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One more buff to wreath point offerings to make them perfect.

SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
edited June 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know that recently we got a buff to the wreath offerings with the emblem system that improved each one by 25% additional bloodpoints awarded post trial. This was a nice buff to make them more useful but i still feel that they could use another buff in a slightly different way. The post trial bloodpoint awards are fine as they are now. 50% for brown, 75% for yellow and 100% for green however to get the full benefit of the wreath you need to max out its respective point category which is 8000 BP. On some categories this is easy like deviousness. Other categories like survival or altruism is much harder to max out to get your full benefit from the wreath.

What i propose is that in addition to the post trial points that you get from the wreath you also get a 100% bloodpoint gain during the trial for whatever category the wreath is for. An example would be a brown objective wreath. 50% post trial bloodpoints awarded but during the trial your objective point accumulation is doubled. Making it easier to reach that 8000 point cap and get the maximum value from your offering. The double points would NOT change depending on the rarity. It will be double point accumulation be it a brown wreath or a green one.

Just my 2 cents. Would make it easier to max out the harder categories and would really make wreaths worth buying rather then just feel like pollution on the bloodweb.