If BHVR is so intent on remove Bloodlust again.


Then look at it from the arguments presented.

Currently the most against argument I've seen is that Bloodlust is a crutch for lower rank/newer killers and not used much for high rank/experienced killers.

The argument for it (which i am on) is that Bloodlust is necessary due to high skilled survivors knowing when to drop pallets and how to chain loops. This coupled with speed perks and smaller maps once you get 20+ hrs of survivor in the game bloodlust becomes essential for killers.

BHVR is you honestly think its a crutch for killers or it become overly relied upon by lower rank killers then how about swapping it up. Instead of allowing killers to speed up (which yes can be a problem if you know how to abuse it and branch off after hitting BL1 to chase a healthy survivor and hit BL2 quickly for a free hit), how about we put a stamina depreciation on survivors.

If a survivor is being chased for 20 seconds without breaking line of sight or dropping a pallet they lose speed at the same rate a killer gains with current BL. If a survivor uses the same window 3 times and summons the entity to block the window they are hit with the same speed decrease.

This puts the skill on the survivors and it stops the BL abuse that can be the only reason (besides being disgusting survivor mains 😉) that the devs must have running through their mind.

Just an FYI I have played this game BEFORE bloodlust was ever introduced and definitely prefer BL being here than without.


  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    I just think some people abuse Bloodlust because it can single-handedly win you chases given you don’t break pallets or use your power. It’s not a huge problem, but the fact that it can do something like that makes it troublesome, especially on the newer maps where loops are shorter.

    In my opinion, they should rework Bloodlust. Maybe make it increase speed only at level 1, increase your lunge reach at level 2, and increase vaulting speed at level 3. Or something like that.

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153

    Shorter loops on new maps are moot without BL. Drop 1 pallet run to next short loop and with positioning you can make it easy to abuse before having to drop pallet or mess with aim assist to screw with killer.

    Long loops are going to turn back into semi-infinites with proper positioning and practice. If survivors can't keep a timer in their head then the devs literally removed the last skill cap survivors have.

    BHVR bending the knee to the almighty $. They can sell more skins for survivors and get a player base if they cater to the 4 over the 1.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,394

    You are playing since before bloodlust and still struggle against average red ranks? Nobody should depend on BL for that. BL helps only to secure one safe kill. Against the rare 5% survivor-team who isnt braindead, BL is useless too.

    I want this noob mechanic gone and instead good maps and fair loops. No Cowshed, Haddonfield or Ormond. No house of pain.

  • ScoopsAhoyBoy
    ScoopsAhoyBoy Member Posts: 3

    Bloodlust is useless it’s a 0.2 m movement speed boost after 15 seconds which hinders more than helps. If you’re chasing a single survivor for 15-45 seconds without breaking pallets or hitting them...You need to reevaluate, you’re literally giving the other 3 survs way too much time to heal, repair, and cleanse. Go for them, if they have sprint burst leave them, DO NOT CHASE, it’s pointless and you won’t catch them. Don’t fear pallets, bait or if you suck at doing so use enduring. It’s not hard, I 4k consistently at rank 1 even against teams on mics, it’s all about map pressure, mind games, and awareness, not chasing, speed boosting, and “op” perks.

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153

    Personally I would rather they focus on map and tile placements before touching BL. The small maps have caused random double and triple pallet spawns. Ungodly LT walls spawning right next to each other (not just on McMillan). The problem, their solution was breakable walls... Which means killers have to invest time or give up a chase to cut down a strong loop.

    Dude I dont really care about your anecdotal "I constantly 4k at red ranks". You are either lying or playing some obscure server that isn't NA or EU. 3k+ hours in this game on PC and console combined and I've seen enough people claim the perfect every game even against swf. Stats don't lie and if you honestly think BL 1 is irrelevant then I can undoubtedly know your full of it. Good killers dont always bait pallets or break them. Mindgames exist for a reason, a 15-20 second chase against a good, and I mean actually good, survivor is optimal.

    BL 2 and 3 might be crutches but also abusable if you chase some soloQ that lead you directly to a gen being worked on. Easy pressure but thay doesn't always happen. Safe pallets should be broken but an unsafe pallet that a derpy survivor tries to hang around gets punished hard by BL 1 and lunge as it should. It keeps the small loops playable and lets killers catch survivors who venture into dead zones without having to work around tile terrain collision and get frustrated at a slight angle off getting you stuck.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,394

    Its normal to 3k + hatch almost every time. Just watch most streamers. Otz plays EU and he gets 50 win streaks. Crossplay enabled could make it easier. Or playing on console without Crossplay.

    Does that mean you win most oft the time against swf death squads? No but you almost never meet them.

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153

    Picking Otz as an example is a bad choice. 95% of players aren't on his level or understand the game as mechanically as he does.

    Yes you run across swf constantly at red rank and if you want to pull the streamer card go watch FunGoose. Extremely skilled streamer like Otz and just as mechanically knowledgeable. He plays survivor its always either duo or full swf. Watch Puppers play survivor and loop red rank killers for minutes on end. High ranked players skew the stats so much from their amount of time played. If you're 3k + hatch every single red rank game then it's a farce. You're probably dealing with purple rank survivors because no matter how much BHVR wants to claim its out MMR still affects games. If I play Myers or Bubba (my two main killers) its always 4 red ranks, usual game is 1-2k because they don't give a rats ass about teammates or totems. They plant on gens and by hook 3 they have finished 4 gens while properly splitting up for the 5th.

    If I swap to Blight or Trapper (2nd most played pair) the ranks I play drop to a mixture of red/purple. If I go Nurse or Billy (arguably 2 of the strongest killers) the ranks are all purple some mix of greens occasionally.

    There is an easily observable skill gap in survivors who KNOW when to drop pallets or take a hit to position themselves. Or pre-drop a pallet to help them set up. BL 1 is the catalyst for them to learn these skills. Without it the game is going to revert to find killer shack and be safe in an infinite, all the time killer spent chasing me is wasted now haha!

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    They're testing to see HOW exactly the game is unbalanced without BL.

    Making the same effect but mirrored for survivors literally changes nothing.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,394

    Good to know that i am one of the top 5%. In most games its hard to know that because of SBMM. For example in Apex Legends i lost so many times and my ranks says im atleast top 20%. In other games i win and im not sure whether i am good or the game gives me weak enemies.

    And i never doubted that good survivor are almost unbeatable. I think 4 survivor on my level would beat me as killer most of the time and i have not even 1000 hours as survivor.

    And i suspect MMR, too. With Hag i get 100% more sweaty squads, but with Ghostface im getting bad players and i cant even remember when i lost with him. So its not tied to your winrate. Maybe playtime, i mained hag a year ago.

    I get not many purple atleast in the second half of the month after rank reset. But i see a lot of red rank players who are making dumb moves. But when i really would get worse players all the time and win because of that it makes no sense. I have this high winrate for over a year now, so the game has no reason to give me weaker players.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,394

    It seems my long comment is gone after i edited it. Maybe i cant see it, i dont know how this forum works. So again:

    Then im a top 5% player (im clearly better than most, i see so many mistakes in their gameplay)

    I think MMR could be active, (hard matches with hag) but has nothing to do with winstreak maybe playtime with the killer

    I play all killers so maybe i have not so much playtime on one killer like people who main one

    I play against many red ranks (but i have no statistics, maybe i start counting)

    Im a better killer then a survivor but 4 survivor on my skill level would beat me.

    In my experience its easier to reach a good enough level as survivor (you dont need fancy stuff like techs), but for some unknown reason most survivor fail to reach this level. Maybe it was easier for me bc of my killer experience?

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153

    Its easier to play survivor if you play killer constantly. Knowing POV sight helps tremendously. BL removal for day 1 btw. 25 games today (classic killer fk over test since killer queues were 5 seconds long).

    20 games survivor all vs red rank killer all solo Q. (I main killer and hate survivor btw I think its resoundingly boring to hold m1 and press space). 19 escapes only 1 death due to a face camping freddy that had to be salty he got 5 gen'd before downing 1 person. Unhooked them he downs me camps face team leaves. Every other game 2-3 people per game escaping. Killers obviously struggling with getting downs. Abused quite a few (including a plague) on long loops where I could run the loop 10+ times before having to drop pallet.

    5 killer games. 2ks every game. The feeling of BL gone was noticeable especially around killer shack. No more mind gaming allowed at that loop and the 1 game i got of McMillan was a joke of a game. Start a chase they all bolt to main building and use stairs to escape thx to a single open window.

    I hope devs see the ######### show they unleashed and quickly reverse this crap and not do live testing again.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Stop relying on bloodlust and outsmart survivors during loops and jungle gyms. You should not rely on speed boosts to catch a surv. Rely on mind games just as survs have to. Aka, get good.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,394

    Survivor games were better for me then with bloodlust. Leaving the Loop creates so much distance and on some maps there is no risk because there are not many deadzones. But as survivor i get a lot of bad killer.

    I lost against a really good huntress, but the game was hopeless anyway. One first down dc and two urban survivor. And a trapper who camped the basement got 2 kills.

    10+ times shouldnt happen when the killer is doing everything right. I know one place where deathslinger cant catch up but hes 110%.

    Killer Shack was not that bad. And i played with Myers, Pig and Wraith. The vault outside then inside mindgame is difficult now. But the door fake to force a slow vault or the pallet drop is fine. When you fake the door fake you get still a hit after the survivor vaulted. But the part outside of shack without the window got stronger. You can just stay there and see the position of the killer and mirrow him.

    But i never used bloodlust to get a hith in shack anyway. When a killer wastes time with bloodlust the survivor can force a pallet break. Its too much time wasted. The best way to deal with shack is to run it the right way around and force the pallet.

    I won every game except with demo. I need to play him more. But there was only one decent swf with head-on. I got them two times in a row and the second time i played legion and got free downs bc i knew to respect a locker. In the other matches was atleast one weak link.

    Seriously i dont know whether i am getting worse players then you or you struggle against the same survivor i have. Do you have a video etc?

    Do you play on pc? With crossplay on/off?

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153
    edited November 2020

    I play PC with crossplay turned off majority of the time. I turn it on to make the game simplistic to finish Tomes otherwise the skill gap between PC and console (especially switch players) is disgustingly apparant.

    From currently a day and a half of blood lust removal I've seen a large uptick in camping/tunneling which is a detriment to the game and going to lead to more bitching from survivors.

    Killer shack has become more difficult, not impossible, but difficult to either get a greedy hit (survivor staying to long) or baiting the pallet quickly. If you stay around shack and aren't concerned with dropping the God pallet its not difficult on survivor side to run loop a few times (this is door AND window) take a hit and stay. Then throw pallet the moment you get killer in shack and just bolt away like its nothing. No fear in keeping the chase active after 1 hit when you are guaranteed to make it to safety.

    The biggest issue I have seen is for 110% killers that dont do well with good survivors (hag particularly) I've been almost forced to play PWYF to get w/e little boost I can without having to turn pub mode and turn MWD on. Huntress has always been an iffy killer to nail down. The range makes her excellent, the hum makes her obvious, the speed makes her frustrating. 110% killers (sans huntress and deathslinger [1 game each]) have been non-existent in my games this weekend. So the already dwindling acceptable killer list is shrinking even more.

    Yah join the conversation when you have more to input over a primary school response. There is a difference in RELYING on blood lust and having it as a backup when you have a survivor with 2k+ hours that would probably run a pleb for 5 gens that doesn't know how to break off. Someone who can run loops + chain loops is balanced out by the existence of BL1.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,394

    There is no doubt that shack is a really strong tile with or without blood lust. It would be okay when loops like that would be a rare ressource on every map.

    I think we have your answer when you play pc only. Most streamers play with crossplay too. Most bad pc players have crossplay activated, so you get mostly good player.

    And against this good players nobody has a chance not even players like Otz when they use low tier killer.

    But i dont understand the people who camp bc they cannot handle good players when they could instead turn crossplay on. ( i dont mean you)

    My problem with bloodlust is still the same i have with ruin/undying. Unfair maps are not okay bc you have bloodlust to counter it. Fast gens are not okay bc you can use ruin/undying.

    But yh it could be that they remove bloodlust without changing some maps. I mean it seems they think the god bus and the normal bus are the same strong tile.

    In the end only a good MMR-system could show the devs how strong survivors are. But would they balance around high level? How would you balance it without making the game unplayable for noob survivor?

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153

    I think we only disagree about BL. High skilled PC players BL plays an integral role in actually allowing ALL killers to stand a chance not just meta killers.

    I prefer to stay off crossplay personally since when I turn it on it makes the game boring. Yes I can 4k a group of consoles within 7 mins of the game starting but thats... no fun and feels like I'm picking on players.

    Personally I think Devs need to focus more on tiles as a whole. Dead zones shouldn't exist but Ormond shouldn't have 3 pallets spawn on 3 adjacent tiles. Breakable walls served no purpose besides turning some buildings into death traps (if killer doesn't break) or recreated infinites unless killer devotes time.

    The shrinking of maps is exacerbating the problems that were there. I am not arguing for BL 2 or 3 to stay as I think they are detrimental for newer killers just trying to learn to chase and mind game. BL 1 though serves its purpose and makes survivors drop the stupid amount of pallets that spawn on some tile sets.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,394

    I personally think shrinking maps is important. Otherwise you need to give every killer a movement ability. Its stupid when you cant stop a gen because you need forever to get there. I think there should be more unsafe pallets but with bloodlust 1 a survivor has no chance to avoid a hit. With more but unsafe pallets it wouldnt be a problem for the team when a noob survivor is wasting a pallet.

    But like i said i dont know how maps are created. It makes no sense that sometimes there is a bus in autohaven sometimes a truck. And then sometimes you can combine tiles and its far too strong. In the Badham school are random one or two safe pallets.

    There could be a gen slowdown for injured survivor after some time, bc bad survivor dont stay injured and wouldnt be affected. Or a game mechanic who makes totem cleansing useful not depending on perks.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    There is no difference. I get matched with ######### survs all the time that essentially force me to lose. Wheres my backdrop then? Outplay me, dont ask for speed boosts to do it like a noob.