How can we fix Deathslinger?

Zayn Member Posts: 365
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's common knowledge that Slinger is extremely unfun to go against. Most Slinger's run monitor and abuse so even if you're aware of your surroundings, you'll usually get shot before you even know he's there. Pair this with maps in the game such as Midwich and the Saloon and at most loops, he's able to shoot survivors over them and get easy downs multiple times.

Slinger mains will say that he's fair since he has zero map pressure but what they all seem to conveniently disregard is the fact that map pressure can come quick by getting downs.

You down a survivor -> One other survivor needs to get off gens to save -> Two possible survivors are on gens -> You go to a gen and down another one = two are healing, Another is down and the snowball pressure begins.

Slinger is extremely unfun to play against. I've been playing DBD for almost 3 years and never have we had a killer who can zone with their mere presence like Slinger can unless you count Spirit who can do it at pallet loops where the survivor has nowhere to run to.

Now according to Slinger mains, what are his counters?

"Just dodge his shot and make distance, he'll have to reload and then use his slow movement speed to catch up"

No that doesn't work at high levels of play. It only works against bad slingers who blindly shoot from a distance hoping to get a highlight for their Youtube montage.

"Split up and do gens"

What a great idea! Not like it's the counter to every killer in the game and unfortunately in solo que, I can only do so much as one player, relying on my teammates to do gens efficiently is less common than seeing a Detective Tapp in my lobby.

"Throw pallets earlier"

Sure, until he zones me with his presence resulting in a free shot I can't dodge because of his instant ADS and he reels me around the loop to himself.

"You're just mad we have another killer you can't loop for 5 gens"

No. Don't take this out of context. I want a killer that has an equal chance of outplaying me as I do of outplaying him. Not just being able to make me dodge by being there and then getting a hit no matter what I do.

TLDR: Slinger is a very boring and chase oppressive killer and this shines on maps like Midwich, Hawkins and the Saloon. He should be tweaked in a way where he actually earns his downs instead of being able to fake his ability with instant ADS and then get a hit anyways whether he shoots or not. I main Ghostface and have since his release at rank 1 and yes, I have played Slinger at rank 1 and found him very fun to play but just like Hag, I don't feel rewarded when I win with him.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    map pressure by only one survivor getting downed isn't much pressure as 2 survivors are still free to do gens as one goes for the save, at worst one of those survivors have to stop doing a gen to go for the save or because they are getting chased.

    deathslinger can't snowball unless a survivor is really out positioned and he lacks mobility. He will down you fast deal with it and rely on your team to do gens as this is a team game.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    wait how do you not feel rewarded for winning with hag she is hard AF against good survivors and is stressful to play.

    If you are just placing traps without caring about their positions and in obvious spots like pallets against good survivors they will destroy that web each time you pick a survivor up. she is strong if you know how to play her or the survivors don't know how to go against her but she not comparable to deathslinger at all in terms of gameplay and choices.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    I would actually add a sensitivity slider for the gun. I feel its very cumbersome to aim at times at least when I play my in game sens is very high so it actually messes with my reflexes of my gun control.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    I don’t think guns overheat I’ve used guns in real life they don’t overheat. (Btw I get the joke)

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    The way I would fix deathslinger is one simple change when he ADS and lets go he can’t attack or shoot for 1.5 seconds.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,804

    This would be a fair solution. There either needs to be a Huntress-style charge mechanic or the ADS + fire time need to take a lot longer. I would also like to nerf his reload add-ons, increase survivors' ability to strafe while speared, prevent healthy survivors who break free from the chain from getting deep wounded (or substantially increase his stun when a survivor breaks free), and fix his TR audio so that it's immediately clear when you're in his TR (it starts way too quietly now). I also wouldn't say no to removing his insufferable sneering when he M1s you lol

    In exchange, he'd probably need some other buffs, such as bumping him up to 115%/32m, making his chain longer, increasing his reeling speed, etc.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Slinger is balanced simply because he’s a 110% Killer. He has a default disadvantage in loops which he can make up for by hitting shots.

    If you hit the difficult shots, you can cut chases short. But if you miss, you’ll take longer than a generic 115. He rewards skill and is punished by mistakes. Might not be fun to play against, but its relatively balanced

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Not really. You can buff and need several aspects of his power like I suggested. Nerfing his power only and then making him a 115 wouldn't be a good change imo, because then you'd have yet another killer with a meh, not-so fun to use power and default movement speed. He'd lose his identity. Changing him to be more engaging with his power while keeping his overall strength relatively the same and not making him a 115 is entirely possible.

  • Meteorizer
    Meteorizer Member Posts: 6

    I would just suggest that he needs to aim his gun for about 3 seconds before he can shoot. Survivors then at least have a bigger window to react, or give him a huntress mechanic where he has 3 bullets and he has to reload from lockers.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Even as a deathslinger main I can admit he is not perfectly fine. Maybe they could add a 1.5 second windup similar to huntress, but compensate him with the ability to drag survivors over pallets and obstacles.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Survivors would go even more mad if he could drag them over #########. lol

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Soloq is a gamble and in the worst state its ever been. Devs Only care about SWF and killers. Any decent slinger, Spirit, Freddy, Nurse will stomp solo survs :/ your best bet is to play SWF

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    he fine, if anything its pretty weak and with map reworks he getting less line of sights and less chances to shoot over loops (for example bloodlodge rework have lifted the cars). Maybe if people actually kept a look out and didnt run in a straight line they wouldnt struggle so much. i played two games of him the other day, one game was against potatoes at red ranks who didnt do gens or even try to dodge anything they just ran straight. the other game... well damn did they counter the F outta me and fly through gens. DONT NERF KILLERS BECAUSE OF BAD SURVIVORS.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    The only problem I have with him is his extremely low terror radius. Make it a normal terror radius and that'll pretty much solve most people's problems

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited November 2020

    Windup is not a viable fix, as others have said survivors having too much info on the shot kills the power. Counterplay around Deathslinger HAS to be based on very small reaction windows with cover or minor jukes. Those already are possible, but don't feel great for either DS, or survivor, which is the problem. The windup fix just moves more of the unfun onto DS which is NOT acceptable for a skill intensive killer.

    The other issue is that DS already kinda is in a weird spot, as a 110 movespeed killer his power needs to give him extreme chase potential, but as it stands his power is very 'loopable' because its even more affected by cover than huntress. So things that weaken the power vs loops but increase the power's ability to win open chases (such as having a huntress style windup where the longer you ADS the faster the gun is) aren't great either. Obviously its loop dependent, but there are so many loops where adding even a fraction of a second to the gun's time between aiming and hitting the distance the survivor is at will fail to get the survivor.

    I will say his balance, while probably off, isn't so off that he is in a crisis state that needs fixing now. Honestly while I can get survivors don't like him I think overall he needs a minor buff, its just that he is a very 'lopsided' killer. They could change nothing and I would say 'deal with it' but it would be nice for him to be less clunky and for him to feel better vs survivors.

    Turns out a literal gun would be hard to balance, who knew?

    My thoughts are: No reload, a recharge instead, so DS can't just spam shots, and DS does not slow down or have any wait while aiming down sights. Slow down the initial shot very slightly, increase after a tiny wait time that THEN makes Deathslinger a bit slower aiming.

    So Deathslinger's hipfire is a bit weaker, but if he telegraphs he is planning to shoot there is a small window for him to immediately take the shot and have an easier time of it, which means there is a window where the survivor expects that they need to dodge. It also adds some mindgame potential for DS because if the survivor breaks off looping to do a dodge suddenly you can lower the gun to push in for a hit, or just wait an extra second after they change direction again to actually fire. DS loses less time reloading, but has to wait a bit before trying another shot again, making the power better 'inside' loops but worse spamming over distance.

    Will this be a good change? I dunno. Again, its just such a funky power to tweak because it kinda does the opposite of what you want a 110 power to do. Even though Huntress is very similar her ability is far better inside loops than DS's for many reasons, so copy pasting her downside to DS, when DS's power is already weaker, is just not a good solution.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210
    edited November 2020

    I actually enjoy playing and going against deathslinger. Every shot that land it's because of good or lucky aim. He's 110% movement speed so he really sucks at having map pressure. M8A is his best perk, that allows to catch survivors off guard a bit, but making him a normal 32 tr killer would make him useless because of his limited range.

    He's like a no lullaby huntress with limited range, the reason he doesn't have a lullaby is that A. He can't down a survivor through a dropped pallet with his power, B. Cuz of his limited range, and C. Cuz cowboys don't sing lullabies.

    Let's go over what you said real quick. I'll say my opinion as a trying to be deathslinger main also (started a month ago)

    "Just dodge his shot and make distance, he'll have to reload and then use his slow movement speed to catch up"

    No that doesn't work at high levels of play. It only works against bad slingers who blindly shoot from a distance hoping to get a highlight for their Youtube montage.

    This really did hurt my eyes. Deathslingers tend to use their power on a medium range, it's common. You don't have to aimlessly dodge, you have to be unpredictable. Imagine deathslinger is like a killer with a bit bigger m1 range, they still have to mindgame and predict the survivors to get the shot close range.

    "Split up and do gens"

    What a great idea! Not like it's the counter to every killer in the game and unfortunately in solo que, I can only do so much as one player, relying on my teammates to do gens efficiently is less common than seeing a Detective Tapp in my lobby.

    I know this isn't important at all, but it should be embarrassing that you wrote the word "queue" as que, even more so that a dyslexic person is correcting you, but anyways.

    His insane lack of map pressure is his real weakness. He doesn't have the speed to keep the gens untouched, so a bad chase easily costs him 3 gens if you don't have corrupt. Because you're one player in solo queue which in some instances your team doesn't do gens, it doesn't mean that happens in every single solo q match against deathslinger. If you're red rank btw, most player tend to do gens, just keep that in mind.

    "Throw pallets earlier"

    Sure, until he zones me with his presence resulting in a free shot I can't dodge because of his instant ADS and he reels me around the loop to himself.

    Excuse me I don't understand, if you're in a jungle gym and throw a pallet early the only possible thing he can do with his power is to injure you and inflict deep wound. If you go around huge walls that he can't shoot through he can't do anything. He'll have to chase you until he finds a perfect shot, which you can easily dodge if you have dead hard.

    If the survivor is out of your fvo you're #########, you have to loop him so you can shoot em. And if you manage to shoot em, many things can get in the way in order to break the chain, so it seems fair to me.

    "You're just mad we have another killer you can't loop for 5 gens"

    No. Don't take this out of context. I want a killer that has an equal chance of outplaying me as I do of outplaying him. Not just being able to make me dodge by being there and then getting a hit no matter what I do.

    Deathslingers can get looped for 5 gens, talking from experience. You have so many ways to outplay him and so many different perks. Even if he shoots you, it doesn't mean that he has a hit on you. He'll have to m1 you to down you. You literally went through his counters and the only excuse you had is that you're a solo "que" player, that's actually stupid. In chases tend to go for pallets and walls instead of windows, if you're forced to use a window then dodge. It's like playing vs a huntress with only fully charged hatchets, if you're good you can counter it.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I mean, if you try to just hold M1, I will eventually get you, if you try to loop, I will get you, if you try any cheeky thing I will get you.

    You say "they try to loop him like any other killer" literally which loop is safe against him?

    Jungle gyms? Not safe. Shack? Not safe. Literally any other loop? EZPZ

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    You aren't meant to be safe vs the killer, they are only meant to provide a small delay to the killer CATCHING YOU. But I can see nothing I say to you will ever get you to even consider that you are perhaps not correct. I highly doubt you are a slinger main as well because even the big time people who call for him to be changed don't think he should be nerfed just a power shift.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I never said I wanted nerf. Read my original post, I said that a windup would not be a bad idea, as long as something to add up for it is added, in this case being able to drag survivors from pallets and obstacles. An add-on rework would be fine as well.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Being honest that would just make him more like huntress being able to down people last pallet drops/objects without working for it.

    Him not being able to down them through that without cleaver play is one of the main differences between him and the huntress while also making him more interesting as he can get hits through objects but he needs to be more cleaver about it which makes playing him fun.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    This game is not balanced around swf and the only big problem with solo is that matchmaking is not working. Some survivors play worse than bots and i as red rank get matched with them. You should never balance around this survivors.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    Based on the fact that you literally said that a Slinger can be looped for 5 gens and that you're talking from experience means that you either were looped for 5 gens playing as Slinger which is very bad for you or have looped a Slinger for 5 gens which means the Slinger was bad because no half decent killer will allow themselves to be looped for that long.

    I never said that these counters are void because I'm a solo que player. It's because the way the killer is designed is flawed. The fact that you're making such a big deal about "Que" and Queue" means you're not worth debating with lmao. No decent player I know enjoys going up against Slinger which likely means you're a bit on the lower rank side which is okay. I'm not here to judge.

    Also, you know why I've determined that you aren't worth anymore of my time? You say "be unpredictable" the most common answer to looping Slingers when anyone who goes up against him enough in the red ranks knows that this "counter" is only partial. Being "unpredictable" just allows him to watch you dance around until he walks up and gets an M1 or a point blank shot that is impossible to dodge if you're approaching a pallet or a window.

    "Excuse me I don't understand, if you're in a jungle gym and throw a pallet early the only possible thing he can do with his power is to injure you and inflict deep wound."

    This is terribly wrong lmao. Slinger CAN catch you at a Jungle Gym even if the pallet is already thrown. He just shoots you from the other side of the wall and reels you in to his side. Shack is also worthless against a Slinger and you would know this if you had more experience which it seems you lack. Anyways, reply if you want but don't expect one back from me since anyone who stated the same old "be all and end all" that you just displayed obviously doesn't play at high level which means this discussion isn't for you.

  • Unseen_Force
    Unseen_Force Member Posts: 218
  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365
  • Unseen_Force
    Unseen_Force Member Posts: 218

    Im just surprised a rank 1 veteran still asks for nerfs. "Fixes"

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I think 3 seconds is a lot longer in DBD than you think it is. 1.5 seconds would be more than enough as it would prevent ADS spam for free zoning.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    I mean, rank has nothing to do with it. I want to enjoy the game as much as anyone else does. Billy and Demo are perfect examples of fun to play killers that survivors have an equal chance of "Skill versus Skill" gameplay whereas killers like Spirit and Deathslinger are boring and when you go down to them, instead of saying "wow! very well played" you're saying "Oop, there was nothing I could do in that situation"

    Not complaining but trying to give my take on making the only game I play better for everyone. There are things that are complete BS on the survivor side as well such as DS + Unbreakable, Maps like Ormond and Haddonfield and Keys which all need to be "fixed" as well.

  • Getting hit and then getting shot kinda sucks; but I find him one of the easier killers to go against just because he can't get close enough to people half the time to really do much with it.

    He just can't put out enough pressure to deal with the speed a gen can be done.

  • MissTea91
    MissTea91 Member Posts: 4

    "how can we fix deathslinger?"....... get rid of him X'D

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    How do you think a range killer should play if standing in range of him making no effort to to lose los would still have counterplay to the shot. How do you still make that killer good. If the deathslinger drops a giant indicator he's going to shoot and also be 110 ms how is that going to be addressed? How are you going to address his lack of map pressure and limited range? Plenty of posts break down nerf pls but not a single one of them actually adds answers to potential buffs beyond straight nerfs to an already average killer. If you want to make a post about fixing him put solutions forward.

    Low pressure but instant ads is a problem? How about a compromise of a wind up period with an audio cue where the survivor is exposed if they are hit by the gun. Maybe make his ms increase outside of chase so big maps don't horribly wreck him. Another huge thing fix his ads movement as part of the reason people choose instant ads is his ads movement is awful. Fix it so he moves in a less cumbersome manner whilst holding ads. You said you played him but how can you come in with nerfs if you still haven't grasp exactly his core issues are or examine the consequences of making him ads more when ads aim movement as is is abysmal.

    On his current state I know where he's strong and where he's weak. I have played against average(which doesn't seem to exist in most dbd players minds), great and weak deathslinger's. I have extensive experience playing him and I can tell you that your issues being addressed in the current way your presenting them often results in straight nerfs that push killers down to legion tier. No one should forget these kind of posts pushed the kind of changes that horribly mangled legion and left him in an underwhelming state. Don't do it again killer confidence is already at a low with charlotte lets not add slinger to the list of reason's killers shouldn't bother.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I bet you're meming. First of all the "que" thing was obviously a joke, but sure let's continue.

    I did loop a deathslinger for 5 gens, so it seems that since one person looped a deathslinger for 5 gens (red ranked btw) that means that looping him isn't impossible.

    When I meant being unpredictable I meant LITERALLY be unpredictable. Lose line of sight, double back throw pallets earlier than expected, duck in certain loops. Dodging aimlessly is also effective, hugging walls and then suddenly moving on the left/right is an easy mindgame. Act like he has his weapon ready at all times and you'll be ok.

    You CAN loop on jungle gyms. He is a 110% ms killer so keeping line of sight is difficult in most scenarios. If he misses he has a cooldown before he can hit, and has to reload, so it will allow you to gain distance. Like Huntress, vaulting windows isn't really the best choice, but unlike huntress if you throw the jungle gym pallet even if he shoots you, the chain will snap before he can get a bit on you. So he's either forced to loop you with the pallet still down or break it. If you're on the shack, which is his best spot, you still have some counterplay: focus on being away of his fov, once he seems like he's gonna shoot, dodge and you'll be good. You really have to get on his mind to loop shack, that's why I don't recommend it since it doesn't have many obstacles to hold yourself when he's shot you.

    "You aren't worth of my time" relax mr president we're having a conversation and I'm saying my opinion, you're not obligated to answer if you have more important things to do like trying to get away from rank 20 and complaining in the forums like a 3 year old. You say he's unfun to go against, so let's take another equal example shall we? Plague

    Plague really sucks to go against and she's annoying as #########. But why is she, like deathslinger, not performing extremely well in high ranks? Because people learnt how to counter em and they have almost no pressure whatsoever. Good deathslingers and plagues are hard to go against, that's true. But literally everyone who knows hot to play their killer is hard to go against too. Make the same argument with killers like the nurse. She ignores every loop and was nerfed a while back, looping at shack is also really hard, so why don't you just complain about her? Because you know how much you have to grind to get good with her. She's hard to play and even harder to master, more or less like deathslinger. If he shoots you he either deserves it (predicted what you were gonna do) or you ######### up (didn't dodge or walked in a straight line.

    You don't need to answer this message mr or ms President, I know that mere mortals like myself are not worth of your humble time.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I don't know how people are going to be in here complaining about the funslinger when you still have killers like Hag, Spirit, Nurse, Oni, etc running around.

    His hitbox requires pixel perfection, I used to think he was the worst character in the game when I first played him. Spirit requires a set of headphones. And she probably still downs you faster than him.

    Huntress is just straight up better. Almost anything he can do, huntress does better with the same skill applied. Not to mention throwing truck sized hatchets but that is besides the point. I play residentslinger over huntress because his character appeals to me more, and he's got the built in BM when he downs you.

    He is average when used by normal players. He has no outrageous add-ons. And in the hands of the very best, he is still going to be pale in comparison to a ton of other killers.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    Thing is, I can complain about multiple killers at the same time. I can complain about slinger at the same time as complaining about Hag and Spirit (mostly Spirit); all of those killers have issues in their own rights

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    He ain't broken.

    People just try so goddamn hard to impose the some tactics against every killer, and defend themselves with 'only chases are fun'. They aren't, and not every killer should even be engaged in a chase. Deathslinger isn't the first one, those were Hag and Myers.

    There is an issue, but it's not his ability or anything what people cry bloody murder over.

    It's that he has few maps where he can shine. He's meant to be faced with stealth and outmanoeuvring him outside of loops and jukes. Many maps don't allow for that due to how they are designed as of now.

    But yeah, bigger issue are people that insist to play every match the same way regardless of killer.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Personally, give Deatslinger the same weakness Huntress has, loud noises. You know those clinking boots in stereotypical western movies? Give those to Deatslinger. Now you know where he is in your vicinity and undetectable no longer means anything to him

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    It really feel like the same 12 people keep complaining about deathslinger at a very high rate here. A mid tier killer that has plenty of counter play is not a problem. there are 100+ issues with this game, and deathslinger issues shouldn't be in the top 500 issues to complain about.

  • PanzerSoldat
    PanzerSoldat Member Posts: 1

    Get good 👍

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    He doesnt need fixed. I don't like facing huntress or hag, I'm not actively trying to change how they're played.

    Just because it isn't fun for you doesn't mean it's not fun for the other person. This is a PvP game, there is always going to be give and take in terms of fun. I find winning fun, should the devs change the game so that I win every game?

    The premise is just so absurd and unhealthy for a video game, especially a PvP video game. If you don't like facing him, just do what all the other survivors do when the game doesn't fit them, suicide on hook or dc.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I have had zero issues vs slingers in my games. Just throwing pallets before he is there, making sure to use LoS blockers, recognising which loops he can still get a hit and avoid them, and predicting his shots instead of reacting to them has work relativily well for me.

    Ofcourse I'm not going to claim that all the slingers i played against were mlg gods, but that's my experience

    Does he win chases more then a non chase killer like doctor or Wraith would, ofcourse but that comes with the territory of a chase power killer.

    I have never felt a lack of counterplay, either he played well or i messed up

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Honestly this would be good and in-character. Also very nice atmospherically.

    Tack on a sway if he's walking while ADS so that death slinger's are forced to stand still if they want a perfect shot. A .5 wind up for ADS would be fine too.

  • Pichihime
    Pichihime Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2020

    I agree with most of what you've said in this thread so far, but to say Billy and Demo are good examples of a balanced Killer is plain wrong. Billy has mobility, that's it. He's a SWF's wet dream, if the team is playing at a respectable level he won't land his chainsaw, unless he makes a succesful play, which is highly unlikely when they have put in the hours. He is subjected to loops, where he gets reduced to M1. Chainsaw mindgames won't save him anymore because the revving time takes too long. It's so easy to outplay, I feel bad for him. You can force him to M1 in any area with vaults. So vastly overrated. You can trash a Billy without thinking out of the box most of the time, and that is enough to warrant he's low tier.

    Demo is very underwhelming as well, if every Killer was at Demo's level this game would be pure sadism on the survivors end. Don't give the devs bad ideas.

    A good idea of a balanced Killer would be Freddy (except that ridiculous lunge that needs fixing)

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Leave mr yeehaw grandpa alone

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    This isn't about him needing a change... It's about you losing chases 1v1.

    He gets fewer overall kills per match than most killers.

    So next time he kills you try:

    A) Going into spectator mode.

    2) Watch how the other survivors survive (because statistically 2 to 3 will survive most matches).

    ∆) Apply what you learn.

    Hint: it'll be avoiding 1v1 baiting him and learning how to run from line of sight blocker to line of sight blocker.

    If none of that works (because you didn't try it), come back and start a new thread instead of changing your tactics k.

    You're welcome

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    Don't tell me how to play. I'm usually the last person who gets downed by him, it's not about me "losing chases" and more of the fact that he's unfun to go against. You think I don't already go from LOS blocker to LOS blocker? It isn't that easy because there's other factors involved such as his pretending to shoot and then not shooting at all which costs the survivor A LOT of distance allowing him to get a free point blank shot or the M1, your "counter" also varies from map to map. You can't always reliably go to and LOS blocker on, let's say, the middle of Autohaven maps or maps like Midwich where the Hallways are free shots for a Slinger and even the rooms as well with short loops he can shoot over.

    You people who support killers like this think you know the be all and end all solutions when it's obvious you disregard everything that takes place in between them. There's a reason even streamers who play this game as a JOB dislike Slinger. I bet you think Freddy chasing a survivor around a loop spamming snares is also interactive gameplay as well. Yes, you can abandon the loop and go somewhere else but a lot of the time, that's simply not possible. You probably also think Spirit standing still is a "Mindgame" when you're cornered into a loop at the edge of the map so before you come in trying to give someone who's been playing DBD at the highest level of play for a very long time, look in between the lines before giving your two cents k.

    "You're welcome"

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827
    edited November 2020

    His power is stomping YOUR ass in a 1v1. Thats his only strength.

    I'm not telling you how to play... I'm telling you how to avoid getting tilted enough to demand a nerf on an average killer. You can't "usually be the last one down" because DS doesn't usually 4k.

    My guess is in your 3 years of playing you've become accustomed to surviving by looping and 1v1 chase tactics. So rather than listen to any viable info. You'll just say "don't tell me how" and "he's no fun to go against" and try to cry til every killer follows your skill set rather than to adapt and LEARN from mistakes.

    If I'm not to tell you how to do better, where do you get off telling the COMMUNITY to nerf a killer only people like you can't win against?

    And enough of the spirit comparison 😂🤣🤣.

    One kills you... The other kills anybody