Matchmaking broken. Again.
Me and my 3-4 survivor team of 3 red ranks and an occasional purple rank are consistently going against green ranks and it's annoying as hell. I'm so tired of something being broken all the time with this game, especially matchmaking.
It's not fun for the killer that's getting run down, and it's not fun for us when one of us gets tunneled because low rank killers do that a lot and can't get a kill otherwise against red ranks. We just had a game, 3 of us in ranks 1-3, a killer in rank 9, and a random survivor in rank 16? How is this a thing, again? It was going steady after they pulled back the MMR system.
Literally, I understand your pain. Its a joke, and time they sorted this ######### out
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It has been broken for a while now btw
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Absolutely ruins this game
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Instead of fixing mmr, they remove bloodlust.
So now teams are uneven, AND there's no catch-up.
I hope BHVR doesn't consider my comment a personal attack.
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I was solo. I never had a game like this lol
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Yeah dude, i get it. Im rank 7 killer and i got matched with 3 ranks 1 and one rank 3. Is so frustating, and withouth bloodlust i just let them win, im not an expert killer so i have no way of catching them when they loop, match me with a same level survs please
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This was literally my first game on Huntress. Thanks BHVR for all the cosmetics you make in your game instead of fixing it.
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Was thinking about getting back into the game during the weekend, but seeing so much... this, kinda killed it.
It's why I left ages ago to begin with. I was continually going in over my head because matchmaking doesn't give a crap that I'm a casual, and need other casual players.
I don't want to steamroller other players, nor do I want to become their plaything.
Watching tru, and otz dealing with what this likely results in, I just don't need to endure it. I'm a nice killer. I don't or can't play meta, and I don't deserve it.
I'll never be as good as they are, and I don't have the arsenal for it.
Seeing the Blood Lust test just widen the gap making less room for killers to screw up, and more room for survivors to screw up when you have to rely on the survivors to make mistakes didn't help much either.
And it's annoying because I still love the game. It's rare I have any affection for a PVP game since I hate dealing with other people, but yet here we are.
I just gotta wait for it to be a lot closer to fair. Haha
Sorry, I just had to rant, and get this out of my system.
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Ohmigod, are you me? That's pretty much how I feel, except I'm stupid enough to let the Tome challenges/Rift bring me back when I take a break. I'm a casual player. I don't have it in me to be a hardcore super-competitive player, that's just not me. The game really needs to get its crap together with matchmaking. I'd like a challenge, but DbD is terrible at putting the right players in a lobby to create a match that's a fun challenge for all involved. So, I ping-pong between putting up a fight and playing super lazy/meme-y in an attempt to create a balance for myself that the game is so far incapable of achieving on its own.
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Sometimes I wonder if people like us are the majority, but just don't speak up as much.
There just can't be massive amounts of suddenly good players.
So there has to be plenty of people like us if they stick around, just getting chewed up by bad match making, and smurfs.
Like you, I don't mind challenge, but I want to feel like I got a fair game in the process. SWF has already put a deep anxiety into my killer games.
If I play survivor, it's solo only. I'm too casual to have a ring of friends, and having been on the killer side, I feel pretty lousy even considering SWF. I would like to treat people in game the way I want to be treated.
If SWF were actually balanced, this concern would probably go away.
Most of my killer games is wanting to get BP, chase, hook some, and see how it ends.
I actually use Beast of Prey just for the BP bonus.
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I use Beast of Prey, too! My favorite build on all killers is BBQ, Distressing, Beast of Prey, and Whispers. So great for BP. And I have noticed that some survivors get confused by the lack of a red stain with Beast of Prey, which is a nice bonus, but I'd use it even if all it did was boost BP gain. (And I am still sitting here waiting for them to add a perk that gives a BP bonus in the Brutality category. So many useless perks, they could at least create a useless perk with that benefit.)
I've tried playing SWF a few times, but being social can be kinda draining for me. And I felt obligated to set aside extra time to play because I was playing with others. I like the flexibility of being able to take a break, switch roles, or turn off the game and then pick it back up whenever the mood strikes. So, I stick to solo survivor and killer.
Matchmaking that put newbies with newbies, skilled with skilled, and casuals with casuals would go a long way to improving the gameplay experience. And I really don't know how the devs expect to balance anything when the right players aren't even versing each other.
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The matchmaking might as well not exist at all. I am a rank 9 killer and for my past 20 games I have had at least 2 red ranks. About 50% of them it is 4 reds
I get that a system will always have its hiccups but to be so off, so consistently clearly shows something is not right.
Its so annoying as I get no chance to actually improve. Some of the survivors I play I have no chance of competing with. This means I need to either get totally stomped or just accept my fate and camp for the 1 kill I can scrape out.
Also don't even think about trying out a new killer. You will have no chance of getting fair games to learn how they work.
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Just sort and bring mmr back.
It actually worked really really well for me and a lot of my friends was much fairly matched games.
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I have to say that I'm pretty dissatisfied with the current state of matchmaking. Overall, I like the game. I think the DEV do a good job. This is their one great failing, at least in my opinion. This is a PvP game which only works if the participants are matched with people of more or less equal skill. That makes a WORKING matchmaking system the single most important mechanic in the game. It should take precedence over literally everything else. That doesn't appear to be the case. I make allowances for the fact that we don't know what goes on behind the scenes. That being said, I can't help but feel a twinge of annoyance when I see things like the weekend to test out whether or not Bloodlust should be removed from the game. That doesn't even seem like something that needs priority over the Fonts used for the after game stats. My personal request would be that everything, and I mean EVERYTHING should take a backseat to fixing your matchmaking. A PvP game lives and dies by the quality of its matchmaking.
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I know I'm a bit late but this is ridiculous. In the game just before this I was against rank 4, 5, and 11, like I just started as killer give me a chance
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This isn't a fault with the matchmaking system, and any kind of skill-based matchmaking they implement would produce similar results, for one simple reason:
Not enough people play killer.
There simply aren't enough killers across all ranks for matchmaking to be accurate. This is why survivor queues end up getting so long - the game tries to find a killer close to the ranks of the survivors, but it fails to do so because they're all either in matches or not playing.
Killer needs to be more enticing to play, but instead killers get screwed by auto-aim, stuck on invisible objects, have their hits ignored by bad hit validation, or - most commonly - have to put up with 4 other people being incredibly toxic towards them. Granted, killers can be just as toxic, but would you rather deal with 1 person's toxicity or 4?
I stopped playing as much killer because of how unfun it is to play when you have to put up with so much stuff that shouldn't be happening. If it was just the toxicity, I could handle it, but now it feels like the game itself is actively sabotaging my experience, so why should I waste my time?
DBD is in the worst state it's been since I started playing in 2018. The only reason I, and I assume many others, keep coming back is because there's no competently-made competitor. And because there's no real competition, the devs have become incredibly complacent, making minimal effort and changing things nobody asked for. If just for once, they listened to their community instead of making all of their decisions based on statistics, the game would be a lot less of a chore to play.
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So here is the dilemma bhvr has created for themselves regarding your above post: they could fix matchmaking in about 5 minutes but the imbalance of survivor versus killer players would lead to 40 minute Q times for survivor until all the potatoes that got to red ranks get naturally selected. On the other side, if they continue to loosen the matchmaking restrictions it will further newer killers leaving the role.
No I do not think these 🤡 can ever have a functional MMR and that’s why it will be hidden so we won’t know.