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Demogorgon's Portals are entirely glitched

I've played two matches of Demogorgon in the past two days, one on Suffocation Pit, the other on Midwich.

On Midwich, I placed the portal in the hallway outside a classroom with a generator in it. When I went to teleport to it, I ended up being stuck in between the wall and inside a locker and wasn't able to move or do anything. The survivors were able to see me, but I couldn't hit them or get out in any way. I have video proof of this happening both times. I have no idea why Demogorgon teleports so far away when he traverses and why he can just get stuck inside objects that easily, but it ruined both matches and made them unplayable and caused me to depip and derank.

How to do this ( I think):

  1. Select Demogorgon
  2. Place a portal in an area that isn't all too open.
  3. Teleport to it.
  4. Suffer outside the boundaries.

Additional Information:

It was with Demogorgon using only the perks Surge and Mindbreaker, though I don't believe that the perks affected what happened.

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  • Jay_Whyask
    Jay_Whyask Member Posts: 614

    Do you know what your ping was during these matches? Maybe lag is the culprit. Also I remember seeing this issue before I'm surprised it hasn't been fixed yet.