Why is this considered acceptable?

This right here. Even your highest level killers would get dunked by this team. Did the dev team make some decision at some time to say, sure, sounds good, I guess it's reasonable to take level 1 killers with no perks and put them in the same pool as whatever monstrosity of a SWF this is below? Why is this even considered "fun"?
Ended the game with 2 hooks only because they gave me a free one at the end. First hook came at 1 generator left. How are you even supposed to learn "new and interesting" killers if that's the case?
Literally by the end of the game they were standing at the exit running in small circles taunting, because what else are they going to do?
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I should also point out that, literally every game is at minimum half red ranks. Why? Give me 13 +-4 or so. I can't stress enough how this makes me not want to play. It's a fun game when things are reasonably balanced, and I don't even care if the skill difference were there but the perks were even, but this was a disgusting mismatch and it needs to get resolved or there's no point in me even booting the game anymore.
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That's just matchmaking being messed up as usual, not a game balance issue. It happens to both sides, like when a stacked out spirit or freddy comes across some casual solo q players.
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It's frustrating as Hell but thus far I don't know what would fix it beyond an actually working MMR. The one we seen for a short while made things worse. So, as of right now, the only thing you can do is to try not to sweat getting your butt kicked while you learn. Tell yourself you're just learning right now.
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Yes, it’s laughably absurd. Curious how the matchmaking seems to have gotten worse over time. Every game I have played since the reset has been terrible. Just got out of a match just like yours where a level 1 rank 20 huntress got matched with all red and purple ranks. I have yet to play killer and get anyone lower rank than me, since the reset they have all been significantly higher.
I don’t know if it is SWF shenanigans or what, but they need to fix it ASAP before they squander all their good will with the new players they got over the Halloween sale. These games are horrible for everyone involved.
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Yeah I really want a working MMR system too. It feels bad when you're matched with low rank survivors as a high rank survivor and have to try to do all the gens yourself. But OP, don't stress. One day you'll find yourself matched against rank 20 survs and wonder why the game was so easy XD
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it's considered acceptable because the devs have put this issue at the bottom of the priority list, wanting people to play and be forced into seeing all the propaganda for the store and the rift that pops up after every match than have to wait for equal matched opponents.
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Because how else are you supposed to get better? Sometimes the Jets have to play the Eagles