All gens done on me in 4 minutes, should I just quit now?

shalo Member Posts: 1,522

All gens done on me in 4 minutes, should I just quit now?



  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Back berfore I became a small game gamer, in the days of old Ruin. 90% of the time I'd find a totem by just following the TR in the first 30 seconds. It's a really bad idea to beeline to your totem.

    These survivors played the way you're supposed to against Legion. They split up. That and the fact that they seemed decent at chases and your perks weren't great (and the fact that Legion has a very hard time actually downing survivors) sealed your fate.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited November 2020

    First mistake - You should have started patrolling the gens that are furthest away from you

    The second mistake - you should have cancel the frenzy earlier when you knew you wouldnt make it for another hit, now you need to wait for the entire thing to recharge back up. 

    The third mistake - you commit on a chase in the main building, you shouldn't have gone there in the first place but instead checked one of the gens they were working on. You now got punished for the first mistake you did at the start of the match. The game has been going on for 1 min and 30 seconds now which is enough to get solo gen done. 

    4th mistake - you hit the Felix with a basic M1 instead of a feral frenzy, Legion main purpose is to get everyone injured ASAP with his power. 

    5th Mistake - you try to mind game a pallet gym, you cant mind game that. You should break that pallet the second it got dropped

    6th Mistake - Oh wow I wonder why you are losing gens, maybe cause you ignore the discordance and commit a chase on killershack? -_-

    Too many mistakes dude, commit on long chases in survivor favored tiles like shack and the main building, you run perks like tinkerer and discordance but ignore when they pop off, you don't manage your power properly. You seem to lack common sense and game knowledge, you must improve on that first.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    Well you played really rather poorly tbh, when there is no pressure from a killer, aka nobody on hook and nobody slugged, then yeah why not just do the gens, they go quick this way yeah.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Your first mistake was playing as Legion.

    On a serious note you faced some decent survivors. Notice how nobody camped pallets even while injured, Felix didn't panic-drop the pallet after getting hit (which is something I observe extremely often on red ranks lately) and most importantly all survivors were doing gens at all times instead of lurking around the map doing nothing.

    Obviously you made a lot of mistakes. There are so many mistakes I don't even want to list them all but I feel like this would have been a rough match for you even if you had played better because Legion is quite simply not a strong killer mechanically.

    As survivor I don't care about getting injured. I will mend in your face and if you stop your frenzy next to me you suffer a stun. I will Sprint Burst away during your stun so have fun catching me. It will take a while and cost you the game.

    And if you leave me I will mend and start working on the gen next to me using the Resilience buff YOU gave me by stabbing me with frenzy.

    Long story short: Legion is easy to bully and requires weak survivors to perform well consistently.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    When you pmay killer you need to play perfectly specially if you dont have any slowdown perk.

    In this map you cant chase a survivor were the main building is this place is pretty much an infinite or close to that

    I wont point the mistake you made because like i said killer need to play perfectly but use your power more often and play around the gen a bit more at one point you had 2 survivor on a gen and another 1 on another gen while you got loop around the shack you need to never be in that kind of scenario

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    What you should do is get a gen info perk like discordance, tinkerer, thrilling tremors etc

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Op used Discordance and Tinkerer in the clip they posted

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of all other matches the killer has everyone down before a gen is done or before the gates are opened. Anyone that is honest knows the game is extremely killer sided. The only time survivors win is when four coordinated survivors are pitted against a medicore killer that loosely watches their gens with their perks.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    First thing you shouldn't have checked the totem since it was already in a good spot. And you risked a survivor seeing you go there for no reason but there's a totem. Second was you were chasing Dwight around a corrupted gen. With corrupt you want to leave those gens and patrol ones not blocked. And corrupt can backfire on Legion by spreading survivors out which happened here but in a different perk for corrupt like Pop or Ruin. And you weren't giving up chase on good loops while tinkerer and Discordance were popping so while that Jane was looping you at shack you should've booked and gone to those gens. Since legions power isn't designed to get downs. And snowballing was a better option.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Ohp, well, then I will go back to what other people said: don't commit to losing chases

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    it happens.

    Part of it is the build. Tinkerer procs but all it does for you is “hey, you’re going to lose a gen, nothing you can do.”

    Second - try working on moonwalking. You backtrack in some of the right spots, but if you turned and hid you’re light, it’d help you out more (don’t fall in love with it, just need to know the spots you can get value from it).

    So don’t quit. Reset your goal. Change it to “I’m gonna put BBQ on and hook everyone at least once.” Then if you do better, great. If not, all good. Killer is very frustrating to play. Almost on par with playing survivor solo queue vs sweaty killers

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I don't like that mentality. That's like saying "I'm ok with losing every game while the survivors walk all over me as long as I get some points so I can.....keep losing with whatever those points got me"

    I rarely run BBQ. But when I do; many times the first person will die, and I will have 1 BBQ stack. And I always giggle to myself about that. That game is a perfect example of why. The Dwight probably could have run him for 4-5 gens if he played the god window better. I also noticed how he was seen vaulting it again later in the video. That's exactly the kind of person you should not feel bad about camping or tunneling, because that's exactly the kind of survivor who will be running you through every god-window in the game if they could.

    When I load into a map like Springwood, and see a survivor, and the first thing they do is beeline to the house of pain; I think to myself "I'm killing this guy on first hook if I can"

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    If you perceive It that way, but that says more about you. ;)

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    "me as a hag main used to having 2-4 gens done before i'm finished setting up*


  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,764

    You proudly main Meg what ego could you possibly have?

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    When playing a killer, never make a mistake in judgment and ability. That way 4 minutes can change to 6 minutes.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Firstly, you NEED to adjust your playstyle to your perks. If you have Corrupt, don’t make your first chase around a Corrupted gen. And if you’re going to run gen information perks you need to pay attention to them. Tinkerer went off several times and every time you ignored it.

    Secondly, you need to work on your pathing. You move kind of weirdly around stuff, going super wide and then quite tight when really you should be running tiles as close to the wall as you can without getting stuck. Don’t swing out wide when you run around stuff.

    Thirdly, you have to adjust to the survivor you’re playing against and learn to read what kind of player they are and what they’ll do. You swung at the Jane expecting her to camp shack pallet when the way she played made it pretty obvious she wasn’t that kind of survivor. Doubling back and getting that first hit on Dwight was good, and demonstrated that he was probably the weak link of the team since he doesn’t pay attention - so you should prioritise chases with him in a typical match, though that said chasing at that building isn’t usually a good idea.

    Also, in your situation I would have slugged the Dwight. You downed him and Tinkerer went off which should have told you you needed to pressure elsewhere. I see why you didn’t (Devour Hope) but don’t be afraid to slug if you need to - hooking someone can waste quite a lot of your time.

    Finally, don’t give up! You learn through practice and if you enjoy the game, you should stick with it. :) You have room for improvement but so does every single person playing this game.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    If you start investing time in really getting to know how to play legion you'll be fine. I've spend a lot of time on legion so I'll give you some pointers.

    First the build; Stop using corrupt intervention on legion it drives the survivors apart when they spawn together which could mess up your first frenzy. Legion shines by using perks that capitalize on the whole team being injured; thanataphobia, blood echo, deathbound (these 3 together give a nasty dilemma stay injured and suffer the slowdown + no exhaustion perks or heal and get oblivious. To stop them healing in your terror radius instead you get nurses on the 4th slot). Legion does great with many perks that help in chase like spirit fury/enduring, basically most of the perks to help get the m1 to seal the deal.

    About frenzy; Know when to cancel early, get closer to the survivor after cancelling while filling your not totally depleted frenzy bar and hit them with frenzy instead of M1. Don't be scared of pallets while in frenzy most survivors drop it early giving you the vault and hit. You gain a hit and win a pallet. Wanna cancel frenzy or are about to run out? Cancel and try to force a pallet stun this takes less time than your fatique. Also cancel frenzy if the survivor starts mending in a deadzone or keeps working on the gen, no disrespect allowed. You can also stop actions by hitting them. Like in an unhook situation you can hit them twice cancelling the unhook and buying time to get out of frenzy for the down.

    You had no add ons; I recommend the frenzy duration and shorter fatique ones I also like the legion pin.

    Now for this game I see several points you could have turned the odds in your favor if you understand legion better. After you hit your first frenzy you leave Jane and chase Dwight off the gen, you can see from killer instinct that someone else was working on the gen next to Dwight's. No way you could have hit Dwight in a reasonable amount of time so cancel frenzy and go chase the other one of the gen. You would have had Jane mending/ Dwight out of position probably coming back down for his gen (visit after hitting survivor 3)/survivor 3 in chase; you see 3 guys aren't doing gens).

    After the very long Dwight chase you went to hit Felix with a normal M1 instead of frenzy big mistake since you now know nothing about everyone's position and not everyone was injured. You than find Jane she drops the pallet which is all you should get out of that chase, activate frenzy hit Jane and find out where to go next to spread pressure. Jane would have been occupied mending... Instead you kept chasing into shack wasting way to much time, even if a survivor is already injured once you see it will take too long to get a down try getting a pallet than frenzy stab and head over to the others. You don't get Jane down, find Dwight and again why didn't you use frenzy! After that you see Nea and she's healthy and you still didn't use frenzy! Not spreading pressure by using your killer's power gave the survivors the edge they needed to get the gens done.

    Just keep playing, watch your recordings, show them to others and learn from mistakes also look at great plays you've made it will keep the fun in the game.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    i mean, if you need to run certain perks for game to be playable it only shows how poorly balanced it is

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    Thanks or the good tips and civil tone guys. I think my main issue is I want to play DBD 2019: Survivor Hunter but the game is DBD 2020: Gen Defender.

  • You made a lot of mistakes in chases and prioritizing your targets. ALostPuppy  broke it down very well so I won't repeat anything.

    Thing is with killer it's just you vs four survivors. If a survivor makes a mistake, 3 other people are still doing something.

    If a killer makes a mistake, it's a HUGE set back. That is why say, DS is so strong, even though it's only really a few second stun anything that takes time away from you is a huge detriment.

    So it is a tough learning curve but you'll get there ^^

  • Izy
    Izy Member Posts: 27

    I fully agree that I don't think the game should ever end this fast. You made some obvious mistakes that a lot of people here will gladly nitpick but you didn't really stand a chance.

    Games like that you really just need to shrug off. They were likely a SWF with good communication and they knew how to hard counter a Legion. The best way to win against legion is to try and force a quick game and they did exactly that. They didn't try to heal against you, they stayed apart and hammered out single person gens. The people buying time knew the looping basics at two of the stronger looping spots.

    If survivors do most everything right and you don't get a little bit lucky, it's really their game to lose sometimes. Nobody really enjoys a game that fast, they got more bloodpoints than you but probably still not much.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    I actually think just slapping the Jane and running was a good move, but following the Dwight into the pantry near a Corrupt Intervention-blocked gen was a mistake. You got a really good mindgamr hit on him, but then continued to chase when you cpuld have left him injured, letting the other survivors finish gens in your "core" territory where a 3-gen was possible. I'd say take your free hit on both Jane and Dwight then get back to patrolling gens; no need to commit so soon unless they are very badly positioned.

    Buildwise, I think Tinker is ok on Legion once you get everybody injured for sneak attacks. Corrupt Intervention, however, anti-synergizes with Discordance. By blocking all of the generators survivors start on, you make them spread out. This goes against bot Discordance AND Legion's power. It's better if they all start on one gen and give you intel immediately + you can Frenzy on them all. I don't really like Devour on Legion. You could get more value out of something like Thanatophobia.

  • Hamburgerlar
    Hamburgerlar Member Posts: 58

    Yeah one chase and the game's already half done that sucks dude.

    Because you're not running an optimized build people are like "you ######### up"

    I say we introduce a mechanic that slows down the repair rate of generators when you're in a chase as a perk.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    Start by kicking the gens you walk past, jeeez

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    Survivors were pretty meta, apart from the random self-care in there.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Your first part kinda reminds me of ninjas copypasta and it's hilarious:

    The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Always post the gameplay too.Just showing the endscreen isn't doing anything

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    Its the endgame screen from the gameplay in the first post

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    dont play legion lol

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    This is why one of my most used perks on legion is bloodecho since I'm done with deadhard extending a chase that I already won by skill. Getting the final down against a great survivor is a good challenge, a great survivor with deadhard can ruin your entire match. Bloodecho is a perk you need to get used to if you want good value.

    Fun fact about borrowed time; hit them with frenzy after an unhook if they had borrowed time the survivor will glow white when you hit them. Now you can also get the unhooker injured and know they have BT to prevent a M1 mistake later.

    It probably was a coördinated team so don't be to hard on yourself we have all lost against these kind of teams.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    "havent watched the video so idk how good you are but watch streamers and ask for tips and try out different perks and killers"

    ######### off with your dismissive bullshit. The game shouldn't be this hard for players. Players shouldn't have to be as good as the literal TOP Killer players in the game just to have a good time. It's a casual game, not a hardcore competitive one. You should be ashamed from your bullshit kind of responses. Didn't even take the courtesy of watching his damn video before you jumped on dismissing the entire topic for upvotes. Sorry not sorry.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2020

    I would reccomend trying my Legion build. You will have an easier time coming up on Survivors, and keeping survivors injured, w/ thana will slow down the gen's enough for a fair game (it's like +5 seconds to each gen).

    Hex Totems are unreliable and by the time you get a use out of Tinkerer's the survivors are just going to finish the gen in your face. Legion is weak without add-ons. My favorite two are Legion Pin, and Stolen Sketch Book because they synergize well with Thanatophobia (Legion Pin is pratically required on Legion in the current meta).

    Taking a break from the game sometimes work, but that's a way everyone's being using to dismiss the biggest problems with Killer. The current state of the game these are most of the matches you are going to be experiencing. Hopefully it get's better in the coming months.

  • tak47888
    tak47888 Member Posts: 125

    Well, I watched the video, saw a few mistakes on your side, but nothing that would have been game-changing I guess. Maybe more frequent use of frenzy would have helped a bit. But, judging by their movement, the survivors were no complete dullies, so it probably would not have given you much more time. It was a good group, genspeed was fast (but not unusual at red ranks) and they split up over the map to work on different gens (which is the right tactics against a legion). The game was never in your hands (this round just shows, how much killer's success can depend on the survivor's performance). Best way is to accept it, shrugg it off and move on to the next round.

  • Noobe
    Noobe Member Posts: 152

    eh i mostly just recommended that a positive attitude gets you far and you shouldnt focus to hard on trying to win, if you get tilted you will just get mad and lose more.. you should try that.. and chases is how you win so the better you are at chases the more you win.. and ik its not competetive or else i would watch the video and judge it more but as long as he is positive and focus on chases he will win more.. now stop overreacting and chill.. he asked for tips so i gave him a small one.. if he didnt like my comment he can just go and read yours instead but i think he prefer most tips no matter the size, big or small..

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    And that's the point. Not every game should be a sweat fest for Killer. When they already take a break - the first game they come back to shouldn't be a 4 man SWF that just treats them like #########. This is the current state of the game. Then these Killers go "Hey guys, toxicity, and unbalance in this game is a problem" and every. Single. Time. They are told "just take a break". Well enough is enough with breaks. The breaks are not working. The problem persists, and the problem needs to be fixed. At first it was just a "positive response" and outlook, but now it's just dismissing the biggest problem in Dead by Daylight and that is that Killer is too stressful to play, and you should have fun with the role, not have it like a job.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Absolutely disagree.

    OP made a lot of big mistakes in this game.It would have gone different otherwise.

    Perk build wasn't optimal and he/she didn't use good addons too.Plus OP was playing a low tier killer as well.

    Also,it's not really often that you go against really strong groups.Most are pretty manageable given you are decent at the game

  • Noobe
    Noobe Member Posts: 152

    well its different from person to person.. ik its an issue but to have a positive attitude and keep playing and practice more is the solution.. i never said that he should take a break or similar.. everyone needs to learn how to be positive, that way winning will be easier and you wont care when you lose.. besides i have fun with the role and dont see it as a job, i have fun with the game overall because i dont care about toxic survivors or getting a 4K wich helps me keep playing.. and more need to learn how to do that.. the only thing that matters is that ur positive and having fun.. you cant fix people being rude and toxic unless you talk to them urself and that just isnt possible

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241
    edited November 2020

    Gotta check my pretty totem first!

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    More perks should be viable on Killer. More Addons should be viable on all Killers. There shouldn't be "low tier" Killers. The fact that there is proves my point. I literally go against SWF back to back to back, especially since cross platform happened. Even more people got on the game because they are able to play with friends easier. And before "Well you can beat strong 4man survivors so then it must be balanced". I put a ridiculous amount of time and effort into learning every single aspect of the game to get that good as Killer. I put barely any effort into Survivor. My issue with the game is that players shouldn't put that much effort into a Casual game to play it causally, and I should have put more effort into survivor - I shouldn't be able to completely stomp red rank Killers like I do as survivor. Then while players are trying to voice this very clear issue, we have people like you who just jump on pretending to be "nice" and "positive" when all you are really doing is trying to dimiss the issue so it doesn't get solved, so that the game continues to be easy for Survivor and a sweat fest for Killer.

    Same as before, get out of here with dismissive comments, and lying to dismiss a serious problem in the game.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    4 minute gens are pretty stupid, ngl.

    There were a few mistakes, and that's honestly fine. Work on those, but honestly don't even blame yourself as much, lmao.