Why is DC'ing looked down upon?



  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545

    DCing intentionally (for non-serious reasons) is looked down upon because it's silly, childish, and a waste of time for not only yourself, but your teammates. Especially if the reason is because you are getting facecamped or tunneled, maybe you're one of those survivors who go clicky clicky with their flashlights constantly or t-bag and don't want to admit it. I just don't understand people who intentionally purchase an online "multiplayer" game and want the ability to DC (unpunished) every time a game doesn't go their way. Just end it early on the hook and at least get the blood points for doing what you've done so far, but it's crazy how people would rather quit in the middle of the match, get 0 blood points, AND a cooldown for joining another lobby

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Because you are an adult (?) ?

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Spend the 15 seconds it takes to suicide on hook if you're being face camped.

    Or a good player will spend as long as they can on hook getting face camped to allow the team to complete gens while the killer is camping you. If everybody is coming to save, death on hook asap.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Making it worse for the OTHER people in the team... That's why he said multiplayer. I guarantee the other 3 people don't feel happy you disconnected.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    ABSOLUTELY! One time. Then if they play the team based multiplayer again KNOWING it causes intense emotional distress for them. They are liable for that decision. Good thing the first DC penalty is only like 2 mins (which should be fine since said person is probably going to need a while to gather themselves,)

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    I have a question about this, speaking of DCing I've had this happen a few times. I'll load into a game, start working on a gen and or hear a person get hit by the killer then the game ends saying that someone DC'd while loading. shouldn't that happen before the game actually starts?

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    It's selfish. While I mind DC's, I can understand them at times like when the killer is Deathslinger on Midwich or a Stridor Spirit with Ruin and Undying.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Congrats. You found the one other person that is so self centered they can't even fathom that they are not the only person playing. You two sociopaths should just play with each other in customs and dc every match... At least 50% of the lobby would be happy every match.

    See above statement

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    calling someone a sociopath over something minor like this.

    Dude you ok? I think you need to relax a little

  • Somna
    Somna Member Posts: 130

    The game will start, but it seems like everyone loads in at different times. In one game, I actually started next to someone who was clearly unresponsive. "Reunited" also did not trigger when I got next to him. After moving away for about 2 minutes, it went to the DC'd while loading screen.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    Because it shows you're a baby, throwing his sucker in the dirt because you're loosing. If this game can get you so mad that the only way to deal with it is to DC then this game is not for you. You start a match you finish it. You struggle to the last hp, you crawl away even if you only make if 1 meter. You struggle on the way to the last hook, even if its like 4 feet away.

    As killer you activly patrol even if all gens are done and 4 suvivors are left. You dash into the exit gate to try and hit em 1 last time. You play until the clock hits 0:00

    Anything less is BM. As a killer or survivor I will play my absolute best until the the results screen pops up and I expect the same from my opponates. I expect this in ANY game. If I'm playing SC I'm gonna keep defending until my last building/unit is gone: as I expect you to. In SMITE I'm gonna fight until my titan has 0 hp. I expect the enemy to do the same.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Maybe a little over the top. Meant to be taken more jokingly than it came across. But do you not see that just disconnecting ruins not just the fun but the chance of others succeeding.

    If a killer is camping, the only way to punish the killer is to hang in as long as possible so the others can do gens. A killer won't continue camping long after he realizes it's only netting 1 kill per match.

    If a killer tunnels intensely without provocation (OoO, toxic style flashlight spamming, tbagging every pallet drop etc), then it's a maniacal player (not person, player🧐) and and you disconnecting gives them gratification and only punishes the team and robs you of any points.

    If a killer slugs all and doesn't hook, record your bleed out and report them for holding the game hostage.

    All of these simple things will improve the game by punishing the people ruining the fun rather than punishing the others suffering already.

    I try to run kindred in solo, just to provide the info to punish face campers because otherwise usually at least 2 stop gens to rescue and just get hooked as well. If I see people coming to rescue I suicide. As this seems to be the best option to punish the face campers.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    yes this is the issue that is plaguing consoles and their network connections right now and it's not every match, and because the console must go through the specific network before going to the dbd server it sometimes can get interrupted. this takes time to recognize but it's done early enough in the game that the whole game disconnects not just the player.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    please look up the law associated with your presumption and let us know, but i'll help you along it is NOT illegal.

  • LintyScorpion
    LintyScorpion Member Posts: 165

    Why is actively ruining the game for others looked down upon?* fixed that for you

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Personally, I think that the game mechanics should adjust to a player DCing. That way, a DCing player isn't as much of a burden to those that stuck around. Something like increasing gen repair speed based on how many players DCed. Just to lessen the impact of a DC while not making it beneficial either. The game is supposed to be a party game. It certainly doesn't feel like one most of the time, but that has been the stated intent multiple times. If separating ranked and casual is not an option, then something should be put into place that allows DCs to happen without it affecting the competitive edge of a team. Not saying there can't be a penalty on top of that, but something so you don't have people greedily insisting that someone should endure something they don't like for their competitive edge.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    You need to not put so much stock in winning and loosing. 'Oh I'm probably gonna loose, better DC' is absoultly babyish and I don't think you can convince me otherwise.

  • DevineNeil
    DevineNeil Member Posts: 12

    Sorry but not Sorry DC in a game for Survivors or Killers is just not cool and so unfair for both players base.

    I think of what BH should do is for players who DC should be officially banned if they constantly keep on pulling the plug in game,Players who DC should definitely get punished for it because it’s unfair for the other survivors and the Killer.

    i understand if the player isn’t having fun in game but I really think it’s a selfish move to pull when you thinking for yourself and not caring about the other players who’s trying to complete their challenges,Rituals and trying to rank up.

    Another thing of what BH can do is for the players who don’t DC when their game actually freezes,Crashes,Blue Screen and etc,I think they should build a system that can tell the difference between Pulling the plug and Players who has bad connections in general. I play Apex Legends in their rank system if a player decides to DC just because they’re not having fun the penalty system in Apex it actually punish players who like to DC which as the player can’t play no game modes and I mean all games modes are locked from the player from having access to it. This should teach a lesson for those DC players who likes to ruin other players games.

    Another thing BH can do for DC players like in OW if the players still continue to DC they will receive less points from their game matches.

    I think that would at least force players to just take a L in a game and move on or else they’ll have to pay for the consequence .

  • Unseen_Force
    Unseen_Force Member Posts: 218

    @Rizzo90 do I need to talk to someone about consistency?

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Here are my thoughts on DC. For what its worth anyway......

    If there is a real life emergency by all means DC, Life takes priority.

    DCing is against the rules and really screws up this game, for survivors it can cause one of the following problems.

    1. Dc Early, forces your team to lose pressure and suddenly be disadvantaged, killer loses 1/4th possible emblem points.

    2. Dc mid game, can really screw over both sides equally, survivors lose that 2nd or 3rd player keeping things from getting rough and killers, again, lose emblem points and BP (excluding quitter bonus)

    3. End game DC, usually some of the worst because this can be used to give the hatch to the last remaining survivor, this can totally throw the games balance.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    unfortunately a system to know when the game crashes or a network plug is pulled or an internet router goes down or the player puts their pc into airplane mode and what not is impossible. only thing they can 100% track is the USE of the LEAVE MATCH button.