs you let's see who gets the better chase time if you can loop 10x better than me.
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The thing that makes him strong is not at all his detection abilities. It's his near full map static blast that inflicts madness guaranteed. It's too much slow down especially when combined with his iri add-ons.
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He does not slow you down with his shockwave. And most of the time you can run around another time and then drop the pallet. Sure there is a distance to the pallet where he can get a hit with his shock and you cant do anything, but its his power like a demo shred. Dont get in this position.
And you shouldnt complain about bots as teammates, when you think Doc is op you are a bot too.
Rank 1 means nothing, i play Rank 1 solo since two years and i met so many rank 1 bots.
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You’re a bot. Doctor is “OP” in the sense that he can counter everything. “OP” doesn’t mean he has to be extremely broken. And obviously you’re a bot if you think he’s not, or you just get paired up with bots. But I’m talking about going against good players here, not against the bots you go up against that made you rank 1
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Counters everything? Ok he counters stealth, but when you are good you dont need stealth. Counters gens? I have no problem against madness skillcheck and i play at 30FPS. And the skillchecks are the same no matter how good the Doc player is.
Counters looping? He can do it better then a killer without a power, but most of the killers can do the same. When you cant change your strategy, its your fault. Sure Doc gets a 100% hit at unsafe pallets, but this hit is easy to get with every killer.
And only to make it clear: rank 1 is not worth mentioning, i got there with less experience, harder pipping conditions and when the rank reset was a real rank reset, but it surely was never hard to get there. So dont use it to argue
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Skill check builds disproportionately affect people with lower fps, and that's something to which the OP could be alluding.
I used to be a red rank Doctor until he got reworked, and now I hate everything about him. When that happened, it was a sad day.
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lol nice m8 m8
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The fact that someone just pointed to my comment instead of explaining themselves or adding on top of it is very flattering. Thanks mate
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hide in a locker when you hear his terror radius and go out after you heard his shockblast ez counter
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unless you’re no where near a locker. And if the killer has ruin you’ll waste an extreme amount of time constantly getting off the gen. So no, useless advice.
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Funny thing is the Doc is one of my favorite killers and I do pretty well with him. You're damn right I'm going to shock the ######### out of you. But if you listen to the audio cues he gives off you'll rarely if ever get hit and unless the shock blast mods are put in, the shock is a cone out in front of him. Just run sideways to avoid.
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DEVs don't care about stealth. To counter Doc you can take 3 stealth perks (I don't remember them all, Calm Spirit, anti aura perk etc), but some of his anti-stealth abilities can't be countered at all with perks. Same applies to Legion's power.