How to make Dead by Daylight perfect: open list of reforms!

Entità Member Posts: 1,583
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Dead by Daylight is a game of immense potential, which has grown out of all proportion over the years, gaining depth, beauty and balance with each new patch. Yes, it also earns bugs, and there are many memes about the famous "I think we did a pretty good job so far", but only those who do not act do not make mistakes, and our beloved developers do a lot. Below, I will publish a long list of reforms, some tiny, some significant, others still revolutionary, which would allow this game to rise even more in the landscape of horror and strategy games (yes, you have to think a lot, guess the perks of the opponents, anticipate their moves, make the right choice at the right time, with sometimes devastating consequences if you make a mistake in critical moments of the game), with an increase in variety and longevity.

I will be brief in explaining the individual points, referring, when possible, to other specific threads: feel free to comment on the listed points and to recommend others to add, as well as to report other in-depth threads. I will update the list from time to time.

A) Revolutionary Changes:

  1. a map editor for private games: ;
  2. the ability to customize all game parameters, with the only limit of program stability, in private games: ;
  3. the introduction of environmental hazards deriving from the map, for greater game variability: ;
  4. the possibility for the killer and the survivors to equip 4 or 6 perks, resulting in a match with players who have made the same choice: ;
  5. an alternative Extreme Mode, without auras nor perks nor terror radius, to be unlocked in some way;
  6. an alternative 2v8 Mode, with the proper map adjustments, to be unlocked in some way;
  7. detailed personal statistics (absolute numbers and percentages relating to the various maps in which you played, to the items / add-ons / offerings / perks equipped, to the wins and losses with the various characters...);
  8. a detailed internal encyclopedia (with all the information from the Wiki, but official), for math enthusiasts;
  9. a different cutscene for each endgame in the Tally Screen, automatically played next to the result table (the survivor or killer walking endlessly on a sea of ​​fog is boring, monotonous and emotionally neutral, and the trailers show that the developers are very good in the movies): for example, the victorious survivor returns cheering to the campfire; the sacrificed survivor sees his body recomposed from golden dust (the opposite process to disintegration on the third hook); the survivor killed or bled to death is resurrected by a paw of the Entity with a glow and supernatural sounds and stands up again (as in Freddy's mori); the merciless killer walks across a carpet of skulls to a dark foundry, where his weapon is reforged into a cauldron of blood by the Entity; the ruthless / brutal killer drags a rope with the heads of the defeated survivors and receives various blessings from the Entity; the loser killer is crushed by the legs of the Entity (like the gens with Corrupt Intervention) and falls into the void (towards another map, where he can redeem himself);
  10. a historical collection, containing the previous versions of the maps (think of the Swamps, or of the many restructured and reduced maps), which can be explored at a bird's eye view, and a repertoire of images corresponding to the various graphic engines and textures that have followed one another over the years;
  11. a progressive rewriting of the entire game programming code for homogeneous sections (from the old blueprints to a more efficient and light language), to ensure a smooth experience and prepare the game for the next gen;
  12. a Bot System, for rookie training or to replace disconnected people;
  13. a deeper lore, to increase the story behind the game mechanics.

B) Systematic Improvements:

  1. an advanced MMR, sensitive to the player's skill (based on various parameters), to the context (map, sole or team survivor, use of items / add-ons...) and to the right to have fun (for example, if you are a survivor who died on the first or second hook or has been tunneled or moried in a few minutes from the start of the game, your rating must be temporarily lowered drastically, to guarantee you a hope of freeing yourself from the accumulated frustration; if you have been a killer defeated by a super efficient team in a humiliating way, the next match you should be paired with sole survivors or small groups; and so on...);
  2. an accurate Hit Validation System, which decides the outcome of the action based on the input that arrived first to the server: no more illegal hits beyond windows and pallets, nor hits that land simultaneously with the stunning of the killer;
  3. the indication of the estimated waiting time for both roles during matchmaking (very useful function, introduced and then mysteriously removed);
  4. some mechanics that discourage camping, tunneling and genrushing and reduce the gap between teams and solos (without having to spend special perks to overcome it, otherwise teams will be able to afford - they who don't need it! - the META, while individual players, more vulnerable, will feel forced to choose Kindred or similar, but no perk must be mandatory to have a fair game): ;
  5. score events compensating for the frustration suffered from camping / tunneling / slugging: ;
  6. four Runes of the Entity randomly scattered throughout the map, which can be activated by walking on them (the killer just has to step on them, because for him time is a tyrant, while the survivor has to stay on it for 5 seconds): each rune, while active, summons a Fog Vortex and, inside it, the translucid icon of 1 among 4 killer's perks (if activated by a survivor) or of 4 among 16 survivors' perks (if activated by the killer), and gives a fixed amount of bloodpoints or a percentual bonus after the trial; it would add more strategy to both sides, revealing the opponent's best tools;
  7. the Basement must become a place of pure evil and terror: on the stairs, trails of blood and a cursed red lamp, which sways in the wind and flashes at random; inside, Blindness, Broken (if injured) and Oblivious by default, extremely thick fog (from the entrance you shouldn't see the opposite wall), muffled and confused sounds and the whispers of the Entity in the background; the hooks emit a dark glow of death and are engraved with ritual runes; the room must be decorated with mutilated corpses and wider, with various niches for lurking killers or survivors trying desperately to escape;
  8. different menu, terror radius and chase musics for each killer (by the way, where did the Doc's one go?);
  9. a musical theme at the start of the game, related to the realm (as in Lampkin Lane);
  10. a specific map for killers who do not have it;
  11. the restoration of the Moonlight Offerings, to no longer affect the brightness of the map, but of the Hatch (and to cancel the offerings related to its positioning): ;
  12. anti-switch mechanics in the killer lobby: survivors cannot put on / off the ready or change characters when 25 seconds are left, while the killer can continue to customize the equipment for the next 20 seconds;
  13. private games should be startable even alone, to study maps or enjoy the atmosphere;
  14. Bloodpoints Offerings should be reworked to offer substantial benefits (not 50% of extra points in a single category, which often means earning less than what was spent to buy it) and have reasonable rarities (it makes no sense that the Escape Cake, which gives 100% more in all categories, is uncommon, while the various Fragrant Offerings, which give 100% more in one category, are rare): for example, +100% in a single category for themselves; +25/50/75/100% in all categories for themselves; +100% in a single category for all survivors; +25/50/75/100% in all categories for all survivors; and corresponding adaptations for the killer;
  15. a Blood Market, to resell useless items, add-ons and offerings (excluding events' ones) to the Entity at half price, and the possibility of burning the intermediate Bloodweb nodes considered useless at half price, for the sole purpose of going to the next node, without buying the corresponding thing;
  16. the possibility of equipping the tier 1 or 2 of a perk upgraded up to tier 3;
  17. the brave buff of all weaker perks, ignored by all (for example, +50/75/100%, instead of +10/20/30%, of Great Skill Check success zone in This Is Not Happening; something decent for Monstruous Shrine...);
  18. prestiging a character must NO longer remove the perks obtained (it is too punishing and makes it extremely frustrating to achieve prestige for new players);
  19. a fair amount of bloodpoints for people immediately sacrificed on their first or second hook, that is the 1,500 points for self unhook, if they have Deliverance or are lucky after X rolls of a 100-sided dice (normally X is 3, but 6 with Slippery Meat), and full points for struggling;
  20. make survivor teams visible in the Tally Screen;
  21. make each player's platform visible in the Tally Screen (with written texts, not symbols under copyright);
  22. eight perks in the Shrine of Secrets every week;
  23. devotion and/or rank rewards to benefit good and loyal players;
  24. the events' cosmetics should be available in the shop, after a few months;
  25. unlock the possibility for the Hatch to spawn on the second floor (it's not a simple hole which makes the survivor fall into the room under it, in fact it can spawn over the basement), to increase the tactics in the endgame;
  26. the Broken Key deserves an aura-reading passive effect, because it's the only item useless without add-ons;
  27. add two other useful gestures for survivors, to help players without voice chat;

C) Small Tweaks:

  1. a uniform Aura System: old aura perks and key's add-ons should become like Aftercare and the Unique Wedding Ring, revealing the aura of the survivor carried by the killer;
  2. permanently unusable perks should have a broken icon (Deliverance after the first hook, Decisive Strike failed, NOED cleansed and not transferred elsewhere by Undying ...);
  3. revolving survivors must be visible to mates and the killer (who sees the aura of the item held in their hand, if hidden behind the body);
  4. the distribution of perks in the game HUD should be fixed and correspond to their position in the equipment screen;
  5. covered Secret Offerings are a mockery: they don't have to appear at all (except in the Tally Screen);
  6. the killer must not see the Broken icon (only the companions of the injured survivor are interested in knowing that they cannot heal him, but the killer does not heal anyone and this information does not belong to him), exactly as the Pig does not see the clock progress of the trap and the Plague does not see the intoxication progress;
  7. the possibility to choose the original graphics of the perks, based on the five colors of rarity, only for aesthetic purposes and without altering the Bloodweb, prices or other mechanics (give some love to console players, who cannot edit game files, please);
  8. localization and translation improvements (I love Italian language and desire the best...);
  9. increase the lobby stability, by reducing issues (players randomly disconnected or unable to see the others, and so on);
  10. don't let "crow bombs" explode in Swamps' main place when a survivor with Calm Spirit is nearby.
Post edited by Entità on


  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    @Orion , @Boss , @Ihatelife , @TAG and all the other users who I do not remember or who have signed up in the last few months, I would like to read your opinion and discuss with you on the merits of the various points.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    A3: the introduction of environmental hazards deriving from the map, for greater game variability

    If this means that Survivors and Killers can use something out of the environment to help them out with the chase, then i actually do like this.

    However, if this means that environmental stuff just happens at random, like idk, "A pipe has a gas leak just as a Survivor runs past it, making their vision blurry.", then i'll pass on it.

    We already have Pallets, Breakable Walls & Vaults, those are environmental hazards.

    A4: the possibility for the killer and the survivors to equip 4 or 6 perks, resulting in a match with players who have made the same choice

    I don't get the 4, we can already do that.

    But i'm scared of way too much synergy between some Perks, this would need to geta PTB, and i'd go in with low expectations.

    Also Hex Perks would either get a limit which is sad, or it would mean more Totems on each map.

    A6: an alternative 2v8 Mode, with the proper map adjustments, to be unlocked in some way

    Too different, unless they're confident they have the team size for it, i wouldn't want them to have to focus on such a simple, yet completely different mode in addition to the regular mode.

    B6: Runes of the Entity randomly scattered throughout the map, which give extra bloodpoints to the survivors and the killer who walk on them (the killer just has to step on them, because for him time is a tyrant, while the survivor has to stay on it for 5 seconds)

    Everything you do has a purpose aside from gaining BP.

    This has no purpose besides gaining BP.

    If there was something else to it, then i'd like it.

    To me the rest is somewhere between fine and perfect.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    For A3 I think he means more like something simalar to pallets that replae all pallets on a certain map like if its indoor like a pipe you pull up thaats the exact same as a pallet but just looks more suited to the map

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    An actual story mode would be nice, rather than just blurbs for completing challenges. And since that would require AI, anyway, a mode to let players play against bots when they just need a break from crappy teammates/opponents or when they want to practice would go right along with it.

    That'll never happen or anything, but man if DbD mobile can have bots to make up for crappy mobile connections, and if Identity V can have bots so new/struggling players can practice... I mean, both of those things would make DbD a better game.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    So basically an aesthetic change to Pallets and stuff based on which Realm?

    Sorry, but i don't believe that that's what they meant by it.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    I might be wrong im not op but I just hought he meant haivng something other than the same boring pallets on every map the way we have different hooks.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    edited November 2020

    @Boss @Friendly_Blendette @TragicSolitude Perhaps you notice little and I should have used bold or italics (I've just fixed it!), but points A1, A2, A3, A4, B4, B5 and B11 each contain a link to one of my threads, in which the point is explained in detail: I kindly invite you take a look at those discussions and leave your opinions there, because every point of view is valuable.

    Boss, I think you are absolutely right about B6: I rewrote it, adding a useful in-game effect.

    TragicSolitude, I've just added your suggestions about bots and story in the A group.

    I added four points: two in A, one in B, one in C.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Ahh yes, i see now.


    After reading the links 2 links that were available from the 4 i mentioned in my first comment, it seems the version of A3 that you meant is the one that i wouldn't like.

    It would be fine for these hazards to "hurt" those who know they exist, but it will also create those situations in which neither the chasing Killer nor the chased Survivor knew beforehand that a hazard was there, and then that hazard could suddenly put a figurative 180 on that chase.

    Others might see this as a fun addition to the maps, that's fair, i just don't.


    Okay, i get the 4 that you meant now.

    And if it's a choice, that sounds a whole lot better, cause if it's gonna be chaos, then you chose for the chaos rather than it being forced upon you.

    Make sure that the Killer at least can't change this setting once there are 30 seconds left in the lobby, this is NOT something you want changed last second.

    Also, this will require the ability to save Perk builds, otherwise it'll be a lot more minor work in the menus each lobby.




    Ooooh, i've always liked this idea, of seeing the opposite's gear in some way.

    Okay, cool.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    @Boss Thanks for your feedback. :)

    @SurpriseSurprise Hem, could you explain the reasons behind your answers? They would be useful to dialogue and understand the each other's point of view.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    At this point I just want new game wide gameplay mechanics, not killer specific ones like Fountains/Pig boxes. I feel like it'll never happen though. I'm getting pretty bored of this game even with new content.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    A survivor version of hex totems, like boon altars

    Better match making

    6-9 second insidious - Basekit

    Bug fixes, obviously

    Alternate game modes: