A fair fix to DS for everybody

i really don’t want the devs to nerf another survivor perk into oblivion and there are so many babies crying about needing a decisive strike nerf (but they want it to be utterly useless) so I figured it’s going to get nerfed soon anyway so might as well tell everybody the fix it needs.
firstly, fine. 1 minutes SOMETIMES might be too long. So maybe 30-40 seconds instead. BUT the timer needs to stop when you’re being chased. There’s been multiple times where the killer was right there and somebody pulled me off without having the perk borrowed time and I immediately dead hard to avoid the killers attack at me and lucky there is a pallet right there. I throw it down or loop him as he chases me. There’s been multiple times where I had to let him purposefully down me and pick me up because I was nearing the end of my decisive strike because I was getting chased for 40-50 seconds and there was nothing I could do. There’s been other times where I said ######### it and just kept trying to last as long as I can but only to go down shortly after DS went away. There’s been PLENTY of other times where I just immediately get hit after getting off the hook and the killer just waits out the 60 seconds and hooks me again.. so much for my “anti tunneling perk”.
Secondly, in addition to the last part of that. The timer should stop when you go down. The killer should absolutely not be able to wait 50 seconds and totally go around your perk just by standing there or chasing somebody else. That’s basically like the old ruin. “I get to hook this guy and take him out of the game/make it harder for them by just standing here”.
so this is the best possible solution to DS,
a 30 second timer that stops when you’re being chased or put into the dying state.
if any of you think differently (such as having DS deactivate when another person gets hooked, not differently as in a different opinion. I chose the wrong words but too late) then you’re just a selfish killer main or a selfish survivor main. We need an anti tunneling perk, but not for it to be as long. This fixes the “too long” part while also making it an actual anti tunneling perk
"if any of you think differently then you’re just a selfish killer main or a selfish survivor main. We need an anti tunneling perk, but not for it to be as long. This fixes the “too long” part while also making it an actual anti tunneling perk"
Wraith follows you around for 30 seconds cloaked off the hook. Pig crouches while following you for whatever time is remaining. Your DS is now deactivated.
I happen to run into you and don't believe it's been 30 seconds so I moonwalk near you for the time I believe to be remaining. Your DS is now deactivated.
Making it pause in chase while halving the standard time is just too abusable by a killer that knows what they're doing. It's the same reason Legion's mend got reworked. Not to mention some survivors will sprint around in range of chase just to keep it active while holding a flashlight or threatening a pallet save.
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They won't stop until ds is completely useless this thread this subject will be hunting them forever and it's been so long till now and devs obviously won't nerf it just because killer mains ask for easy way to win apart from bunch of uselles perks ds is one of strong perks that gives them frustration and until ds is completely useless they won't stop all my games I played without ds were terrible once they find out I don't own ds they tunelled the ######### out of me because it's free kill for them and that's what they ask for but now since I have ds they literally avoid me when I'm unhooked and I won't stop using perk no matter what killer mains will say it's in game for purpose and I will use it just like killer mains use their meta perks I have right to use mine and I couldn't care less what they will say especially complaining about ds while they get mori in every bloodweb a d I don't mind mori but than leave me alone and lemme use perks I find helpful for me
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Decisive Strike activates each time you are unhooked.
While Decisive Strike is active and you are picked up by the killer, you immediately stun the killer for 5 seconds, gain a 7% Haste status effect for 20 seconds, and become the Obsession.
Decisive Strike is disabled if any of the following happen:
-You begin working on a generator or an exit gate
-You begin cleansing a totem
-You heal or are healed by another survivor for one health state
-You unhook another survivor
Increases your chances of being the Killer's Obsession.
The Killer can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time.
Post this on another DS thread. This is undeniably the best direction for DS
Edit: Notice: no timer, no skillcheck
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make It 30secs and disabled if you heal, do gens or anything else. But you can use it twice
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I don't think anythings ever going to change about DS at this point. Don't get me wrong I think it would be way better and more healthy for the game to have a true anti tunnel perk. But the actually good survivors who know how to exploit DS for maximum effect right now would not let a fairer rework happen without massively kicking off. Probably do one of those dumbass "Strikes" that I've seen killers do once or twice.
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"if any of you think differently then you’re just a selfish killer main or a selfish survivor main. We need an anti tunneling perk, but not for it to be as long. This fixes the “too long” part while also making it an actual anti tunneling perk"
Wow great discussion mindset
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"if any of you think differently then you’re just a selfish killer main or a selfish survivor main."
damn dude, I guess I'm a selfish whatever main.
We do need an anti-tunneling perk, but we also need to make sure that people can't use it as an anti-momentum perk outside of scenarios where the killer is tunneling. Your idea would incentivize players with DS active to bodyblock for other players, get downed, and be completely unable to be picked up. That kind of thing is bad and is the reason everyone keeps talking about how DS is a big issue. The timer should never be outright paused, but I do think it would be fair to halve the rate the timer goes down while downed or in a chase.
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Why not instead make it so that it's whenever you are sprinting like deep wounds so that it can not be abused by killers
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But a wraith and a pig can easily do that now. They could actually just down you and go after somebody else. At least then following you around for 30 seconds makes them waste time.
i was actually going to say it should be if they are within 12-16 meters of you but I figured people would complain. So you want to extend the time more than 30 seconds but how is that a nerf at all? With so many people complaining about DS it will eventually get nerfed so might as well find our own solutions now instead of trying to be a smart ass
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An anti tunnel perk shouldn't also be an anti slug perk, if it pauses on the ground it should also be disabled if someone else gets hooked
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That is undeniably the worst DS rework I've seen.
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That makes no sense. I could easily hit somebody as soon as they get unhooked and then down the unhooker and hook him and then go back to the guy I instantly tunneled off hook and hook him since he now has no DS.
this is exactly what I’m talking about, you’re coming from the selfish killer side of it, not even realizing that if you were just camped into struggle mode and then taken off and instantly hit with no chance whatsoever and then all I had to do was just hook the guy who unhooked you to describe your perk how would you feel?
You make fun of my ending comment in my post but you just proved my point thank you lmfao
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sorry having a differing opinion is wrong but it kinda just proves that people don't agree with what you are saying
then just have bt if you are going to hook save in front of the killer
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That's not being a smart ass, it's pointing out flaws and making a case as to why a change would be bad overall despite it having good intentions. I've posted my own suggestions elsewhere plenty of times that are very similar to MythMage's.
Yeah Wraith and Pig could do that now but it would take them 60 seconds as opposed to 30 plus a bit depending on how good the survivor/killer are at playing loops and how good the map is. 30 seconds is very valuable gen time for your teammates if the killer wants to tunnel someone out.
If you change it to be based on proximity to the killer you'll get people that just get off the hook and run to body block the killer constantly and the killer cannot pick them up. Now you pair it with unbreakable/soul guard and it creates gameplay abusable by SWFs that isn't healthy.
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I understand that, that’s why I didn’t suggest that. But you haven’t given me any good ideas to do. You just claimed that killers can turn around while chasing you for 30 seconds, but that is 30 seconds the killer has to chase you instead of just downing the guy as soon as he gets off the hook. Because the DS timer would pause and he would still have DS. So technically my way is still a buff for survivors rather than how it is now in some situations. I understand what you’re saying and forgot about how people used to turn around to avoid the mending from legion
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In order to "fix" DS, they would first have to fix the built-in mechanics known as Camping/Tunneling. Mechanics which I am sure they will not touch.
You can't nit-pick the usage of a perk that counters a mechanic that is fundamentally broken within the game. A mechanic (which I repeat) is not a perk or an add on... it is built-IN into the game and become boderline excessive.
As far as I am concerned DS is fine as it is. Because if we were actually going to make it "fair" DS would (and quite frankly should) become some sort of built-in tool for survivors to counter excessive Camping and Tunneling. Right now you can get around being stunned unless the survivors brings a secondary perk. Still, it doesn't take away the fact that they in fact got tunneled.
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So I agree, maybe the stopping of the timer is too much. But how is that much different than how the killers can easily go around DS? Following somebody around for 50 seconds then downing them, downing them right away then waiting 60 seconds to pick them up, chasing them and waiting 50 seconds as they wait in a locker. Don’t bother answering that I was just showing how killers can go around DS right now. But if you look at my 3 examples in the original, how can we make those 3 things not happen without making survivors not abuse it? More specifically the one about getting killed right off of hook. How can we make it so that the killers can’t sit there and watch somebody take you off the hook and then hit you and down you and wait 60 seconds to pick you up. Because I find that to be extremely cheap and the only buff that DS actually needs
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I pray that you're meming
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"If any of you think differently then you’re just a selfish killer main or a selfish survivor main."
*posts discussion while actively dismissing actual discussion*
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so all I have to do is just not heal, not touch a gen, not do a totem, and I’m literally untouchable until the end of the game? There’s no timer?
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To be honest I don't think there is a point arguing about DS at all on the forum. The killers on this forum will disregard anything that isn't a complete nerf to DS. I wouldn't be surprised if someone read your post and make some idiotic strawman to cancel out what you actually wrote. I have seen it and experienced it.
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If you read my comments I am actually having a discussion. I just don’t have time for trolls or BS. I want people to actually use their brains and think about what is fair for both sides not just one side. If you read the part afterrr that part you would see the example I gave.
*posts comment not reading the entirety of everything*
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and camper and tunnel are not abused by killers? I know, in this case killer name it strategy
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That's simply not true. Theres a lot of misinformed or inexperienced people here but there's also a lot people like myself that have been playing killer and a pretty much equal amount of survivor for 4 years and actually want it to be a true, fair anti tunnel perk. I mean, it doesn't even do much to downplay tunneling right now anyway. Most killers will just stand over the slugged survivor and outside of a SWF chances are the survivor wont gain anything because teammates will try to save them. The last 3 matches I've seen solo where DS triggered ended with that same survivor dead less than 2 minutes later.
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The problem with your post is that camping and tunneling is a LOSING strategy. Abusing DS 9 out of 10 times by a good team will bag them the win. It encourages unsafe, bad plays (when combined with other meta perks). Alone it doesn't do much.
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That is absolutely not true at all. I’ve played plenty of games where the killer camped and won and I’ve played plenty of games where the killer tunneled and won. I’ve played 3x more of those amount of games where there killer did both and won. It’s actually an easy winning tactic.
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Why make this more complicated? Ds activates when unhooked, stays active until another survivor gets hooked or the stun is used. Boom done. You may not hook a single survivor twice in a row without getting stunned. Killer Counterplay? Go hook someone else. You can down the one you just hooked but then hook someone else. If you can only catch the same person then eat the stun and hook them again. Why make all these quirky rules. The point is to discourage tunneling not give a survivor a free escape.
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That is absolutely not true at all
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Then you need to reach red ranks outside of peak times where the boosties aren't playing or play SWF.
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Yes, but you also aren't progressing the game, and the killer has no reason to chase you. If you aren't doing gens, not healing, and not being chased, then you are essentially a useless teammate. I see no problem with this.
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Do you even play survivor? Like at all? Because there must’ve been at least a dozen times where a stupid teammate unhooks you right in front of the killer without borrowed time and the killer hits you and you go down. Then the killer chases the guy who unhooked you, downs him, hooks him, then comes back to hook you. “Boom done.” You no longer get to use DS. This discussion is for it to be fair on both sides, not for it to be fair on one side.
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Oh so I need to play a certain times of the month or I need to play with friends? You see how ridiculous that sounds? And I am in red ranks. There are plenty of tunnelers and campers.
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If a survivor does anything except run for their life, they are not being tunneled. Deactivate DS if they do any sort of non-chase action like touch a gen, touch an exit gate, start to unhook someone, etc. It's moments like getting stabbed by a healed survivor going for an unsafe unhook that make me want to burn the game to the ground.
As a killer, the 60 second timer feels like forever. As a survivor, 60 seconds feels like nothing. So, I guess leave the timer as it is.
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That already exists. Killers lost chaser points the longer they stay near a hooked survivor.
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yeah that could be a fair change except don’t include exit gates in that and it would be better
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Starting a thread with "If you have a different opinion than me, you are wrong!" Is not a good way to start a discussion.
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It was a misuse of words, I meant if you don’t think implementing stuff like this is the correct way then don’t bother even commenting. I’ve seen soo many people throughout my years of looking at DS discussions suggest the most asinine things. A common one is suggesting that ds deactivates when another survivor gets hooked. Only a selfish killer main would suggest that because if you’ve ever played survivor for no more than 2 days you would have 100% came across a teammate who unhooks you right in front of the killer only for the killer to hit you and down you and then go chase the guy who unhooked you, only to down him then hook him and then come back to hook you because you now don’t have ds.
I meant if you don’t think along these lines then you’re just a selfish killer or survivor main. Because there is no possible other way ds can be reworked for it to be fair. Besides the argument of it deactivating when doing gens.
but let’s keep the discussion about ds and not add useless comments to it, filling up the pages.
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Okay, I'm in a match right now where I hook someone, another one goes for the save before I can even walk away, and despite that I have no terror radius so BT isn't in play I chase the savior because I don't like tunneling. The one who just got unhooked starts getting in the middle of the chase vaulting over a pallet in front of me hoping that I will screw up and accidentally grab her so she can DS me.
I can't chase the other survivor with the unhooked one doing that. Damned if I do tunnel damned if I don't, #########.
Devs... Fix. This. [BAD WORD].
Edit: Sorry, I'm just ranting. I don't even know what you could do to make DS not stupid in this situation. I'm just annoyed that I keep getting survivors who go out of their way to try to DS me, lately.
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Crawl away, use tenacity, have borrowed time. You can't balance around idiots. "What if my teammate shows the killer I am using inner strength in a locker" welp I guess inner strength is a useless perk now... Do you see how this is a bad argument?
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Orrrr if the killer is camping me and my teammate has no choice but to unhook me in front of the killer. Let’s use our brains here, I didn’t think I had to mention the obvious. And borrowed time doesn’t work if I’m the one on the hook lmao. This is discussion about changing DS not finding other ways to go around the bad development
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I didn't say the perk fixes camping, I said tunneling. So yeah.
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Omg if the killer is camping me and somebody unhooks me he can tunnel me. To your suggestion of having it deactivate when another person is hooked just should simple not be implemented into the game. There are plenty of ways to go around it
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You are ridiculous. If a killer camps the hook what perk would save you? None. The only thing that would help is crawling away, a teammate with borrowed, or unbreakable with enough time. You are saying just because it saves you now (unfairly btw. If a killer can down two people quick enough and hook one and still find you, you deserve the hook) DS should stop tunneling ONLY you. The suggestion that because your team plays poorly you shouldn't be punished means you don't know what a team game is.
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I'd throw in entering a locker also disabling it or just make it not work off grabs.
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DS should be 60 seconds unless you touch a generator or another Survivor goes down.
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Decisive Strike, a perk that is intended to give you an escape from the killer, is decided by the killer when it is used. It should be decided by the survivor.
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No it should not.
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I said it before D.S shouldn't have been in the game at all. If anything the perk should stay where its at maybe take a reduction in the time it stays active. Other than that leave it alone.
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I'd also add taking a protection hit as deactivating it.
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That is actually something I didn't think of. Nice