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Spirit permanent invisibility bug (lag related)

Found a bug in a match a few minutes ago where I was playing as Spirit on PC and I lagged out while Phasing. I was stuck in a state where I was charging Phase Walk and unable to stop charging it, enter Phase Walk, attack, kick gens, ect. However, I was able to move around. After a while I was able to attack again, but the survivors didn't react to me being around them at all.
At first I thought they had given up and were farming, but I realized I was actually invisible to them. I started recording a little bit after it started, and after rewatching the recording I noticed I was moving abnormally fast as well. I'll add a link to the video once it uploads to youtube.
Platform: PC
Issue: Spirit is permanently invisible and abnormally fast while not Phasing
Reproduce: Large amounts of lag while charging Phase Walk
Occurrence: First time experiencing the issue