Survivor hex perks

I was thinking about how survivors can take away the killers strongest perks by doing bones. Which is a good idea BTW, gives surviors a chance against certain perks.
I think it would be cool if the killer could do that to survivors. Like make unbreakable, adrenaline, object of obsession or at a push ds and others on a different style of hex dotted around the map.
Then when survivors moan about ruin.... Do bones
When killers moan about object of obsession.... Do bones
Doesn't have to be bones, I just can't come up with a good idea what the totem would be
I would love a perk that makes it that when a survivor cleanses a dull totem it turns into a hex totem that heals the next survivor that cleanses it, or some other kind of buff
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I like that idea. You could have a whole new set of perks for survivor totems
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Maybe low emblems scattered around maps. One could be a form of Prove Thy Self for the whole team, or another that knocks the Exhaustion timer down by a quarter. Many possibilities.
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Should be flowery shrine style effigies.
But this actually makes a lot of sense.
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The more I think about it, the more I genuinely think it could work. I dont know anything about actually coding games but it can't be a massive pain in the ass job.
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I think it should be like “enchanting” a gen or something. That way the killer can damage it just like survivors can damage hexes.
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Instead of totems, survivors could have altars that the killer can crush with a standard break action. Call them boon perks. I think it would be cool, but not as a way to nerf current perks, but to add new perks
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Hex : Devour Pain
But anyway the problem with that perk is that it makes your teammates panic and it might help the killer. Imagine your teammates just running around trying to do gens and then they see that hex totem. Now your entire team starts throwing themselves on that totem thinking it's Devour Hope while the killer wonders if BBQ has been turned into a hex. Even if the totem has a different design, it just means that survivors coming to it are injured ones, making it the perfect killer bait.