Make your choice buff

Exposed status for 60 useless 150%. Because you dont see who was the "unhooker" unless you camp and then perks dont trigger.
Give the killer his aura for 60 seconds that he can make his choice to hunt the hooked or the "rescue guy".


  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    @Rush_b_naked said:
    Exposed status for 60 useless 150%. Because you dont see who was the "unhooker" unless you camp and then perks dont trigger.
    Give the killer his aura for 60 seconds that he can make his choice to hunt the hooked or the "rescue guy".

    I like make your choice the way it is, but i will say 60 secs is way too long for the unhookers aura to be visible. Maybe 4 secs like BBQ so you can see which direction they go in could be a nice improvement.

  • Rush_b_naked
    Rush_b_naked Member Posts: 49

    yes. something like that. But you need the aura. Otherwise this perkslot is wasted.

  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    Your buff is kinda OP to be honest. If it really "needs" to be buffed, it can the exposed status for all the survivors who are far away from you (not only the unhooker), but this perk is already good enough for its purpose.

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    I like the idea of showing the unhooker's aura, but as Nea said 60 seconds is too long. I think 6 would be fine.
    Another thing this perk desperately needs is to be fixed. Currently the perk does not light up when you are outside of the 32 meter range, and it should.