What is the worst thing about dead by daylight in your opinion and how would you improve it?

QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Mine would be the hatch, I hate that thing so much. It is entirely luck based on who can find it first, it can be body blocked, and it makes survivors play like jerks and let their teammates die while they camp it for an easy win. Not to mention keys can unlock it and give survivors an a free win while the killer would have most likely won otherwise. I'm pretty sure TrU3Ta1ent suggested this but I'm not sure. Basically when the third survivor dies the killer and survivor can each other (kind of like object) except when they are within a certain distance to each other. After [X] amount of time the gates will open automatically and the survivor can escape. If the killer downs the survivor... well they win, simple as that. I know that this system isn't perfect by any means but in my opinion it's better than the hatch.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    The community. The best and worst parts of dbd depending on how you happen to be feeling at the time.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,532

    It's probably just inconsistent hits. From super delayed Dead Hards that somehow manage to avoid damage anyway. To getting hit through pallets when the Killer wasn't nearby. And if someone is laggy on either side you just have these moments of ######### just happened cause they tend to teleport. DBD is the only game I've played where having a bad connection gives you an advantage over people with a good connection.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I'm OK with the hatch. Its still a win to me as killer.

    My major problem is how a lot of the more fun, but weaker killers are suicidal to use in red ranks. I really hope this MMR thing gets fixed up and comes in soon. I'd love to play killers I don't tend to play more like Trapper or Plague or Mikey, but in red ranks the majority of the survivors I play against are fantastic at looping and most of these killers become impotent in a chase. Matches just fly by even when I use Corrupt and get a first hook before first gen. I just want to use the perks I want to use, just like survivors can, and have a decently long, fun match. Doesn't have to be a win by any means, just has to be enjoyable and let me play well with my power.

    The problem is too many killers just can't end chases fast enough, and survivors don't have a reason to get off a gen if they A. aren't being chased or B. aren't needed to unhook or heal their friends.

    I'd rather these killers be buffed to be more viable but judging by the reaction Leatherface is getting (and I'm sure Clowns will be received similarly) I don't expect that to happen.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Keys and moris. Nerf them.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    It's a tie between:


    Maybe try to fix at least the frame drops after over 2 years 🙄

    And the grind

    Just remove the damn perk tiers.They are outdated considering the amount of perks we have in this game now and only hinder creative perk design

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited November 2020

    Mori is easy. I would remove the Mori offerings as they currently exist. Yellow bloodpoint offerings (minus Pudding and Hollow Shell) would let you mori one player who has been hooked two times, and green bloodpoint offerings (minus Bloody Party Streamers) would let you mori any player who has been hooked two times. Cypress Mori would be basekit.

    Key is admittedly more difficult, and I'm not sure I've thought of something I am totally satisfied with yet.

  • TheEdster
    TheEdster Member Posts: 41

    I dislike the Hatch in its current state too. I think that it should remain in the game, but the last Survivor should earn it instead first. I thought of something like this:

    • The Endgame Collapse triggers when the last Generator is completed or after the 3rd Survivor has been sacrificed (When there is only 1 Survivor left the timer is permently slowed down).
    • The Hatch only becomes visible when The Endgame Collapse is active (this way the Hatch can no longer be used as an early escape if the Survivor has a key).
    • When there is only 1 Survivor left the Hatch does not open.
    • The last Survivor gets a big bonus to their repair speed.
    • Every time the Survivor finishes a Generator, The Endgame Collapse Timer is paused for a moment and the Hatch will open again.

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    The slow changes, new killers and perks are being added every few months but killers like trapper have had little updates. Same goes for most perks very little changes look at up the ante, sole survivor, left behind and plenty others. I would like them to just buff perks I'm mass. If they're too strong bring them back down but update the game.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 449

    Quite a few perks or perk combos are too strong and turn mediocre players into gods. Yeah you know which ones I mean.

    To improve it I'd adjust MMR to take these perks into consideration when making matches, so the meta perk users get matched with each other or against players with super high skill. Then the off metas users can enjoy the game and not have to drown in sweat.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    the community

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Those are some pretty good suggestions! I would keep red moris and make it so you have to hook every survivor once before you can start to mori people.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530
    edited November 2020

    How some of the killers aren't viable at red ranks forcing you to play the same ones so you don't get demolished. Gets boring real fast

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    As a killer: The Early Game. The first few minutes dictate the outcome of a match way too much for how random and luck based it is - especially if you refuse to run gen slowdown perks due to their boring concept (i.e. Ruin = walk near a gen to win it back for existing yaiiii)

    The Early Game is so random and luck based all 4 survivors can literally spawn on a gen not far away from me often allowing me to stop the gen and chase them off giving all of us an equal start OR they can all spawn on different gens resulting in multiple gen pops unless the first survivor I chase doesn't know how to use pallets/windows.

    Not sure how the devs could fix it unless they got rid of all the slowdown perks.

    As a survivor: Camping and tunneling.

    As a player (not killer or survivor - just as a player in general) I would like all survivors to have an equal chance of escaping/dying depending on their individual skill and contribution to their objective.

    Not sure how the devs could fix this either.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Base Regression is terrible in my opinion. It's not nearly fast enough, and that's why most killers feel like they have to have something like Ruin/Undying or Pop to even have a chance.

    I would make it so, first of all, the base regression was faster. Ruin would be adjusted if this were the case.

    I'd make it so Survivor's didn't need to barely touch the gen to stop regression in something like chase. I would make it so Survivor's have to hold the gen for a few seconds after it's kicked before it start's the progress bar again.

    Maybe add a instant regression of 3-5% whenever a Killer kicks a generator, but that may be too much.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 761

    Gens. The single worst part of this game. If you lose to gens its because survivors held a button...what an outplay. If you win as survivor it means you and your team held M1, you sure beat that killer! Holding M1 on the other side of the map while your teammate lasted about 20 seconds in chase but you won anyways...

    Many suggestions have been given to solve the issue of gens. I don't think the answer is a basic "make them last longer" cuz it's just boring for the survivors.

    One of my favorite ideas is one where survivors need to grab parts scattered around the map. This makes it so survivors can't just sit in a corner listening to music and looking at memes while the bar fills up... they have to put themselves in some sort of danger and go around the map.

    Something important is to make completing gens not as simple as holding a single button. I don't care if its puzzles, I don't care if its a rhythm QTE, something needs to be done so completing these things doesn't just consist of hold M1 to win videogame.

    There isn't a single thing in the game that is as easy as the core of the survivor's main objective. Maybe camping insidious Bubba...and even that requires at the very least one chase, so Bubba would have to outplay one survivor at least 1 time.


    About your Hatch idea. I kind of like it, but I think this idea underestimates how much a survivor can just extend chases by pre dropping pallets without even thinking about it when there's nothing else to lose. I've had endgame chases that have lasted forever, simply because throughout the game, survivors didn't use many pallets and now the survivor is just going from safe pallet to safe pallet.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    Why was this closed?

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    Hands down lag is the biggest problem. I'm not a programmer, but I have to believe there is a way it can be eliminated like so many other online multiplayer games have figured out.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891


    Gen rush

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 537

    This game having no user interface slider bar sucks..

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Bad perks in the base sets of perks for both side. It's worse for killers, but neither side should have to do a ton of grinding to get even decent perks.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Map Objectives

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    DbD community it's def the worst. I don't mean the whole community though, there are pretty cool people as well.

    How to impove it? In-game reports should mean something, make the game save a copy of the in-game chat. So if as an example someone writes anything racist I don't need to go through all the trouble opening a ticket that might be unseen.

    Make some strict rules about what is and it's not a bannable offense. Right now it's like you can do everything you want. If I want to spam or t-bag I can do it. And that's an unsportmanship gesture, some of the bannable offenses that you can report in-game. Unless obviously it's a ghostface and I am memeing.

    Make the game save a record of the 3 or 4 last matches so if I see someone suspected of hacking, I could just send the repot. I am not able to record all my matches and even if it's not frequent, I have had a hacker and I was unable to save it at the moment. I was a killer and the EGC already had begun, I hit them and the survivor was at the floor. I was unable to grab it and suddenly it started to float to the exit gate and he laughed at me in the post-chat. I have never felt so frustrated before.

    As I said, it can be done but that recquires a little effort on the dev's side so you can have an easier way to report players in-game.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Probably the maps. And for the most part, the devs have seemed interested in trying to improve these with the graphical reworks (though it's been a little hit-or-miss on whether some of the updated maps are truly better than their predecessors or not).

    Honestly, if it were up to me I'd probably just pull some of the really bland ones (and maybe some of the severely unbalanced ones) out of the public map pool until they were able to be reworked into a better state. Like, would anyone really be super distraught if Shelter Woods and Rotten Fields weren't on the table for a while?

  • toukent
    toukent Member Posts: 88

    Probably hitboxes. It's one of the most infuriating things for me most of the time.

    Also I don't get why people are saying the community. Quit being snowflakes and ignore them